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Five Year Development

The intent of the Great Lakes Navigation System Five Year Development Perspective (FYDP) is to provide a cohesive major Navigation system outlook for at least five years to accomplish several objectives:

  • Provide cohesive Navigation System development needs
  • Concisely describe system development needs focused on achieving reliability 
  • Evaluate optimum system funding needs 
  • Facilitate stakeholders involvement & participation

This is an information report for the purpose of eliciting the expertise of Great Lakes navigation stakeholders regarding the identification and reporting of navigation system needs and priorities, and is a starting point in the formulation of each year's annual budget request.  This report does not represent a recommendation for funding in the President's budget and does not include consideration of other national funding needs.

Dredging. The Great Lakes Districts estimate that approximately 3.35 M cubic yards of dredging is required annually to maintain Great Lakes federal harbors and channels.  From the mid 90s to 2007 limited funding led to less than 2.35 MCY of dredged system-wide on an annual basis and backlog. The buildup of shoaling is estimated at 18 million cubic yards.  The Corps has a plan which can restore channels to their authorized dimensions.   

Dredged Material Disposal Capacity. There are 26 active Confined Disposal Facilities (CDF) supporting Crops dredging on the Great Lakes.  Their capacity varies from very limited (e.g. Cleveland) to extensive (e.g. Monroe).   The new Saginaw DMDF should open in FY2008 and the Indiana Harbor CDF is schedule to open in FY2010.   Several new CDFs are planned around the Great Lakes. 

Breakwaters and Structures.  Over 50% of the coastal structures on the Great Lakes were built prior to World War I (1918) and 80% are older than their typical 50-year design life.  Federal funding for maintenance of projects is prioritized base on economic benefits related to commercial navigation.   Federal breakwaters at harbors with small amounts of commercial navigation are a low priority for funding.   Funding for structure repairs at harbors with significant levels of commercial navigation has been under funded for the last decade.

Construction.  The Indiana Harbor Confined Disposal Facility is under construction.  Proposed for construction are several new CDFs and the replacement Soo lock. 

Investigations.  Comprehensive investigations, condition assessments, and risk analyses are required management measures to efficiently and effectively maintain the GLNS.  Current work includes completing Great Lakes St Lawrence Seaway Navigation System Study and economics analysis for the Great Lakes. 


Links to download documents

The FYDP and all Project Fact Sheets in Adobe Reader format for each Construction project, O&M existing project, and Investigations study are available through the Internet links below. 

FY07-FY12 Great Lakes Navigation Five Year Development Perspective 

All Project Fact Sheets (in single Adobe Reader file or individual Adobe Reader files as listed below)



This document was prepared as an approximation of anticipated needs on the Great Lakes to support the Navigation mission at an optimum level. This document is intended for use in generating interest and communication among stakeholders. Cost estimates and project projections shown in the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Five Year Development Perspective (FYDP) reflect technical assessments of future funding needs to achieve reliability and efficiency in the Navigation systems. The project financial and schedule information provided in the FYDP are estimates only and do not represent future years' President's Budget amounts or commitments. It is not in any way intended to be a budgetary document of any sort, nor is it intended to imply any commitment on the part of the Administration or Congress to provide funding at the approximated levels depicted in this report