Vision and Mission

Our Vision:

An innovative, results-oriented organization recognized for service and workforce excellence.

Our Mission:

The Office of the Administrative Assistant provides executive-level administrative support to the Secretary of the Army and senior Army leaders. OAA manages resources for Headquarters, Department of the Army; provides information technology services to the greater Pentagon community; and manages the Army’s publishing, records management, and historical and heraldry programs. OAA also provides visual information services, security, safety and other support services to a diverse customer base.

“...we should strive to strengthen the institutions, and processes that produce the individual Soldier for our Army. In other words, we need to ensure that the foundation of our Army - “The Generating Force” is up to that challenge.”

The Honorable John McHugh
Secretary of the Army


We are firm in our allegiances to each other, our organization, our mission, and our country.


We fulfill our personal and professional obligations.


We treat others as we expect to be treated, and in so doing establish mutual trust.

Selfless Service

We act for the greater good by putting our organization and customers ahead of our professional interests.

Honor and Integrity

We do what is right, legally and morally.

Personal Courage

We demonstrate the courage of our convictions and accept personal accountability.

A Message from the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

The Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army has developed a bold new strategic plan that is resultsoriented and captures the enduring nature of “Service and Workforce Excellence.” After identifying six overarching mission areas, we developed specific strategic goals, subordinate tasks and subtasks, and ways to measure our success in each mission area. By focusing on these strategic initiatives and directing our efforts, OAA’s senior leadership will be able to turn our vision into reality and enhance customer satisfaction.

We—OAA’s Soldiers, civilians, and contractors—are capable of providing superior service and support to our Nation, its citizens, our customers, and our stakeholders despite the tests we face in dealing with the uncertainties of reduced postwar budgets. I am challenging the workforce to meet our mission every day by efficiently using our resources in these times of fiscal constraint.

Joyce E. Morrow
Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army

"Service and Workforce Excellence"
Lines of Effort Graphic

Manage OAA Resources

Conduct effective and efficient stewardship of OAA human, financial, and infrastructure resources.

Knowledge Management

Build a framework that allows OAA leaders to share critical knowledge and information allowing more informed, timely decisions.


Enhance business service delivery. Achieve efficiencies through the appropriate application of technology.

Headquarters Services and Support

Provide exceptional support services to the Headquarters Department of the Army, Joint Staff, DoD, and other Federal agencies located in the National Capital Region.

Resources and Programs

Conduct effective and efficient stewardship of HQDA resources. Conduct effective program management.

Military History and Heritage

Preserve, protect and interpret the Army’s history and traditions in order to build esprit de corps, educate and professionally develop our Army, and to inform and enlighten the public.