U.S. Department of Commerce

Industry and Occupation

Census 2000 Alphabetical Index of Occupations
Gaffer 5121 47-2111 657 635
Gaffer Exc. 5121 51-9195 Exc. 657 892
Gaffman 114 45-3011 028 610
Gag writer   27-3043   285
Gage designer   17-3013   154
Gage maker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4111 237, 267-369, 608, 887 813
Gaggerman 482, 8113, 8114 53-7062 608,887, 888 962
Gaggerman Exc. 482, 8113, 8114 51-9199 Exc. 608,887, 888 896
Galley boy 23, 483 35-9099 077, 609 416
Galley boy Exc. 23, 483 51-5023 Exc. 077, 609 826
Galley cook (483) 35-2012 (609) 402
Galley stripper   51-5022   825
Galvanizer   51-4193   820
Galvanizing pot runner   51-4193   820
Gamb cutter   51-3022   781
Gambler (7132) 39-3019 (859) 440
Gambling dealer (7132) 39-3011 (859) 440
Gambling monitor (7132) 33-9031 (859) 392
Gambreler   51-3022   781
Game and fish protector   33-3031   383
Game attendant (7132) 39-3019 (859) 440
Game author   27-3043   285
Game bird farmer GOV, OBI or PR 112 11-9011 GOV, OBI or PR 018 020
Game bird farmer OBNI 112 11-9012 OBNI 018 021
Game operator (7132) 39-3011 (859) 440
Game protector   33-3031   383
Game room attendant (7132) 39-3019 (859) 440
Game show host or hostess   27-3011   280
Game trapper 1131, 1132 45-3021 019 611
Game warden   33-3031   383
Gamekeeper   45-1011   600
Gamewell operator   33-9099   395
Gaming cage cashier (7132) 43-3041 (859) 513
Gaming cage worker (7132) 43-3041 (859) 513
Gaming change person (7132) 41-2012 (859) 472
Gaming department head (7132) 11-9071 (859) 033
Gaming investigator (7132) 33-9031 (859) 392
Gaming surveillance officer (7132) 33-9031 (859) 392
Gaming table operator (7132) 39-3011 (859) 440
Gamma facilities operator   19-4099   196
Gamma ray operator (211) 19-4099 (037) 196
Gandy dancer 482 53-7062 608 962
Gang boss \ Any not listed 45-1011 \ Any not listed 600
Gang boss 21, 23 47-1011 037-049, 077 620
Gang boss Stevedoring 483 53-1021 Stevedoring 609 900
Gang drill operator   51-4032   796
Gang foreman   47-1011   620
Gang head saw operator   51-7041   853
Gang leader 482 53-1021 608 900
Gang leader 31-33 51-1011 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 770
Gang leader Stevedoring 483 53-7062 Stevedoring 609 962
Gang miner \ n.s.   47-5049   684
Gang miner, blasting   47-5031   683
Gang mower operator   47-2073   632
Gang plank workman   53-7062   962
Gang punch operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4022 237, 267-369, 608, 887 793
Gang punch operator Exc. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-6042 Exc. 237, 267-369, 608, 887 834
Gang pusher \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Gang pusher 211 51-1011 037 770
Gang pusher State prison 922 33-3012 State prison 947 380
Gang rider   53-4021   923
Gang saw operator   51-7041   853
Gang sawyer, stone   51-9032   871
Gang sawyer, wood   51-7041   853
Gang tailer   53-7063   963
Gang worker 211 47-5071 037 692
Gantry crane operator   53-7021   951
Garage attendant (8111) 53-6031 (877) 936
Garage door hanger   47-2031   623
Garage hand   53-6031   936
Garage laborer (8111) 53-6031 (877) 936
Garage servicer, industrial   53-6031   936
Garageman GOV or PR 491, 8111, 81293 53-6031 GOV or PR 637, 877, 909 936
Garageman OWN 8111, 81293 49-1011 OWN 877, 909 700
Garbage collector, exc. truck driver (562) 53-7081 (779) 972
Garbage collector, truck driver (562) 53-3032 (779) 913
Garbage man (562) 53-7081 (779) 972
Garbage pick up man (562) 53-7081 (779) 972
Garbage stoker (562) 51-8099 (779) 863
Garbage truck dispatcher (562) 43-5032 (779) 552
Garbage truck driver (562) 53-3032 (779) 913
Garde manger 7211, 722 35-2014 866, 868, 869 402
Garden consultant   41-2031   476
Gardener \ Any not listed 37-3011 \ Any not listed 425
Gardener GOV, PR or WP 111, 115 37-3011 GOV, PR or WP 017, 029 425
Gardener OBI 111, 115 11-9011 OBI 017, 029 020
Gardener OBNI 111, 115 11-9012 OBNI 017, 029 021
Gardener OBNI, OBI 56173 37-3011 OBNI, OBI 777 425
Garland machine operator   51-9199   896
Garland maker   51-9199   896
Garment alteration examiner   51-9061   874
Garment cutter (3152) 51-6052 (168) 835
Garment examiner   51-9061   874
Garment finisher   51-6031   832
Garment fitter \ n.s. 448, 45211, 8123 51-6052 517, 538, 907 835
Garment fitter, dressmaker   51-6052   835
