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2013 LUG Election Results

LANSCE welcomes Hillary Smith of the California Institute of Technology Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science
Hillary has been elected student representative for 2013-2015.

The new LUG charter has been accepted in toto.:
The new charter includes:
1.    IV Meetings - A LANSCE User Group (LUG) meeting shall be held approximately every other year at or near the LANSCE site at a time designated by the LUG Executive Committee.

2.    IV Meetings - In years when an on-site LUG meeting is not held, the LUG should establish a presence at professional meetings such as those of the Neutron Scattering Society of American and the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical society, via a special session, booth, or poster presentation as appropriate.
3.    V Executive Committee and Officers - Allowance of two Graduate Student and/or Postdoc representatives, each serving a two-year term, with one member elected each year (so that the terms are staggered).

4.    V.B Officers - Clarifies the mechanism by which the Vice Chair of the Executive Committee is elected, and the eligibility for this position.  Following the standard procedure at other user facilities, we stipulate that the Vice Chair be a person not employed by LANL.

5.    V.B  Officers - Referred to the "LANSCE User Program Coordinator."  As there is no such person at present, this sentence has been replaced by the statement in Section VI.g. Functions and Procedures - g) The LANSCE User Office will provide administrative support as necessary to the LUG and its Executive Committee.

Thank you for voting!