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A - Z Subject Listing, U.S. Citizen Services

A-Z Subject Listing



We are expanding this index to get you the information you need about living or traveling in India.  If you'd like additional information posted here, let us know at


Abduction (International Parental Child Abduction) 
Abduction in India
Absentee Voting                                                                  Accommodation in India                                                                          Accountants (Taxes)
Adding Visa Pages to Your Passport                                              Administrative Processing Information                                                 Adult Passport Renewal                                                                Adoption - Central Authority in India
Adoption - General Information About Adopting in India
Air Ambulance / Medi-Vac Info  
Amending/Correcting the Consular Report of Birth
American Center                                                                            American Citizens Traveling Abroad                                               American Library, New Delhi                                                            Americans in India Journal                                                                     Animals, Importing/Exporting                                                                          Taking a Pet Overseas                                                                             Pets in India: Indian Requirements                                        Apostilles- Obtaining in India or the U.S.                 

Application form for Passport Pages   
    • Passport Application Process 
Application:  Consular Report of Birth Abroad (DS-2029)  
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad Process in New Delhi    
Application:  Add Extra Pages   
Application:  Social Security Card (PDF 56KB)
Appointments for Passports and Notary Services 
    • Office Holidays and Closures
Arrest of an American Citizen                                                                ART, Artificial Reproductive Technology in India
Assisted Reproductive Technology

Attorneys List
Attorneys (Procedures for Retaining a Foreign Attorney)
Attorneys in the U.S. (ABA Lawyer Referral Service) 
Authenticate documents for use in the U.S. or India
Avian Flu and other Pandemics
    • Avian Flu and other Pandemics - India


Baby (Baby's First Passport & Report of Birth in India) 
Bhutan: Country Report                                                                        Bird Flu 
Birth Certificates, Order from a State in the U.S.   
Birth Certificate for Americans Born Abroad 
Birth Certificate for Americans Born Abroad - How to Amend/Correct  
Burial Flags for Veterans                                                                Business Disputes 


Center for Disease Control   
Changing Your Name in Your Passport

Chemical/Biological Agents Fact Sheet 
Child Citizenship Act of 2000  
Child Abduction in India 
Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program  
Child's Passport/Birth/Social Security                                                   Child Support Issues                                                                   Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) 
Citizenship: Renunciation
Closure Dates for American Citizen Services                              Commercial Disputes                                                                        Commercial Services 

Consultants (Taxes)                                                                       Consular Notification and Access                                                       Consular Report of Birth                                                                  Consular Report of Death                                                                Contact Information and Hours  

Correcting or Amending a U.S. Passport 
Country Specific Information for India                                                 Crime in India                                                                                      Crime Victim Assistance                                                                       Crime Victim Assistance in New Delhi                                                  
Criminal Record Checks from the U.S. for U.S. Citizens 
Criminal Background Checks and Fingerprinting in India 
Customs and Import Restrictions 


Death Certificates (Consular Report of Death) 
    • General Info 
    • Death of U.S. Citizen in India 
    • Disposition of Remains Report  
Declaration of Foreign Assets                                                                     Dentists                                                                                     Depositions                                                                        Detention/Arrest Overseas                                                                 Digital Town Hall Transcript (12/7/2011)                                     Disabilities – Traveling with Disabilities                                           Disaster Preparedness                                                                           • Are You Ready? Guide                                                                              • Disaster Assistance                                                                    • Foreign Disaster Assistance                                                                    CDC Emergency Preparedness                                                       Disputes (Commercial and Business)    
Divorce Overseas 
DNA and Parentage Blood Testing
DNA Testing Facilities
Domestic Violence                                                                               Driving Overseas-- International Permit Info                                        Drug Offenses Overseas                                                                         DS-11: Application for a U.S. Passport                                                    DS-3053: Statement of Consent for a Passport to a Minor < 16                DS-4085: Application for Additional Visa Pages                                      DS-5504: Application for a U.S. Passport - Name Change, Data Correction, and Limited Passport Replacement                                       DS-64: Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport                              DS-82: Application for a U.S. Passport by Mail (Renewals only)            Dual Nationality 
Dual Nationality: Loss of U.S. Citizenship


Earthquakes in India (USGS website)                                        Earthquake Preparedness (Guide)                                                Electronic Federal Tax Payment
Embassy and Consulates of India in the United States                              Emergency Loans Through Department of State                                  English Newspapers in India                                                               Enroll with the Embassy for Security and Travel Information               Estates of Deceased U.S. Citizens Overseas                                Evidence, Obtaining Abroad  
Exchange Rate for Fees
Extending Your Passport's Validity

Family Based Immigrants                                                                    Family Issues
Federal Benefits Overseas                                                               Federal Taxes                                                                                       Fiancé (e) or Spouse of an American Citizen - Immigrant ("K" Visa)

Financial Emergencies and Sending Money Overseas                     Financial Scams                                                                                 Finding Someone in India                                                         Fingerprinting in India 
First Passport (Baby)
Flags for Veterans
Foreign Embassies in India 
Foreign Embassies in the United States                                           Foreign Commercial Service                                                             Foreign Service Exam                                                                          Forms and Applications

    • Passport Forms-- Apply Online (all applicants)   
    • Add Pages / Passport Amendment Forms  
    • DS-64 (lost or stolen passport supplemental form)  
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad  
    • DS-2029 Continuation Sheet (PDF 115KB)  
    • Parental Consent Form DS-3053  
    • Social Security Card Application (PDF 56KB)  
    • Visas to the U.S.
    • Visas to India                                                                                   Fraud – Internet Scams                                                                  Freedom of Information Act 
FRRO: Foreign Regional Registration Office  
Foreign Service Officers Test (FSOT) (PDF 247KB)


