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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Information for Parents

1. Hawaii Public Schools by Housing Area:

2. Hawaii Private Schools

3. Gifted and Talented Programs

4. Geographical Exceptions – Under Hawai'i laws, all persons of school age are required to attend the school in the geographic area in which they reside. However, permission to attend another school may be granted by the department. Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 13, governs the attendance of public school students in a school outside of the geographic area in which they reside. As provided for in Chapter 13, permission to attend another school may be granted with the welfare of the student as a major consideration. For more information, please visit the Hawaii Department of Education Geographic Exceptions website.

5. Registration/Enrollment (State of HI DOE website)

6. Registration/Enrollment (SLO Quick Reference Guide)

7. Hawaii Joined the Interstate Compact on 25 June 2009 - The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children was developed in an effort to reduce the educational and emotional issues encountered when military dependents are required to transfer from schools in one state to another. Issues addressed by the Compact are:

  • Educational records and enrollment: unofficial or hand carried records; official education records and transcripts; immunizations; kindergarten and first grade.
  • Eligibility: power of attorney; non-custodial parents; tuition; extracurricular activities.
  • Placement and Attendance: course placement/educational program placement; special education services.
  • Placement: placement flexibility; absence as related to deployment activities
  • Graduation: waiver requirements; exit exams; transfers during senior year.

For more information, please visit The Council of State Governments website.

Or, go here for a State by State Tracking Chart.

8.  Home Schooling Information

9. School Bus Transportation