U.S. Department of Commerce

Industry and Occupation

Census 2000 Alphabetical Index of Occupations
E.A.M. operator   43-3021   511
E.E.G. technologist   29-2099   353
E.M.T. (emergency medical technician)   29-2041   340
Ear machine operator   51-9199   896
Ear specialist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Earring maker Jewelry 339911 51-2099 Jewelry 398 775
Earth auger operator   47-5021   682
Earth boring machine operator   47-5021   682
Earth moving equipment operator   53-7032   952
Earth moving machine operator   53-7032   952
Easement man   13-2021   081
Easter bunny (45211) 41-9011 (538) 490
Eccentric dancer (5121) 27-2031 (657) 274
Ecclesiastical worker Salvation Army 6242 21-2099 Salvation Army 838 206
Echocardiographer   29-2031   332
Eclectic doctor (6213) 29-1199 (808) 326
Ecologist   19-1023   161
Econometrician   19-3011   180
Economic adviser   19-3011   180
Economic analyst   19-3011   180
Economic research analyst   19-3011   180
Economist   19-3011   180
Edge bander, hand (337) 51-9199 (389) 896
Edge bander, machine (337) 51-9191 (389) 885
Edge banding off bearer   53-7063   963
Edge baster (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Edge blacker (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge bonder   51-9191   885
Edge brusher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge burnisher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge cutter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge cutting machine operator (3152) 51-6031 (168) 832
Edge drummer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge finisher (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge glue machine tender   51-9191   885
Edge gluer 321, 337 51-9191 377-389 885
Edge grinder Exc. optical goods 3391 51-4033 Exc. optical goods 396 800
Edge grinder Optical goods 3391 51-9083 Optical goods 396 876
Edge molder (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge runner 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edge runner Exc. 321, 337 53-7063 Exc. 377-389 963
Edge sawyer 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edge setter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge stainer 3162 51-6042 177 834
Edge stainer 3161, 3169 51-9123 179 881
Edge stainer Exc. 3161, 3162, 3169 51-6099 Exc. 177, 179 846
Edge trimmer (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Edge worker (3221) 51-9199 (187) 896
Edger 33329 51-4111 319 813
Edger \ Any not listed 51-9021 \ Any not listed 865
Edger 31324, 3151 51-6031 167 832
Edger 3261, 331-336 exc. 33329, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-318, 329-369, 608, 887 800
Edger 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edger Optical goods 3391 51-9083 Optical goods 396 876
Edger feeder 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edger liner 321, 337 51-9199 377-389 896
Edger operator 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edger runner 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edger saw operator   51-7041   853
Edger tailer 321, 337 51-9199 377-389 896
Edging catcher 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edging machine feeder (3272) 53-7063 (249) 963
Edging machine operator 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Edging machine operator Exc. 321, 337 51-4033 Exc. 377-389 800
Edging machine setter   51-9021   865
Ediphone operator   43-9022   582
Editing clerk   43-9111   592
Editor (51111) 27-3041 (647) 283
Editorial cartoonist   27-1013   260
Editorial clerk   43-9199   593
Editorial director   27-3041   283
Editorial specialist FGOV 27-3041 FGOV 283
Editorial writer (51111) 27-3022 (647) 281
Education consultant   25-9031   255
Education counselor   21-1012   200
Educational adviser   21-1012   200
Educational counselor   21-1012   200
Educational director \ Any not listed 21-1012 \ Any not listed 200
Educational director 8131 21-2021 916 205