Green Card Questions  

Health Information for Americans Overseas                                       Health Information on India (CDC)                                                  Holidays (American & Indian) 
Hours and Contact Information

India Ministry of Tourism
Indian Tourism Info 
Indian Visas and Immigration Information
Immunization Information
Insurance (Travel)    
International Drivers License 
International Travel                                                                   Intercountry Adoption                                                                     Internet Dating and Romance Scams                                              Internet Based Registration System (IBRS)                                     Internet Financial Scams    ITIN                                                                                                  Internal Revenue Service                                                                  Income Tax

                                                                                                          Judicial Assistance Overseas

Kidnappings Between India and the U.S.                                                "K" Visa for Fiancé (e) or Spouse of an American Citizen                        

Lawful Permanent Resident - (LPR) - "Green Card" - CBP Website    Lawful Permanent Resident - (LPR) - "Green Card" - USCIS Website   Lawyers in India
Lawyers in the U.S. (ABA Lawyer Referral Service)                              Legal Assistance Overseas                                                                 Letters Rogatory                                                                                 Living Overseas                                                                                  Loans 
    • Financial Emergencies in India   
    • Emergency Loans Through Department of State 
Lost Green Card                                                                                    Lost Passport 
    • DS-64 (supplemental form for lost passports)  


Medi-Vac / Air Ambulance Info
Marriage in India
Marriage of U.S. Citizens Abroad
Medallion Signatures                                                                        Medical Insurance Overseas 
Medical Resources                                                                            Messages to U.S. Citizens 
Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India)  (make appointment here)
Missing People 
    • Welfare Visits to a U.S. Citizen in India  
Money Transfers in India (Emergency) 
Money (General Information on Sending Money Overseas)

Natural Disaters (earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons)
Nepal: Country Report
Newborn Baby:  Report a Birth Abroad    
New Delhi Tourism 
    • Indian Tourism

No Objection Certificates                                                                      Non-resident Indian Status (chart)  

Notary/Notarial Services                                                                                   • U.S. Documents, Using in India                                                                 • Indian Documents, Using in the U.S.                                                       • Affidavits, Apostilles and Other Notary Questions                       Nuclear/Radiological Incident Fact Sheet  

Obtaining Evidence in India                                                                    OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) Information                                 Overseas Citizens in India Status (chart)                                      Overseas Citizens Services                                                           Overseas Citizen Services Trust


Pakistan:  Country Report                                                             Pakistan, Visas for                                                                          Parental Child Abduction                                                                 Parental Consent Form (DS-3053)
    • Also see:  Passports for Minors 
    • Application Form Online (everyone should use this)    
    • Make Appointment (required)  
    • Adult Renewal (16 years or older)  
    • Renew by Mail (adult renewals only)  
    • Child Renewal (under 16 years of age)  
    • Report of Birth Abroad/First-Time Passport   
    • Lost or Stolen Passport   
    • Add Pages or Make a Change    
Pets Overseas 
    • Pets in India 
PIO (Person of Indian Origin) Information                                              PIO Cardholder Status (chart)  
Police Clearances from the U.S. for U.S. Citizens
Prescriptions Overseas 
Privacy Act Waiver (Authorization for the Release of Information under the Privacy Act)   (PDF 29KB)



Rabies in India                                                                                        Re-entry into India (Two-month Rule)                                            Registration with the Embassy
Registration Requirements for Indian Visas
Remains-- Returning a Deceased Loved One to the U.S. 
Renew My Existing Passport (Adult) 
Renew My Existing Passport (Child) 
Renunciation of Citizenship
Report of Birth
Road Safety Overseas


Summer Hire Program 2012
    • Announcement (PDF 225KB)
    • Form (PDF 210KB)
Security Updates: Receive by Email and SMS  
Selective Service Registration                                                          Sending Money Overseas                                                                 Service of Process  
Social Security 
    • Social Security Card Application (PDF 56KB)                                    State/Local Taxes                                                                                 STEP - Enroll for Security and Travel Updates 
Studying Abroad
Swine Flu and other Pandemics


Tax Consultants
Taxes - Form 8938 (Foreign Assets)                                                     Time Difference Between India and the U.S. 
Tourism (India Ministry of Tourism)
Tourism in Delhi   
Tourism Fraud and Complaints                                                  Transferring Money Overseas                                               Transportation Letter (for lost Green Cards)
Travel Alerts
Travel Insurance
Travel Tips from the Department of State                                           Travel Tips to India                                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                                                             U.S. Citizens Traveling Abroad                                                               U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)                                 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)                                            U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)                                          U.S. Embassies and Consulates Overseas - Locate                               U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)


Verification of Employment Offers
Veteran Affairs
Victims of Crime 
    • General Information
    • Victims of Crime in India 
    • Victim's Assistance Guide: India (PDF 139KB)
    • To the U.S. 
    • To India 
    • Registration Requirements for Indian Visas
Vital Records: Info on Ordering Records from the U.S. 
    • Copy of Witness to Marriage    
    • Birth Certificate  
    • Consular Report of Birth Abroad-- Replace or Amend    
    • Death Certificates- General Information  
    • Death in New Delhi Consular District     
 Voting Information/Voting Messages


Warden Messages (Now Messages to U.S. Citizens)  
Welfare and Whereabouts Visits
    • General Information 
    • Welfare Visits in India
    • Missing People 
What Time is it in India or the U.S.?  Int'l Time Calculator 
Wiring Money Overseas, Financial Emergencies     
World Health Organization (WHO) Travel Page                               Worldwide Caution




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