Garment fitter, tailor   51-6052   835
Garment folder   51-9199   896
Garment liner 313-315 51-6031 147-169 832
Garment patternmaker   51-6092   844
Garment presser   51-6021   831
Garment sorter   43-5071   561
Garment steamer 313-315, 8123 51-6021 147-169, 907 831
Garment turner   51-9199   896
Garnett machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Garnett room worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Garnetter 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Garnisher   51-9199   896
Gas adjuster   49-9021   731
Gas analyst 32411 19-4041 207 193
Gas and oil servicer   53-6031   936
Gas appliance adjuster   49-9031   732
Gas appliance installer   49-9031   732
Gas appliance servicer   49-9031   732
Gas attendant   53-6031   936
Gas brazer   51-4121   814
Gas burner operator   51-4121   814
Gas compressor operator   53-7071   965
Gas cutter   51-4121   814
Gas derrick operator 211 47-5011 037 680
Gas dispatcher 2211, 2212, 486 43-5032 057-059,627 552
Gas dispenser   53-6031   936
Gas distribution and emergency clerk   43-4051   524
Gas distributor 2212, 486 43-4051 058, 059, 627 524
Gas engine operator   51-8021   861
Gas fitter (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Gas flow regulator   43-5061   560
Gas furnace installer   49-9021   731
Gas jockey   53-6031   936
Gas line installer (23) 47-2152 (077) 644
Gas load dispatcher   43-5032   552
Gas main fitter   47-2152   644
Gas maker   51-8092   863
Gas meter installer   49-9012   730
Gas meter prover 2211 49-9012 057 730
Gas meter reader   43-5041   553
Gas operator 2212 53-7071 058 965
Gas operator Exc. 2212 51-8092 Exc. 058 863
Gas pipe layer   47-2152   644
Gas pit worker   49-9012   730
Gas plant operator   51-8092   863
Gas plumber   47-2152   644
Gas producer   51-8092   863
Gas prover (2212) 19-4041 (058) 193
Gas pumper   53-6031   936
Gas pumping station operator 2211, 2212, 486 53-7071 057-059, 627 965
Gas reverser 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Gas shovel operator   53-7032   952
Gas singer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gas station attendant OWN 4471 41-1011 OWN 509 470
Gas station attendant PR 4471 53-6031 PR 509 936
Gas station operator OWN 4471 53-1031 OWN 509 900
Gas tender 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Gas tester 21 51-9061 037-049 874
Gas tester Exc. 21 19-4041 Exc. 037-049 193
Gas torch brazier   51-4121   814
Gas torch solderer   51-4121   814
Gas transfer operator   53-7071   965
Gas treater   51-8092   863
Gas truck driver   53-3032   913
Gas volume computer   43-3021   511
Gas welder   51-4121   814
Gasateria attendant   53-6031   936
Gasket former   51-4031   795
Gasket maker   51-4031   795
Gasket winder 314 51-6064 159 842
Gasket winder Exc. 314 51-2099 Exc. 159 775
Gasman 21 51-9061 037-049 874
Gasman Exc. 21 51-9199 Exc. 037-049 896
Gasoline attendant 481 53-6099 607 942
Gasoline attendant Exc. 481 53-6031 Exc. 607 936
Gasoline catalyst operator   51-9011   864
Gasoline finisher   51-9023   865
Gasoline plant operator 32411 51-8093 207 863
Gasoline pump installer   49-9099   762
Gasoline service attendant   53-6031   936
Gasoline tester   19-4041   193
Gasser 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gasser machine operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gastroenterologist 6211, 6214 29-1069 797, 809 306
Gate agent   43-4181   541
Gate attendant   39-3031   442
Gate guard Correctional institution 922 33-3012 Correctional institutional 947 380
Gate guard Exc. correctional institution 922 33-9032 Exc. correctional institution 947 392
Gate keeper   33-9032   392
Gate operator 482 33-9091 608 394
Gate operator 2211 33-9032 057 392
Gate tender 711, 713 39-3031 856, 859 442
Gate tender Exc. 711, 713 33-9032 Exc. 856, 859 392
Gate watchman Correctional institution 922 33-3012 Correctional institutional 947 380
Gate watchman Exc. correctional institution 922140 33-9032 Exc. correctional institution 947 392
Gateman   33-9032   392
Gatherer 113 45-4011 019 612
Gatherer Exc. 113 51-6031 Exc. 019 832
Gatherer Exc. 1131, 1132, 3152 51-9195 Exc. 019, 168 892
Gathering boy   51-9199   896
Gathering machine feeder   53-7063   963
Gathering machine setter   51-5011   823
Gauge checker 331-336, 482, 8113 49-9069 267-369, 608, 887 743
