Apps & Training

posted by ldungan @ 5:41 AM
December 8, 2010

Help files – including videos – for the iPad are located on a server named “macserve”.

The Public folder on macserve is a public shared folder on the HSC intranet, so no password is required if you’re on the HSC intranet.

If you’re on a PC on campus, go to Start > Run, enter \\ and press return.

If you’re on a Mac on campus, you should have an alias in /Users/Shared.

If there is no alias, from the Finder/Desktop, pull down the Go menu and select Connect to Server….

Enter and click the plus sign so macserve will be added to the list of Favorite Servers; click Connect.

Click on Guest; click Connect.

Select Public; click OK.

Once you’re logged in to macserve, navigate to Public > Help files > Help files for iPads.

You should be able to read the help files (PDFs) on either a PC or Mac.

To watch the videos, you should use QuickTime.

If you are on a PC, you need to check Start > Programs to see if QuickTIme is listed.

If not, download and install QuickTime from

Once installed, do not select to have all video play in QuickTime; this way, the videos will open in Windows Media Player, as you’re used to on a PC.

If you’re on a Mac, you already have QuickTime; it comes on every Mac.

Please contact with any questions regarding macserve.