Software Information and Downloads

posted by ldungan @ 12:53 PM
October 21, 2009

Software Information

Visit the Software Downloads Page (must have a valid UNTHSC network ID and password to download software from off campus)

UNTHSC departments are individually financially responsible for any software purchases outside of site licensed/UNTHSC provided software.  However, software purchases must be made within guidelines set forth in Information Resources and Technology (IRT) and Purchasing policies and procedures.  Software costing over $1000.00 must be approved by IRT via the IRT Hardware/Software Approval Form.  This is done to ensure that the software  is compatible with our infrastructure and can be supported by IRT.  Although each department makes purchases separately, UNTHSC as a whole participates in procurement processes that harness the bulk buying power of the institution so that the best prices on standard software are made available to everyone.

Current supported standard site licensed (no cost to you) software:

  • Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
  • McAfee 8.8
  • Microsoft Project 2010
  • Microsoft Visio 2010
  • SAS 9.2
  • SPSS 19 PC
  • SPSS 19/20(Lion) Mac

Current supported “for purchase” software:

  • Adobe Acrobat Professional
  • Adobe CS5 and CS5.5 Products and Suites
  • Parallels

Contact for Adobe CS5 pricing and purchasing information.

Software not listed above may be available through bulk purchase.  Please contact with any questions about software at UNTHSC.