Gauge controller   49-9069   743
Gauge machine operator   51-9199   896
Gauger \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-8092 \ Any not listed 863
Gauger \ n.s. 211, 2122, 2123, 486 51-8093 039, 037, 047,627 863
Gauger \ n.s. 31-33 51-9061 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 874
Gauger \ n.s. 921-928 13-1041 937-959 056
Gauger chief   51-1011   770
Gear changer 3361, 3362, 3363 49-3023 357 720
Gear cutter   51-4034   801
Gear cutting machine operator   51-4034   801
Gear cutting machine set up operator   51-4034   801
Gear finisher 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Gear generator set up operator   51-4034   801
Gear grinder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Gear hobber   51-4034   801
Gear hobber operator   51-4034   801
Gear hobber set up operator   51-4034   801
Gear keeper   43-5081   562
Gear lapper 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Gear lapping machine operator   51-4033   800
Gear machine operator   51-4034   801
Gear milling machine set up operator   51-4035   802
Gear roller   51-4035   802
Gear room keeper 313, 314, 3151 43-5081 147-167 562
Gear setter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4034 237, 267-369, 608, 887 801
Gear shaper   51-4034   801
Gear shaver set up operator   51-4034   801
Gear tester   51-9061   874
Gearman 482 49-3043 608 722
Gearman Exc. 482 43-5081 Exc. 608 562
Gem and diamond worker   51-9071   875
Gem cutter 3399, 4219, 4483, 8113, 8114 51-9071 398, 429, 519, 887, 888 875
Gem expert 3399, 4219, 4483, 8113, 8114 51-9071 398, 429, 519, 887, 888 875
Gem stone cutter 3399, 4219, 4483, 8113, 8114 51-9071 398, 429, 519, 887, 888 875
Gemologist 3399, 4219, 4483, 8113, 8114 51-9071 398, 429, 519, 887, 888 875
Genealogist (8129) 19-3093 (909) 186
General agent   11-3071   016
General clerical \ any activity or n.s.   43-9061   586
General contractor 23 11-9021 077 022
General counselor   23-1011   210
General duty nurse (622) 29-1111 (819) 313
General freight agent   11-3071   016
General intern   43-9061   586
General office clerk \ any activity or n.s.   43-9061   586
General office worker \ any activity or n.s.   43-9061   586
General passenger agent   43-4181   541
General practitioner (6211) 29-1062 (797) 306
General purchasing agent   13-1023   053
General road foreman   11-3071   016
General superintendent   11-1021   002
Generator man   49-2096   711
Generator operator 3251, 3253, 3259 51-9011 218, 229 864
Generator operator Exc. 3251, 3253, 3259 51-8013 Exc. 218, 229 860
Generator rebuilder   49-2096   711
Geneticist   19-1029   161
Geochemist   19-2042   174
Geodesist   19-2042   174
Geodetic computator 924, 925 17-3031 949 156
Geodetic surveyor   17-1022   131
Geographer   19-3092   186
Geological drafter   17-3019   154
Geological economist   19-2042   174
Geological scout 211 19-2042 037 174
Geologist   19-2042   174
Geomagnetist   19-2042   174
Geometer   15-2099   124
Geometrician   15-2099   124
Geomorphologist   19-2042   174
Geophysical computer 211 19-4041 037 193
Geophysical laboratory director 211 19-2042 037 174
Geophysical observer 211 19-4041 037 193
Geophysical party chief   17-3031   156
Geophysical prospecting surveyor   17-1022   131
Geophysical prospector   19-4041   193
Geophysical trainee 211 19-2042 037 174
Geophysicist   19-2042   174
Geoscientist   19-2042   174
Geriatric aide   39-9021   461
Geriatric nurse   29-1111   313
Geriatric social worker   21-1022   201
Gericare aide   31-1012   360
Germination worker   51-9012   864
Getter filler   51-9121   881
Getter operator   51-9121   881
Getter welder   51-4121   814
Gettering filament machine operator   51-4193   820
Gettering operator   51-9121   881
Ghost writer (5419) 27-3043 (749) 285
Gift basket packer   53-7064   964
Gift packer   53-7064   964
Gift wrapper   41-9099   496
Gig tender   51-6099   846
Gigger 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gigolo   39-9099   465
Gilder 3231, 511 51-5023 119, 648 826
Gilder Exc. 3231, 511 51-9123 Exc. 119, 648 881
Gill box tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gill box tender Exc. 313, 314, 3151 51-6064 Exc. 147-167 842
Gill tender 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gimp tacker   51-6093   845
Gin clerk   43-5111   563
