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LANSCE User Group Charter



The name of this organization shall be the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) User Group.


The purpose of the LANSCE User Group(LUG) is to:

• Provide a formal channel for the exchange of information between LANSCE management and the researchers who use the facilities.
• Supply a vehicle for users of LANSCE to transmit concerns and recommendations to the LANSCE management about operating policy, facilities, and other matters affecting the user community.
• Facilitate and promote involvement of scientists and engineers in specific development projects at LANSCE.
• To advocate the interests of the LANSCE Users to LANSCE sponsors, including the Department of Energy and Congress, and advisory and review committees, either by itself or in partnership with umbrella groups such as the National User Facility Organization.


Membership in the LUG is open to all users and potential users of the various research facilities at LANSCE and scientists and engineers engaged in the operation and development of spallation neutron sources. All people listed on beam time proposals are automatically enrolled as LUG members for two years after the proposal submission, with the option of declining or resigning membership at any time. Interested people not listed on beam time proposals may also become LUG members for two years by registering through the LANSCE website. Biennial renewal of membership is required to maintain active status in the LUG.

A unique feature of LANSCE is the scientific diversity of the research programs that can be addressed at its facilities. The LUG membership form contains a representative list including such topics as materials science, condensed-matter physics, defense-related research, structural biology, nuclear technology, and nuclear and particle physics. Members are requested to identify the discipline(s) in which they are working or interested. This information will be used to help determine the composition of LUG and organize special working groups and mailings on activities and concerns connected with specific disciplines.


A LANSCE User Group (LUG) meeting shall be held approximately every other year at or near the LANSCE site at a time designated by the LUG Executive Committee. Notice of the LUG meeting shall be sent to the members of the LUG at least two months in advance of the meeting date and shall include a tentative agenda for the meeting. The Executive Committee will plan the meeting, including preparation of the agenda, with assistance from LANSCE staff. The Chair of the Executive Committee will prepare a summary of the meeting that will be available to all members.   In years when an on-site LUG meeting is not held, the LUG should establish a presence at professional meetings such as those of the Neutron Scattering Society of America and the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, via a special session, booth, or poster presentation as appropriate.


A. Executive Committee
An Executive Committee will conduct the regular business of the LUG. The Committee will comprise 13 members: three officers (Chair, Vice Chair, and Past Chair),  two Graduate Student or Postdoc members, and eight regular members. Officers will serve 4-year terms, regular members will serve 3-year terms, and the student or postdoctoral  member will serve a 2-year term. Terms for members shall begin on the January 1 following the election process that will take place  in November or December. Nominations for regular members of the Executive Committee can be made by any group of LUG members (three signatures minimum; e-mail constitutes signature); nominations submitted prior to the announced deadline will be accepted by the Executive Committee, which will be responsible for preparing a list of candidates for the fall election. The election process (distributing biographies of the candidates and ballots, tallying the votes, and reporting the results) will be carried out by the LANSCE User Office using mail and/or e-mail. Election of members will be based on simple pluralities of votes cast.

If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice Chair shall assume the position of Chair for the remainder of the term and the next term, and the Executive Committee shall elect a new Vice Chair from its membership. If the office of Vice Chair becomes vacant, the Executive Committee shall elect a new Vice Chair to serve the remainder of the term and to serve as Chair the following term. If the office of Past Chair becomes vacant, the Executive Committee may elect a new Past Chair to finish the term.

In preparing a slate of candidates, the Executive Committee shall attempt to provide appropriate representation on the Executive Committee of the principal activities at LANSCE by requesting nominees in the following positions: Lujan (3 positions), WNR (2 positions), Isotope Production Facility (1 position), UltraCold Neutron Facility (1 position), Proton Radiography (1 position), Industry (1 position), Graduate Student  or Postdoc (1 position to be filled each year), and Open (2 positions).

B. Officers
The officers of the Executive Committee shall include a Chair, Vice Chair, and Past Chair, each serving one-year terms. Subsequent to the election of new members, the Executive Committee shall hold a meeting at LANSCE, preferably in January.  At this meeting they will elect a Vice Chair from one of the regular members who is beginning the second year of his/her term and who is not employed by LANL.  The Vice Chair shall serve during the ensuing year, and will succeed to Chair in the following year.  The former Chair will serve as Past Chair during the subsequent year.

C. Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee shall meet at the time of the biennial LUG  meeting and at such other times as called for by the Chair or by a majority of the Executive Committee membership.


a) The Executive Committee, drawing on suggestions from the LUG, shall make recommendations to LANSCE management for persons to serve on the Program Advisory Committees for the Lujan Center, WNR, and Proton Radiography facilities.

b) The Executive Committee, drawing on suggestions from the LUG, shall make recommendations to LANSCE management on operating policies, needs for future facilities and instrumentation, and other matters affecting the user community.

c) The Executive Committee may, on its own initiative, and shall, upon instruction of a majority of members attending a general meeting, submit questions for consideration to the full membership. Results of the deliberations of the LUG and its Executive Committee shall be communicated to LANSCE management.

d) The Executive Committee shall plan and run the biennial meeting of the LUG.

e) The Executive Committee will assure good communication between the LANSCE user community and LANSCE management and serve, when appropriate, as an advocacy group.

f) The chair of the Executive Committee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the LANSCE Advisory Board.

g) The LANSCE User Office will provide administrative support as necessary to the LUG and its Executive Committee.


This charter shall be adopted if approved by two-thirds of the LUG members voting.
A proposed amendment to this charter, bearing the signatures of at least five LUG members, may be introduced at any time. The membership will vote on the amendment within one month of the date on which the amendment was introduced. A two-thirds majority of members voting is required for passage of the amendment.