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Victim's Assistance

If you or your U.S. citizen relative or friend has been a victim of crime while in India, please contact the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi (or closest consulate if not in the Delhi Consulate District) at 011-2419-8000. If you are calling from the United States, first dial 011-91-11-.

You should file and request a copy of a local police report, called a First Information Report (FIR), as soon as possible. You should request the FIR from the police station closest to the scene of the crime.

List of attorneys in India

Guide:  U.S. Citizen Victims of Crime in India (pdf 138KB) 

You can find general information on victim's assistance, counseling and other resources here.

More information on the full range of emergency services available to U.S. citizens overseas is available here.


If you feel you have been defrauded by someone in India's tourist industry, you can send a complaint to and explain the circumstances of your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

I think I’m a victim of an international financial scam.  What do I do?  If you feel you have been a victim of financial scam, visit our website at

I think I’m a victim of a tourism scam.  What do I do?  Below is the contact information for the Regional Director of the Indian Tourist Office for North India.  The Director encourages Americans who feel they have been victimized through tourism in India to contact their office.  Apart from this, your other option is to hire a local lawyer to press charges.  Please see our list of lawyers who practice in the greater Delhi area who have helped Americans in the past.

Regional Director (North)                                                           Government of India Regional Tourist Office                                            88 Janpath                                                                                            New Delhi - 110 001                                                                               Tel: (011)2332-0342, 2332-0005, 2332-0109, 2332-0008, 3320266   Fax : (011)3320342

I’m having difficulties with my business.  Can the U.S. Embassy act as my legal representative regarding my dispute?  No, the U.S. Embassy is not able to act as a legal representative or give legal advice. All legal disputes must be resolved through the Indian legal system.  We have compiled a list of attorneys who are willing to work with foreigners in India.  Neither the U.S. Embassy nor the State Department endorse or promote specific providers or services.

What should I do if I have a complaint or concern about an Indian business?  You might consider contacting the Better Business Bureau to file a complaint.  The information will then be shared with the consumer protection agencies of several countries.

You can also speak to the Indian Trade associations to seek their advice in this matter: 

1)      Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI):  Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110 001; Tel: 337 8760-65, Fax: 332 0714

2)      Indo-American Chamber of Commerce:  PHD House, Opp. Asiad Village, New Delhi 110 016; Tel: 696 3387, Fax: 651 8201

You can also go to the U.S Commercial Service website to see general guidance about complaints.


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