Educational director Visiting Nurse Association 621610 11-9039 Visiting Nurse Association 817 023
Educational psychologist   19-3031   182
Educational specialist   25-9031   255
Educational therapist   29-1129   324
Eeler #114 45-3011 #028 610
Efficiency analyst (5416) 17-2112 (737) 143
Efficiency clerk   43-9199   593
Efficiency expert (5416) 17-2112 (737) 143
Efficiency miner \ n.s. (2121) 47-5049 (038) 684
Efficiency miner, blasting (2121) 47-5031 (038) 683
Egg breaker (3116) 51-9199 (118) 896
Egg breaking machine operator   51-9012   864
Egg buyer Egg grading station 422440 13-1021 Egg grading station 447 051
Egg candler   45-2041   604
Egg caser   53-7064   964
Egg crater   53-7064   964
Egg gatherer GOV or PR 112 45-2093 GOV or PR 018 605
Egg grader   45-2041   604
Egg packer (4224) 53-7064 (447) 964
Egg processor   51-2099   775
Egg separator   53-7062   962
Egg setter Hatchery 112 45-2093 Hatchery 018 605
Egg sorter   45-2041   604
Egg tester   45-2041   604
Egg trayer   45-2041   604
Egg washer, machine (112) 45-2093 (018) 605
Elastic tape inserter   51-2099   775
Elder (8131) 21-2011 (916) 204
Election clerk 921-928 43-4199 937-959 542
Election judge   43-9199   593
Election watcher   43-9199   593
Electric appliance installer   49-9031   732
Electric arc welder   51-4121   814
Electric blanket packer   53-7064   964
Electric car operator   53-7051   960
Electric cell tender   51-9012   864
Electric crane operator   53-7021   951
Electric cutter operator (3159) 51-6062 (169) 840
Electric detector operator   51-9061   874
Electric distribution checker   51-9061   874
Electric dolly operator   53-7051   960
Electric drill operator 212, 213, 23 47-5021 038-049, 077 682
Electric furnace operator 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4051 267-369, 608, 887 804
Electric installer (2211) 49-9051 (057) 741
Electric knife operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6062 147-167 840
Electric lift truck driver   53-7051   960
Electric locomotive firer/fireman (482) 53-4012 (608) 920
Electric meter installer (2211) 49-9012 (057) 730
Electric meter reader   43-5041   553
Electric meter tester   51-9061   874
Electric motor analyst   49-2092   704
Electric motor fitter   49-2092   704
Electric motor rebuilder (8112) 49-2092 (879) 704
Electric motor tester   51-9061   874
Electric motorman   53-4041   926
Electric mule driver   53-7051   960
Electric mule operator   53-7051   960
Electric operator   51-8013   860
Electric organ checker   49-2097   712
Electric plater (3328) 51-4193 (289) 820
Electric power machine operator   51-9199   896
Electric powerline examiner   49-9051   741
Electric relay tester   51-9061   874
Electric scoop operator   53-7032   952
Electric screw driver operator   51-2099   775
Electric sealing machine operator   51-9191   885
Electric serviceman (2211) 49-9051 (057) 741
Electric sewer cleaning machine operator   47-4071   675
Electric shovel operator   53-7032   952
Electric sign wirer   47-2111   635
Electric solderer   51-4121   814
Electric spot welder   51-4121   814
Electric stop installer 313, 314, 3151 47-2111 147-167 635
Electric track switch maintainer 482, 485 49-9097 608, 618 760
Electric transfer operator   51-9199   896
Electric tripper machine operator 321, 337 51-9199 377-389 896
Electric truck driver   53-7051   960
Electric truck operator   53-7051   960
Electric trucker   53-7051   960
Electric welder   51-4121   814
Electric well logging operator (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Electric wirer 23 47-2111 077 635
Electric wirer Exc. 23 51-2022 Exc. 077 772
Electrical appliance servicer   49-9031   732
Electrical calibrator   51-2093   775
Electrical contractor, administration or general management (23) 11-9021 (077) 022
Electrical contractor, exc. administrator or general manager (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Electrical discharge machine operator   51-4199   822
