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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Reinstatement of Privileges
  • The Inspector hears any requests for early reinstatement of Base privileges once privileges are restricted or revoked.
  • Base Regulations state that any person whose MCB Hawaii driving privileges have been suspended or revoked by MCB Hawaii Traffic Court may appeal to the MCB Hawaii Commanding Officer (Attn: Base Inspector) via the chain of command within 10 workdays from the date of notice.
  • The appeal must state clearly why the action warrants review by the Commanding Officer.
  • Suspensions/revocations remain in effect while the appeal is processed.
  • Some examples of common requests are:
    • Driving privileges - Driving Privileges Sample Letter
    • Driving privileges for Government Owned Vehicles (GOV) only reinstatement for the purpose of performing required work
    • Facilities privileges (PX, Commissary, MCCS recreational facilities, etc.)
  • Procedures:
    • Request for reinstatement is received with appropriate endorsements from the Chain of Command.
    • Base Inspector reviews the request and will be judged on its own merits. The following are guidelines when considering reinstatement of privileges:
  • Driving privileges revoked due to a DUI:
    • The individual's chain of command must prove that it is impossible for the individual to complete his/her responsibilities without being able to drive a POV or GOV.
    • Prior to reinstatement, the individual must have a valid drivers license, Valid Insurance, Valid Registration, Valid Safety, Suspension Letter, Traffic Citation.
    • Individual must complete all required safety courses and mandated training (Remedial Driver Improvement Course, etc.).
  • Facilities privilege reinstatement almost never for youth, and only under direct supervision or accompaniment of the sponsor for a spouse who has lost his/her privileges due to misconduct (shoplifting, destruction of government property, etc.) and then only for extreme situations.
    • If reinstatement is granted, the Inspector Admin Chief prepares the required reinstatement letter for the Inspector's signature.
    • The individual will meet with the Inspector in person to review the conditions of reinstatement.