
OAA Job Openings

Eligibility for job openings varies by position. Some positions may be open to U.S. citizens or may be restricted to current federal government employees.

Check each job opening Who May Be Considered and Who May Apply categories to determine your eligibility.

How to Apply

The U.S. Army has employed civilians since 1776 in support of men and women in uniform. The Department of Defense is America's oldest, largest, busiest and most successful "company". Today, with over 25,000 civilian employees, the Army is the Department of Defense's largest Federal employer. For more information, visit the Civilian Personnel On-Line(CPOL) website, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management website or USA Jobs website.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Department of the Army strives to ensure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment for Army civilian employees and applicants for employment. Equal employment opportunity policies for minorities, women, and handicapped individuals are implemented by aggressive affirmative action programs that are designed to meet locally established goals and objectives. Employment policies and practices in the Department of the Army are free from unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or handicap. The basic principle of equal employment opportunity underlies all aspects of the civilian personnel management program in the Army.