Gin feeder   51-6099   846
Gin operator   45-2091   605
Gin pole operator   53-7041   956
Ginner   45-2092   605
Ginning operator   45-2091   605
Girdler   51-9071   875
Girl friday   43-9199   593
Girls' adviser, counselor or worker 6111 21-1012 786 200
Girls' adviser, counselor or worker \ Any not listed 21-1019 \ Any not listed 200
Girls' adviser, counselor or worker 7212, 7213, 8132, 8133, 8133, 8139 39-9032 867, 917, 919 462
Gizzard peeler   51-3022   781
Gizzard puller   51-3022   781
Glass artist (3272) 27-1013 (249) 260
Glass bender   51-9195   892
Glass beveler   51-9022   865
Glass blower   51-9195   892
Glass breaker   51-9199   896
Glass bulb machine adjuster   51-9041   872
Glass carrier   53-7062   962
Glass checker   51-9061   874
Glass cleaner 3272 51-9192 249 886
Glass cleaner Exc. 3272 53-7061 Exc. 249 961
Glass cleaning machine tender   51-9192   886
Glass cut off tender   51-9032   871
Glass cutter Exc. optical goods 3391 51-9032 Exc. optical goods 398 871
Glass cutter Optical goods 3391 51-9083 Optical goods 398 876
Glass cutting machine operator   51-9032   871
Glass edger   51-9022   865
Glass engraver   51-9194   891
Glass etcher   51-9194   891
Glass finisher   51-9022   865
Glass fitter 3361-3363, 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 8111 49-3022 357, 467-469, 509, 558,877, 878 716
Glass fitter Exc. 3361-3363, 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 8111 47-2121 Exc. 357,467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878 636
Glass frame fitter   51-9083   876
Glass furnace tender   51-9051   873
Glass glazier   47-2121   636
Glass grinder   51-9022   865
Glass handler   53-7062   962
Glass inserter   47-2121   636
Glass installer 3361-3363, 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 8111 49-3022 357, 467-469, 509, 558,877, 878 716
Glass installer Exc. 3361-3363, 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 8111 47-2121 Exc. 357, 467-469, 509, 558,877, 878 636
Glass lathe operator 3272, 3342, 3343, 3344, 3346, 3351-3353, 3359 51-9199 249, 337, 339, 347,349 896
Glass polisher   51-9022   865
Glass ribbon machine operator   51-9041   872
Glass rolling machine operator   51-9041   872
Glass sander   51-9022   865
Glass selector   51-9061   874
Glass setter 3361-3363, 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 8111 49-3022 357, 467-469, 509, 558,877, 878 716
Glass setter Exc. 3361-3363, 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 8111 47-2121 Exc. 357, 467-469, 509, 558,877, 878 636
Glass silverer 3345, 3391 51-9083 338, 396 876
Glass smoother   51-9022   865
Glass tinter 23 47-2141 077 642
Glass tinter Exc. 23 51-9123 Exc. 077 881
Glass vial bending conveyor feeder (3322) 53-7063 (279) 963
Glass vial filler   51-9111   880
Glass washer 7211, 722 35-9021 866, 868, 869 414
Glass wool blanket machine feeder   51-9191   885
Glass worker   51-2099   775
Glassware finisher   51-9195   892
Glassware selector   51-9061   874
Glaze carrier   53-7062   962
Glaze grinder   51-9021   865
Glaze handler   51-9012   864
Glaze maker   51-9021   865
Glaze mixer   51-9023   865
Glaze sprayer   51-9123   881
Glazer 23, 3211, 3212, 3219, 4217, 4441, 44413 47-2121 077, 377-379, 426, 487, 489 636
Glazer Exc. 23, 3211, 3212, 3219, 4217, 4441, 44413 51-9123 Exc. 077, 377-379, 426, 487, 489 881
Glazier \ n.s.   47-2121   636
Glazier, stained glass 32711-32713, 3272-3274, 3279 47-2121 247-249, 257, 259 636
Glazing machine operator   51-9051   873
Glazing operator, black powder 3251, 3259 53-7063 229 963
Gleason operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Globe changer   53-7062   962
Globe cleaner   53-7061   961
Globe mounter 3231, 511 51-9199 199, 648 896
Globe tester   51-9061   874
Glory hole tender   51-9199   896
Glost kiln operator   51-9051   873
Glost placer   53-7063   963
Glove boarder   51-9199   896
Glove brusher 31324, 3151 51-6099 167 846
Glove cleaner 8123 51-6011 907 830
Glove cuffer   51-6031   832
Glove cutter   51-6062   840
Glove examiner   51-9061   874
Glove finisher (8123) 51-6011 (907) 830
Glove former, automatic   53-7063   963
Glove former, exc. automatic   53-7062   962
Glove machine operator   51-6031   832
Glove maker   51-6031   832
Glove operator   51-6031   832
Glove sewer   51-6031   832