Electrical discharge machine set up operator   51-4199   822
Electrical drafter   17-3012   154
Electrical equipment tester   51-9061   874
Electrical installer 23 47-2111 077 635
Electrical installer Exc. 23 49-2091 Exc. 077 703
Electrical lineman   49-9051   741
Electrical logger (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Electrical logging operator (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Electrical machinist   51-4041   803
Electrical maintenance man   47-2111   635
Electrical prospecting observer (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Electrical prospecting operator (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Electrical sign servicer   47-2111   635
Electrical solderer   51-4121   814
Electrical superintendent (2211) 11-1021 (057) 002
Electrical system specialist   47-2111   635
Electrical tester   51-9061   874
Electrical tryout person   49-2096 (357) 711
Electrical wirer 23 47-2111 077 635
Electrical wirer Exc. 23 51-2022 Exc. 077 772
Electrical worker   51-9199   896
Electrician \ n.s. 336, 441, 447, 4539, 8111 49-2096 357, 558, 467-509, 877, 878 711
Electrician \ n.s. Exc. 336, 441, 447, 4539, 8111 47-2111 Exc. 357, 558, 467-509, 877, 878 635
Electrician, airplane   49-2091   703
Electrician, automotive   49-2096   711
Electrician, chief (5121) 47-2111 (657) 635
Electrician, locomotive   49-2093   705
Electrician, office   49-2022   702
Electrician, powerhouse   49-2095   710
Electrician, radio   49-2021   702
Electrician, substation   49-2095   710
Electrification adviser (2211) 17-3023 (057) 155
Electrifier operator 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Electrocardiograph operator   29-2031 (818) 332
Electrochemist (5417) 19-2031 (746) 172
Electrode cleaner   53-7061   961
Electrode cleaning machine operator   51-9192   886
Electrodynamicist   19-2012   170
Electroformer   51-4193   820
Electrogalvanizing machine operator   51-4193   820
Electroless plater   51-4193   820
Electrolog operator (211) 19-4041 (037) 193
Electrologist (8129) 39-5012 (909) 451
Electrolysis investigator (51331) 17-2071 (668) 141
Electrolysis needle operator (8129) 39-5012 (909) 451
Electrolysis operator 31-33 51-9199 107-399 896
Electrolysis operator Exc. 31-33 39-5012 Exc. 107-399 451
Electrolysist   39-5012   451
Electrolytic plating/coating machine operator/tender   51-4193   820
Electrolytic plating/coating machine setter/set-up operator   51-4193   820
Electromatic typist   43-9022   582
Electron beam welder setter   51-4122   814
Electroneurodiagnostic technologist   29-2099   353
Electronic component processor   51-9141   884
Electronic data programmer   15-1021   101
Electronic drafter   17-3012   154
Electronic heat seal operator   51-9191   885
Electronic pagination system operator   43-9031   583
Electronic parts designer   17-2072   141
Electronic scale subassembler   51-2022   772
Electronic semiconductor processor   51-9141   884
Electronic specialist   17-3023   155
Electronic typesetting machine operator   43-9021   581
Electronic video games servicer   49-2097   712
Electronic wirer   51-2022   772
Electronics, aircraft   49-2091   703
Electronics, consultant   19-2012   170
Electronics, installer   49-2022   702
Electronics, scale tester (3333) 51-9061 (309) 874
Electronics, scientist   19-2012   170
Electronics, tester   51-9061   874
Electronics, utility worker   51-2022   772
Electronmicroscopist   19-1022   161
Electroplater (3328) 51-4193 (289) 820
Electrostatic paint operator   51-9121   881
Electrotherapist (6213) 29-1199 (808) 326
Electrotype caster (3231) 51-5023 (199) 826
Electrotype finisher (3231) 51-5023 (199) 826
Electrotype molder (51111) 51-5023 (647) 826
Electrotype servicer   49-9099   762
Electrotyper (3231) 51-5023 (199) 826
Element burner 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-2099 237, 267-369, 608, 887 775
