International Pistol Team

The International Pistol Team’s missions are to raise the standard of marksmanship and combat readiness throughout the Army and to enhance the Army’s recruiting effort. The team accomplishes the first element of its missions by conducting Basic Pistol Marksman Courses on Fort Benning for Active Army, Army Reserve, National Guard, and ROTC units.

The International Rifle Team enhances the Army’s recruiting effort by interacting with the public through various and local level Junior and JROTC competitions and clinics on Fort Benning, as well as representing the Army Marksmanship Unit on an international level.

Ultimately, competing in and winning National and International level competitions enables the International Pistol Team to share the knowledge gained from these competitions with the broader Army in an effort to increase the Army’s combat readiness. These competitions also enable the team to connect America’s people with America’s Army in unique ways that may support the overall Army accessions mission and subsequently raise the Army’s combat readiness as well.



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