Glove stitcher   51-6031   832
Glove turner   53-7062   962
Glove wrapper   53-7064   964
Glue clamp operator 321, 337 51-2099 377-389 775
Glue cook   51-9051   873
Glue jointer operator   51-9191   885
Glue machine operator   51-9191   885
Glue maker \ n.s.   51-9199   896
Glue maker, bone   51-9199   896
Glue mixer   51-9023   865
Glue mounter operator   51-9191   885
Glue size machine operator (337) 51-9191 (389) 885
Glue sprayer   51-9191   885
Glue spreader veneer   51-9191   885
Glue spreading machine operator   51-9191   885
Glue wheel operator   51-9191   885
Glued wood tester   51-9061   874
Gluer   51-9191   885
Gluer in   51-9191   885
Gluing machine offbearer   53-7063   963
Gluing machine operator   51-9191   885
Gluten settling tender   51-9012   864
Glycerine plant operator   51-9011   864
Go-go dancer (5121) 27-2031 (657) 274
Goat driver 112, 115 53-3032 018, 029 913
Goat driver Exc. 112, 115 53-4013 Exc. 018, 029 920
Goat herder   45-2093   605
Gofer Exc. 1133 43-9199 Exc. 027 593
Gofer 1133 45-4029 027 613
Gold assayer   19-4031   192
Gold beater   51-9071   875
Gold blower   51-5023   826
Gold burnisher   51-9199   896
Gold buyer OWN 4219 13-1022 OWN 429 052
Gold cutter   51-9031   871
Gold layer 3231, 511 51-5023 199, 648 826
Gold layer Exc. 3231, 511 51-9199 Exc. 199, 648 896
Gold leaf layer   51-9199   896
Gold leaf printer   51-5023   826
Gold letterer   51-9123   881
Gold miner \ n.s. #2122 47-5049 #039 684
Gold miner, blasting #2122 47-5031 #039 683
Gold plater   51-4193   820
Gold prospector #2122 47-5099 #039 694
Gold reclaimer   51-9021   865
Gold stamper   51-9199   896
Gold tooler   51-6099   846
Goldbeater Jewelry 3399 51-9071 Jewelry 398 875
Goldsmith   51-9071   875
Golf ball marker   51-9199   896
Golf ball molder   51-9041   872
Golf ball winder   51-9199   896
Golf caddy   39-3091   443
Golf cart maker   51-2091   775
Golf club head former   51-4071   810
Golf club maker #33992 51-2099 #397 775
Golf course keeper #713 37-3011 #859 425
Golf course laborer #713 37-3011 #859 425
Golf course ranger #713 33-9032 #859 392
Golf course starter #713 39-3091 #859 443
Golf pro #713 27-2021 #859 272
Golf range attendant #713 39-3091 #859 443
Golfer #713 27-2021 #859 272
Good humor vendor #45439 41-9091 #569 495
Goods layer   51-9199   896
Goodwill ambassador   41-9011   490
Goodwill representative (3121) 41-9011 (137) 490
Goodyear stitcher   51-6042   834
Goodyear welter   51-6042   834
Gopher 1133 45-4029 027 613
Gopher Exc. 1133 43-9199 Exc. 027 593
Gore cutter   51-6042   834
Gore maker   51-6031   832
Gore seamer   51-6031   832
Gore stitcher   51-6042   834
Gospel worker #8131 21-2099 #916 206
Gouger \ n.s.   51-6042   834
Gouger, wood   51-7042   854
Governess #814 39-9011 #929 460
Government clerk 92 43-9061 937-959 586
Government gauger 92 13-1041 937-959 056
Government guard 92 33-9032 937-959 392
Government property investigator   13-1041   056
Governor (921) 11-1011 (937) 001
Grab driver   45-4029   613
Grab hooker   45-4029   613
Grab jack man   45-4029   613
Grab operator   51-9199   896
Grab setter   45-4029   613
Gradall operator (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Grade checker   47-4011   666
Grade setter   47-4099   676
Grade tamper   47-2061   626
Grader \ n.s. 482, 51331 53-7062 608, 668 962
Grader \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9061 \ Any not listed 874
Grader \ n.s. 111, 115, 4224, 4225, 42991, 453110 45-2041 017, 029, 447, 448, 457, 547 604
Grader \ n.s. 23 exc. road maintenance 47-2061 077 exc. road maintenance 626
Grader \ n.s. 6111-6113, 62441 25-9041 786, 787, 789 254
Grader \ n.s. Road maintenance 23 47-2073 Road maintenance 077 632
Grader operator   47-2073   632
Grader patrol   47-2073   632
Grader, clerical 92 43-9199 937-959 593
Grader, clerical Exc. 92 25-9041 Exc. 937-959 254
Grading clerk 6111 25-9041 786 254
Grading machine operator   47-2073   632
Graduate nurse (622) 29-1111 (819) 313
Graduating machine operator   51-9032   871
Grafter   45-2092   605
Grain broker 523, 525 41-3031 697 482
Grain broker Exc. 523, 525 13-1021 Exc, 697 051
Grain buyer   13-1021   051
Grain cleaner   51-9012   864
Grain combine driver   45-2091   605
Grain combiner   45-2091   605
Grain elevator clerk   43-5071   561
Grain elevator man   13-1021   051
