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5 ‘Must Have’ Features of a Successful Community

5 ‘Must Have’ Features of a Successful Community

Online Communities are networking hubs and in essence need to fulfill the basic needs of social networking, as it would be in the real world. Here are 5 features that... read more

Online Communities vs. Black Friday Sales: A Tale of Two Strategies

Online Communities vs. Black Friday Sales: A Tale of Two Strategies

Do you make a family ritual out of grabbing Black Friday deals at 4am the day after Thanksgiving? Or do you despise the fact that American’s blow past Thanksgiving to... read more

Characteristics of Outstanding Intranets

Characteristics of Outstanding Intranets

According to preliminary results of The 2012 State of the Social Intranet Study, many executives and employees are dissatisfied with their internal social networks. As you can imagine, these results... read more

I Like My News Like My Water: Unflavored

I Like My News Like My Water: Unflavored

When I ask for a glass of water in a restaurant now it invariably comes with a wedge of lemon. When and why did this become the norm? Was this... read more

The Online Community Content Map – Part One

The Online Community Content Map – Part One

Creating meaningful content for an online community is a tricky business. Few online communities survive solely on member discussions.  As I am fond of saying, people come for content but... read more

Apple Consumers Are Turning to Customer Communities for Their Answers

Apple Consumers Are Turning to Customer Communities for Their Answers

Not everyone lives in an urban area where one of the 246 Apple stores in the U.S. are a short walk or subway ride away. Millions of people own one... read more

Why Are Community Managers Terrible Community Members?

Why Are Community Managers Terrible Community Members?


Us community managers are, by our very nature, sociable beings. It’s a fair assumption to make that anyone working in community management is ‘social media savvy’, likes engaging with others... read more

4 Ways to Increase Employee Adoption with Intranet Designs

4 Ways to Increase Employee Adoption with Intranet Designs

First impressions. They influence our perception about everything we interact with. For better or worse we pass judgment daily. When I think about creating something new or rebuilding for improvement,... read more

Cultivating Your Online Community

Cultivating Your Online Community

 We’ve all been there – you’ve built your website, written some blog posts, created a couple of social media accounts and actually been active on them for a few weeks,... read more

3 Decisions That Will Set Your Private Online Community Up for Success

3 Decisions That Will Set Your Private Online Community Up for Success

Of the hundreds of decisions that your organization will make in planning, launching, and managing your private online customer or member community, it is important to understand that they are... read more

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Online Customer Communities: 5 Ways to Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Online Customer Communities: 5 Ways to Increase Customer Lifetime Value

Are you missing opportunities to increase profitability? When you hear about the ways that companies grow, the usual suspects get most of the press – more new sales, cutting expensive... read more

7 Questions to Get Your Community Started

7 Questions to Get Your Community Started

Communities have always fascinated marketers – they allow likeminded people to meet, collaborate, and brainstorm; and give marketers a platform to resonate their message. But not all communities are successful... read more

A Fairground for Sports Fans all Over

A Fairground for Sports Fans all Over

In the last decade, social networking has proved to be one of the most talked about things. The sheer indulgence it commands from the huge groups of people that use... read more

5 Essential Elements of Intranet Authoring Guidelines

5 Essential Elements of Intranet Authoring Guidelines

An intranet is only as good as its content. And there lies the intranet manager’s conundrum. You need high-quality, useful and timely intranet content. But you have few co-workers who... read more

On Building Communities

On Building Communities

When I buy a product or service in today’s times, I am not only paying for something that will serve me functionally. I am also looking at buying into an... read more