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2013 - the Beginning of the End of the Gun-Slinger Sales Era

2013 – the Beginning of the End of the Gun-Slinger Sales Era
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Does an Outbound Lead Generation Team Make Sense for Your Company?

Does an Outbound Lead Generation Team Make Sense for Your Company?

Sales Management

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, then you know that I frequently write about a variety of topics related to outbound lead generation teams, including: email tactics, gatekeeper... read more

Are You Good at Finding the Appropriate Sales Contact?

Are You Good at Finding the Appropriate Sales Contact?

Sales Management

In sales, having the ability to find the right contact is one of the more underrated functions of the prospecting process; one that separates someone who is average from someone... read more

Fish Where The Fish Are Biting

Fish Where The Fish Are Biting

Sales Management

Let’s go on a fishing trip shall we? (Many of my readers are female and I couldn’t find a photo of one of them hauling in a fish so please excuse... read more

5 Top Sales Blogs That I’ve LOVED Following In 2012

5 Top Sales Blogs That I’ve LOVED Following In 2012

Sales Management

Not all sales blogs are created equal. Here are the top sales blogs that I’ve found most helpful this year! If you’ve engaged with OpenView Labs in the past, you... read more

A Business Survival Guide To Multi-Channel Retail

A Business Survival Guide To Multi-Channel Retail

Sales Management

Business is a dog-eat-dog world. We’ve all seen Dragon’s Den and The Apprentice, with companies pitching ideas and doing their best to stay ahead of the game, increase sales and... read more

3 Easy Tips to Effectively Engage Sales Prospects at Public Companies

3 Easy Tips to Effectively Engage Sales Prospects at Public Companies

Sales Management

Are you a small B2B company trying to sell your product or service to public companies? It can be tough to cut through the clutter in the sales and marketing... read more

Drive Lead Generation Through Landing Pages

Drive Lead Generation Through Landing Pages

Sales Management

To start off this blog post, let’s ask a question: why do we create landing pages? Well the answer is because we want to convert our site visitors into leads.... read more

Problems Facing Call Centers

Problems Facing Call Centers

Sales Management


Just as productivity metrics fail to fully measure the effectiveness and performance of call centers; they also fail to solve, or even recognize, the most pressing problems call centers face.... read more

More Sales With The Leads Database

More Sales With The Leads Database

Sales Management

Achieving marketing success, finding new business opportunities, and bringing in clients is the usual goal of every firm. However, their target markets are complete strangers to them. There are millions... read more