Competition Schedule

The Chief of Competition plans, directs, and coordinates the competition and shooting functions, work operations, and activities for the USAMU. He assists coaches in researching and developing techniques needed to take teams and individuals to the level of national champions and Olympic medallists. He provides support to coaches in developing the necessary training for the USAMU to compete and win at the Interservice, National and International level and promotes marksmanship throughout the Army. He works with the Director of the Civilian Marksmanship Program to provide coaching schools and the National Matches and International Rifle Clinics to the Nations top junior shooters. He works with military and civilian organizations to provide coaching and schedule clinics and demonstrations. He Coordinates and executes matches hosted on USAMU ranges. Works with match sponsors to ensure match operations and range facilities are adequate for competition.

Columbus Hotel & Accommodations for all event participants.


Weapons Disclosure and Responsibility Statement (DOWNLOAD NOW) This document is required by all civilians bringing firearms on Fort Benning


350-66 Excellence in Competition Regulation, 27 AUG 2012 (DOWNLOAD NOW)

2013 US Army Small Arms Championships 28 JAN to 8 FEB 2013 • Fort Benning, GA




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