Element setter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-2099 237, 267-369, 608, 887 775
Elephant tamer Circus 711190 39-2011 856 434
Elevated guard   33-9032   392
Elevated motorman   53-4041   926
Elevating grader operator 21, 23 47-2073 037-049, 077 632
Elevator adjuster   47-4021   670
Elevator attendant 4225 13-1021 448 051
Elevator attendant Exc. 4225 53-7199 Exc. 448 975
Elevator builder   47-4021   670
Elevator conductor   53-7199   975
Elevator constructor   47-4021   670
Elevator dispatcher   53-7199   975
Elevator erector   47-4021   670
Elevator examiner   51-9061   874
Elevator examiner and adjuster   51-9061   874
Elevator installer   47-4021   670
Elevator operator 3111, 3112 45-2041 107 604
Elevator operator Exc. 3111, 3112, 4225 53-7199 Exc. 107, 448 975
Elevator operator 4225 13-1021 448 051
Elevator pilot   53-7199   975
Elevator runner   53-7199   975
Elevator starter   53-7199   975
Eligibility and occupancy interviewer   43-4061 (949) 525
Eligibility worker   43-4061   525
Elocutionist (5121) 27-2011 (657) 270
Embalmer (8122) 39-4011 (908) 446
Embalmer and funeral director #8122 11-9061 #908 032
Emblem cutter   51-9032   871
Emblem drawer in   51-6099   846
Emblem maker   51-9199   896
Embosser \ Any not listed 51-5023 \ Any not listed 826
Embosser 313-315 51-6099 147-169 846
Embosser 3162 51-6042 177 834
Embosser 3391 51-9194 396 891
Embosser 3399, 4212, 4214, 4219, 4229, 4483, 45211, 811 51-9199 398, 408, 417, 429, 458, 538, 519, 887, 888 896
Embossing machine operator \ Any not listed 43-9071 \ Any not listed 590
Embossing machine operator 3222, 3231, 33299, 33641, 51111 51-5023 189, 199, 297, 359, 647, 648 826
Embossing machine operator 3219 51-7042 387 854
Embossing press operator   51-5023   826
Embossing tool setter 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Embossograph operator, exc. office machines   51-5023   826
Embossograph operator, office machines   43-9071   590
Embroiderer 313-316 51-6031 147-169, 179 832
Embroiderer Exc. 313-316 51-6052 Exc. 147-169, 179 835
Embroidery cutter (3159) 51-6062 (169) 840
Embroidery designer   27-1021   263
Embroidery finisher (3159) 51-6031 (169) 832
Embroidery machine operator 313-316 51-6031 147-169, 179 832
Embroidery machine operator Exc. 313-316 51-6052 Exc. 147-169, 179 835
Embroidery patternmaker   51-6092   844
Embroidery worker 313-316 51-6031 147-169, 179 832
Embroidery worker Exc. 313-316 51-6052 Exc. 147-169, 179 835
Embryologist   19-1029   161
Emergency man (2211) 49-9051 (057) 741
Emergency management specialist   13-1061   073
Emergency medical service coordinator   11-9111   035
Emergency medicine specialist   29-1069   306
Emergency operator 921-922 43-5031 939, 949 552
Emergency operator Exc. 921-922 43-2021 Exc. 939, 949 502
Emergency room nurse   29-1111   313
Emery grinder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Emery wheel worker 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Employee \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Employee 113 45-4011 019 612
Employee 4471 53-6031 509 936
Employee 713 39-3091 859 443
Employee 722 35-9099 868-869 416
Employee 8123 51-6011 907 830
Employee Motion picture laboratory 5121 51-9131 Motion picture laboratory 657 883
Employee 541922, 81292 51-9131 Photo lab 749, 909 883
Employee adviser   13-1079   062
Employee benefits director   11-3041   013
Employee counselor   13-1079   062
Employee development specialist   13-1073   062
Employee operations examiner (482) 13-1079 (608) 062
Employee placement specialist   13-1071   062
Employee relations \ any not listed   13-1079   062
Employee relations specialist   13-1079   062
Employee service officer   13-1079   062
Employee wellness/fitness coordinator   11-3049   013
Employee's representative   13-1079 (789) 062
Employment clerk   43-4161   536
Employment counselor   13-1079   062
