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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Wedge-tailed Shearwaters

Nov - Dec is the annual “Shearwater fallout” season on base and around the islands. Juvenile Wedge-tailed Shearwaters (seabirds) are learning to fly. Often disoriented by base lights, they fly inland instead of towards the sea, fall to the ground and get injured or become vulnerable to predators, vehicle strikes, etc.

If found, please call the trained rescue squad:

Environmental Dept
(808) 257- 7000
(808) 216-7135
(808) 520-3641
MCB Hawaii Animal Control Officers
(808) 257-1821
After Hours - MP Desk Sergeant
(808) 257-2123

For more information, click HERE to download the Shearwater Information Flyer.