Fermilab Computing Sector
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CMS Computing


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The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment is a general-purpose  particle physics experiment. Designed to see a wide range of particles  and phenomena produced in LHC collisions, each involves approximately  2,000 physicists from more than 30 countries. These scientists will  use the data collected from the complex CMS detector to search for new  phenomena including the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, and extra  dimensions. They will also measure the properties of previously- discovered quarks and bosons with unprecedented precision, and be on  the lookout for completely new, unpredicted phenomena.

CMS is using a globally distributed computing model. The data is  processed first at CERN and then transferred to the regional Tier-1  data centers around the world. The Tier-1 centers then skim the data  for physics signals and provide them to Tier-2 centers. The Computing Sector has built the largest CMS Tier-1 center in the world which is  mission critical to the CMS experiment.

The Computing Sector provides state of the art computing,  networking, and storage solutions to tackle the challenge of the  massive data transfer, data archiving, and data processing required by  CMS. Equally important to CMS is the strong pool of development and support effort provided by the Computing Sector that CMS has been able to draw upon  to contribute to the development of the CMS software framework, the  CMS workflow and data management systems.


More Information: USCMS Home, CMS Experiment Home



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Last updated by cdweb on 04/29/2008





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