Grain elevator operator   53-7011   950
Grain farmer GOV, OBI or PR 111 11-9011 GOV, OBI or PR 017 020
Grain farmer OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Grain grader   45-2041   604
Grain handler   53-7062   962
Grain loader   53-7011   950
Grain mixer   51-9023   865
Grain packer   53-7064   964
Grain picker   45-2041   604
Grain processor   51-9012   864
Grain roaster   51-3091   783
Grain sacker   53-7064   964
Grain sampler 926, 927 45-2011 957 601
Grain sampler Exc. 926, 927 45-2041 Exc. 957 604
Grain scooper   53-7062   962
Grain shipper   13-1021   051
Grain shoveler   53-7062   962
Grain spouter   51-9199   896
Grain thresher   45-2091   605
Grain trader 523, 525 41-3031 697 482
Grain trimmer   53-7062   962
Grain wafer machine operator 3111, 3112 51-3091 107 783
Grainer \ n.s. 321, 337 51-7021 377-389 851
Grainer, machine 321, 337 51-7021 377-389 851
Grainer, machine Exc. 321, 337 53-7063 Exc. 377-389 963
Graining press operator   51-9041   872
Grand scribe 8132-8134, 8139 21-1099 917, 919 202
Granite block paver   47-2022   622
Granite cutter   51-9195   892
Granite polisher   51-9021   865
Granite setter   47-2022   622
Granite worker   51-9195   892
Grant coordinator   13-1199   073
Grant writer   27-3043   285
Granulating machine operator   51-9032   871
Granulator   51-9023   865
Granulator operator   51-3091   783
Granulator tender   51-9199   896
Grape crusher   51-9012   864
Grape cutter 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Grape picker 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Grape pruner 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Graphic artist   27-1024   263
Graphic designer   27-1024   263
Graphite grinder   51-9021   865
Graphite pan drier tender   51-9199   896
Graphologist (711) 27-3099 (856) 286
Graphotype operator   43-9071   590
Grapple skidder operator   45-4022   613
Grappler (1133) 45-4029 (027) 613
Grass cutter   37-3011   425
Grated cheese maker   51-3092   784
Grave cleaner   37-3011   425
Grave digger (531) 53-7062 (707) 962
Gravel hauler (23) 53-3032 (077) 913
Gravel machine operator   51-9199   896
Gravel roofer   47-2181   651
Gravel screener   47-2061   626
Gravel truck driver   53-3032   913
Gravel weigher   43-5111   563
Gravel wheeler   53-7199   975
Graves registration specialist   39-9099   465
Gravity meter operator   19-4041   193
Gravity prospecting operator   19-4041   193
Gravure press set-up operator   51-5023   826
Grazing aide   19-4093   196
Grazing examiner   19-4093   196
Grease and tallow pumper   51-9199   896
Grease buffer   51-9022   865
Grease cup filler   49-9043   735
Grease maker \ n.s. 32411 51-9023 207 865
Grease maker, head   51-1011   770
Grease man 4411-4413, 4452, 4471, 4539,8111, 81293 53-6031 467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878, 907 936
Grease man Exc. 4411-4413, 4452, 4471, 4539,8111, 81293 49-9043 Exc. 467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878, 907 735
Grease monkey 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 484, 8111 53-6031 467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878, 907 936
Grease monkey Exc. 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 484, 8111 49-9043 Exc. 467-469, 509, 558, 877, 878, 907 735
Grease packer   49-9043   735
Grease rack worker   53-6031   936
Grease refiner operator   51-9012   864
Grease renderer   51-9199   896
Greaser \ Any not listed 49-9043 \ Any not listed 735
Greaser 3118, 33299 51-9199 107, 297 896
Greaser 4218, 44413, 8113, 8114 49-3041 427, 488, 887, 888 722
Greaser 4411-4413, 4471, 4539, 485, 487, 8111 53-6031 467-469, 558, 618, 628, 877, 878 936
Greaser operator   51-6099   846
Green chain boss   45-1011   600
Green chain off bearer   53-7063   963
Green chain operator   53-7063   963
Green chain puller   53-7063   963
Green chain worker   53-7063   963
Green chainer   53-7063   963
Green end man   51-9199   896
Green ware caster   51-9199   896
Greenhouse Worker Exc. 531 45-2092 Exc. 707 605
Greenhouse Worker 531 37-3011 707 425
Greenhouse florist GOV, OBI or PR 111 11-9011 GOV, OBI or PR 017 020
Greenhouse florist OBNI 111 11-9012 OBNI 017 021
Greenhouse laborer   45-2092   605
Greenhouse superintendent   45-1011   600
Greens cutter   37-3011   425
Greens laborer   37-3011   425