Employment interviewer   13-1071   062
Employment officer   13-1079   062
Employment security officer   13-1079   062
Emulsion coater   51-9121 (229) 881
Emulsion operator   51-9023   865
Enamel applier Jewelry 339911 51-9123 Jewelry 398 881
Enamel buffer Jewelry 339911 51-4033 Jewelry 398 800
Enamel burner   51-9051   873
Enamel dipper 31-33 51-9121 107-399 881
Enamel finisher Jewelry 339911 51-9123 Jewelry 398 881
Enamel machine operator Exc. zipper 33999 51-9121 Exc. zipper 398 881
Enamel machine operator Zipper 33999 51-9121 Zipper 398 881
Enamel pulverizer (3399) 51-9199 (398) 896
Enameler \ Any not listed 51-9123 \ Any not listed 881
Enameler 23, 336, 482, 485-488, 5615 47-2141 077, 367, 368, 608, 618, 628, 629, 767 642
Enameler 332-334, 337 51-9121 278, 288, 289-336, 338, 389, 396 881
Encephalographer (622) 29-2099 (819) 353
Encoder   43-9021   581
Encoding clerk   43-9021   581
Encoding machine operator   43-9011   580
End frazer   51-7042   854
End maker (337) 51-2099 (389) 775
End matcher   51-7042   854
End sewer   51-6031   832
End stapler 321, 337 51-7042 377-389 854
End touching machine operator (3219) 51-7042 (387) 854
End user support   15-1041   104
End worker 313, 314, 3151 51-6061 147-167 836
Endband cutter, hand (3152) 51-9199 (168) 896
Ending machine operator (3221) 51-9191 (187) 885
Endocrinologist   19-1042   165
Endodontist   29-1029   301
Ends breakage clerk 313, 314, 3151 43-5061 147-167 560
Energy audit advisor   25-9021   255
Engine cleaner (482) 53-7061 (608) 961
Engine cowling installer   51-2031 (358) 773
Engine designer   17-2141   146
Engine dispatcher (482) 43-5032 (608) 552
Engine hostler (482) 53-4013 (608) 920
Engine installer   49-3011   714
Engine lathe operator   51-4034   801
Engine lathe set up operator   51-4034   801
Engine oiler (482) 49-9043 (608) 735
Engine pilot (482) 53-4011 (608) 920
Engine setter (23) 47-2031 (077) 623
Engine tester   51-9061   874
Engine turner Jewelry 339911 51-9071 Jewelry 398 875
Engine watchman (482) 53-7062 (608) 962
Engine wiper (482) 53-7061 (608) 961
Engineer \ n.s. 482 53-4011 608 920
Engineer \ n.s. 2211, 2212, 3333, 334, 335, 513, 5417, 92 17-2199 057-059, 309, 336-349, 667-669, 746, 937-959 153
Engineer \ n.s. 211 17-2171 037 152
Engineer \ n.s. 23, 485-487, 5413, 92119, 924-925 17-2051 077, 618-628, 729, 939, 949 136
Engineer \ n.s. 32411-32621 17-2041 207-209, 217-229, 238 135
Engineer \ n.s. 3211-3212, 3219, 32622-32629, 3271, 3279, 3322-3324, 337, 524 17-2112 239, 247-259, 279, 287, 377-378, 389, 699 143
Engineer \ n.s. 3273-3274, 3325-3326, 3328-3329, 3331-3339, 336 17-2141 257, 289-298, 308, 317-319, 329, 357 146
Engineer \ n.s. 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer \ n.s. 3311-3312, 3321, 3327 17-2131 367, 378, 288 145
Engineer \ n.s. 3366, 483 17-2121 368, 609 144
Engineer \ n.s., high school graduate or less \ Any not listed 51-8021 \ Any not listed 861
Engineer, Microsoft certified systems (MCSE)   15-1032   102
Engineer, absorption   17-2041   135
Engineer, acoustical   27-4014   290
Engineer, adsorption   17-2041   135
Engineer, aerodynamics   17-2011   132
Engineer, aeronautical   17-2011   132
Engineer, aerospace   17-2011   132
Engineer, agricultural   17-2021   133
Engineer, aide   17-3029   155
Engineer, air compressor   51-8021   861
Engineer, air conditioning, exc. oper. air cond. systems   17-2141   146
Engineer, air conditioning, oper. air cond. systems   51-8021   861
Engineer, air plant (211) 51-8021 (037) 861
Engineer, air pollution control   17-2081   142
Engineer, aircraft   17-2011   132
Engineer, aircraft instrument   17-2011   132
Engineer, airplane   17-2011   132
Engineer, airport (32) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, application, exc. computer application   17-2199   153
Engineer, architectural   17-2051   136
Engineer, asphalt   17-2051   136
Engineer, astronautical   17-2011   132