Greens picker   45-4011   612
Greens tier 1131, 1132 45-4011 019 612
Greens tier Exc. 1131, 1132 53-7064 Exc. 019 964
Greenskeeper \ n.s.   37-3011   425
Greenskeeper laborer   37-3011   425
Greenskeeper, head   37-1012   421
Greensman   37-3011   425
Greenstone polisher operator   51-9021   865
Greeter \ Any not listed 39-9099 \ Any not listed 465
Greeter 311811, 44-45, 722 41-9099 119, 467-579 496
Greeter Welcome wagon service 541890 41-9011 Welcome wagon service 747 490
Grey cloth tender, printing   53-7063   963
Grey goods examiner   51-9061   874
Grey goods marker   43-5081   562
Grey goods tester   19-4031   192
Grey iron molder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4072 237, 267-369, 608, 887 810
Grey percher 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Grey roll man   51-9199   896
Grey stock recorder   43-5111   563
Grey tender   51-6099   846
Grey washer   51-6099   846
Grid caster 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Grid maker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Grid molder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Grid operator   51-2022   772
Grid trimmer   51-2099   775
Gridcap machine operator   51-9199   896
Griddle attendant   35-2015   402
Grill attendant   35-2015   402
Grill cook   35-2015   402
Grinder \ n.s. 3121 51-9199 377-379 896
Grinder \ n.s. 3111, 3112, 322, 3251, 3259, 32622, 32629 51-9022 107, 187-189, 229, 239 865
Grinder \ n.s. 3345, 3391, 4218, 446, 4533, 4539, 62132 51-9083 338, 396, 427, 508, 549, 558, 807 876
Grinder \ n.s. or other specified \ Any not listed 51-4033 \ Any not listed 800
Grinder chipper   51-9022   865
Grinder machine setter   51-4033   800
Grinder mill operator   51-9021   865
Grinder operator Exc. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9021 Exc. 237, 267-369, 608, 887 865
Grinder operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Grinder set up operator   51-4033   800
Grinder tender   51-9021   865
Grinder, gear   51-4033   800
Grinder, lap   51-4033   800
Grinding machine operator, exc. portable   51-4033   800
Grinding machine operator, portable 482, 4851 47-4061 608, 618 674
Grinding wheel dresser   51-4033   800
Grinding wheel facer   51-4033   800
Grinding wheel operator   51-4033   800
Grip   53-7062   962
Grip boss   53-1021   900
Gripper installer   51-6099   846
Gripper machine operator   51-6099   846
Gristmill operator   51-9021   865
Gristmiller   51-9021   865
Grit blaster 48, 8111 53-7061 608-629, 877 961
Grit blaster 23 47-2061 077 626
Grit blaster 31-33 51-9021 107-399 865
Gritter   51-9021   865
Gritting machine operator   51-9021   865
Grizzlyman 2122 47-5099 037 694
Grocer #4451 41-1011 #497 470
Grocery boy   53-3033   913
Grocery caddy   53-7062   962
Grocery carrier   53-7062   962
Grocery check out   41-2011   472
Grocery checker   41-2011   472
Grocery clerk \ n.s.   43-5081   562
Grocery clerk, checking   41-2011   472
Grocery clerk, marking   43-5081   562
Grocery clerk, selling   41-2011   472
Grocery clerk, stocking   43-5081   562
Grocery sacker   53-7062   962
Grocery store courtesy clerk   53-7064   964
Grommet machine operator   51-6099   846
Grommet man 23 47-2061 077 626
Groomer, dog, cat or other pet   39-2021   435
Groomer, exc. pet   45-2093   605
Groover 3162 51-6042 239 834
Groover Exc. 3162 51-9032 Exc. 239 871
Groover operator 3162 51-6042 239 834
Groover operator Exc. 3162 51-9032 Exc. 239 871
Groover runner 3162 51-6042 239 834
Groover runner Exc. 3162 51-9032 Exc. 239 871
Grooving lathe tender 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4034 237, 267-369, 608, 887 801
Grooving machine operator 3162 51-6042 239 834
Grooving machine operator Exc. 3162 51-9032 Exc. 239 871
Ground boss   47-1011   620
Ground crew chief (481) 49-1011 (607) 700
Ground crew linesman   49-9051   741
Ground crewman Baseball park 711 37-3011 Baseball park 856 425
Ground crewman Exc. baseball park 711 45-4011 Exc. baseball park 856 612
Ground hand (2211) 47-2061 (057) 626
Ground host/hostess (481) 39-6032 (607) 455
Ground layer   51-9123   881
Ground mixer   51-9023   865
Ground school instructor   25-1194   220
Ground wirer (23) 47-2111 (077) 635
Groundman \ Any not listed 47-5099 \ Any not listed 694
Groundman 1133 45-4029 027 613
Groundman 115 45-2092 029 605
Groundman 2211, 2212, 23, 485-487, 51331 47-2061 057-059, 077, 618, 627,628, 668 626
Grounds caretaker   37-3011   425
Grounds cleaner   37-3011   425
Groundskeeper \ n.s. or any activity   37-3011   425
Groundsman \ Any not listed 49-9099 \ Any not listed 762
Groundsman 23 47-2061 077 626
Groundsman 711, 713 37-3011 856, 859 425
Group chief operator (51331) 43-1011 (668) 500
Group insurance specialist 524 41-3021 699 481
Group leader \ n.s. 524 41-3021 699 481
Group leader \ n.s. \ Any not listed 39-9032 \ Any not listed 462
Group leader \ n.s. 111, 112, 115 45-1011 017, 018, 029 600
Group leader \ n.s. 31-33 51-1011 107-118, 127-399, 647, 648 770
Group leader, river and harbor soundings   17-3031   156
Group sales representative   41-3099   484
Group social worker   21-1022   201
Group tester   19-3039   182
Group worker 713 39-9032 859 462
Group worker Exc. 713 21-1093 Exc. 859 202
Grout machine operator   47-2061   626
Groutman   47-2061   626
Grove superintendent   45-1011   600
Grove worker 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Growth media mixer, mushroom   45-2092   605
Grubber 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Grunt   47-2061   626
Guard \ n.s. Correctional institution 922140 33-3012 Correctional institution 947 380
Guard \ n.s. Exc. correctional institution 922140 33-9032 Exc. correctional institution 947 392
Guard chief 922 33-1011 947 370
Guard chief Exc. 922 33-1099 Exc. 947 373
Guard rail installer   47-2221   653
Guard range   33-3031   383
Guard, correctional   33-3012   380
Guard, crossing   33-9091   394
Guard, immigration   33-3051   385
Guard, operator   33-9032   392
Guard, school crossing #922 33-9091 #947 394
Guard, security   33-9032   392
Guardian family member   39-9021   461
Guest services   43-4081   530
Guidance adviser   21-1012   200
Guidance counselor   21-1012   200
Guide \ n.s.   39-6021   454
Guide changer   51-6099   846
Guide setter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Guide, alpine   39-6021   454
Guide, establishment   39-6021   454
Guide, hunting and fishing   39-6021   454
Guide, plant   39-6021   454
Guide, sightseeing   39-6021   454
Guide, travel   39-6022   454
Guideman (23) 53-7062 (077) 962
Guider   53-7063   963
Guillotine operator   51-9032   871
Guillotine trimmer   51-9032   871
Guitar player (5121) 27-2042 (657) 275
Gullet slitter 3116 51-3022 118 781
Gum cook   51-3093   785
Gum dipper   45-4011   612
Gum machine filler Vending machine sales 45421 49-9091 Vending machine sales 567 751
Gum machine operator 3113 51-3093 108 785
Gum maker 3113 51-3093 108 785
Gum mixer   51-9023   865
Gum puller 3113 51-9199 108 896
Gum remover   51-9199   896
Gum rolling machine operator   51-9023   865
Gum worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Gummer   51-9191   885
Gumming machine operator   51-9191   885
Gun barrel finisher   51-9022   865
Gun fertilizer 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Gun fitter (33299) 49-9099 (297) 762
Gun perforator   47-5031   683
Gun perforator loader   47-5031   683
Gun profiler   51-4034   801
Gun stock checker 33299 51-7099 297 855
Gun stock maker (33299) 51-7099 (297) 855
Gun stocker   51-9199   896
Gun synchronizer   49-9099   762
Gun tester 33299 17-3029 297 155
Gun tester Exc. 33299 49-9099 Exc. 297 762
Gun welder   51-4121   814
Gunite mixer   51-9023   865
Gunite nozzle operator   51-9023   865
Gunner 114 45-3011 028 610
Gunner Exc. 114 51-3091 Exc. 028 783
Gunsmith (8114) 49-9099 (888) 762
Gusset edger   51-6031   832
Gusset maker   51-9199   896
Gusset stitcher   51-6031   832
Gut carrier   51-9199   896
Gut cleaner (3116) 51-3022 (118) 781
Gut dropper   51-3022   781
Gut puller 3116 51-3022 118 781
Gut snatcher   51-3022   781
Gutter   51-3022   781
Gutter hanger (23) 47-2211 (077) 652
Gutter installer (23) 47-2211 (077) 652
Gutterman 1133 45-4029 027 613
Guyline operator 23 47-2073 077 632
Guzzler builder   47-2221   653
Gym attendant   39-3091   443
Gynecologist   29-1064   306
Gypsum block setter   47-2021   622
Gypsum roofer   47-2181   651
Gyro compass tester (3345) 49-9069 (338) 743
Gyroscopic instrument tester 3364 49-9069 358 743


Contact the Census Call Center at 1-800-923-8282 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 30, 2011