Engineer, atomic process   17-2161   151
Engineer, audio   27-4012   290
Engineer, auto research   17-2141   146
Engineer, automobile equipment technician   49-9044 (329) 736
Engineer, automobile relocation (7211) 53-6021 (866) 935
Engineer, automotive 4539, 4411-4413, 4471, 8111 49-3023 558, 467-469, 509, 877-878 720
Engineer, automotive Exc. 4539, 4411-4413, 4471, 8111 17-2141 Exc. 558, 467-469, 509, 877-878 146
Engineer, aviation (33641) 17-2011 (358) 132
Engineer, balance   15-2099   124
Engineer, base FGOV 17-2051 FGOV 136
Engineer, beater (3221) 51-9032 (187) 871
Engineer, bio   17-2031   134
Engineer, bio chemical   17-2031   134
Engineer, bio mechanical   17-2031   134
Engineer, bio process   17-2031   134
Engineer, biomedical   17-2031   134
Engineer, blowing 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-8021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 861
Engineer, blueprint   17-3019   154
Engineer, boat (483) 17-2121 (609) 144
Engineer, body   17-2141 (357) 146
Engineer, boiler   51-8021   861
Engineer, brake   17-2141 (357) 146
Engineer, breaker (2121) 51-8021 (038) 861
Engineer, bridge (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, broadcast   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, budget   13-2031   082
Engineer, building 51331 17-2051 668 136
Engineer, building Exc. 51331 51-8021 Exc. 668 861
Engineer, building construction   17-2051   136
Engineer, bulldozer   47-2073   632
Engineer, byproduct Coke 331111 51-8021 Coke 267 861
Engineer, cable 51331 17-2071 668 141
Engineer, cable Exc. 51331 47-2073 Exc. 668 632
Engineer, cadastral   17-2051   136
Engineer, camera   27-4031 (667) 292
Engineer, cartographic   17-2051   136
Engineer, central office equipment   17-2072   141
Engineer, ceramic (5413) 17-2131 (729) 145
Engineer, chemical (5413) 17-2041 (729) 135
Engineer, chemical process control, design, or development   17-2041   135
Engineer, chemical research   17-2041   135
Engineer, chemical test   17-2041   135
Engineer, chief \ n.s. \ Any not listed 11-9041 \ Any not listed 030
Engineer, chief \ n.s. 114, 483 53-5031 028, 609 933
Engineer, chief \ n.s. 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, chief \ n.s. Fire department 922160 33-1021 Fire department 947 372
Engineer, chief, compressor station (486) 51-1011 (627) 770
Engineer, chief, station (486) 51-1011 (627) 770
Engineer, circuit design   17-2072   141
Engineer, city   17-2051   136
Engineer, city planning   19-3051   184
Engineer, civil   17-2051   136
Engineer, clamshell   47-2073   632
Engineer, combustion   17-2141   146
Engineer, combustion, operating power plant   51-8021   861
Engineer, commercial   17-2199   153
Engineer, communications   17-2072   141
Engineer, compress (115) 51-9199 (029) 896
Engineer, compressor   53-7071   965
Engineer, computer \ n.e.c. or n.s.   17-2061   140
Engineer, computer applications   15-1031   102
Engineer, computer hardware   17-2061   140
Engineer, computer repair   49-2011   701
Engineer, computer software \ n.e.c.   15-1031   102
Engineer, computer software applications   15-1031   102
Engineer, computer software systems   15-1032   102
Engineer, computer systems   15-1032   102
Engineer, concrete   17-2051   136
Engineer, condemnation 491, 921-928 17-2051 637, 937-959 136
Engineer, construction   17-2051   136
Engineer, consulting \ n.s. (5413) 17-2199 (729) 153
Engineer, contracting (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, control   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, control records and tape recordings   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, corrosion   17-2131   145
Engineer, corrosion control   17-2199   153
Engineer, county (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, crane   47-2073   632
Engineer, creosoting (3219) 51-7042 (387) 854
Engineer, cryogenics   17-2141   146
Engineer, custodial   37-2011   422
Engineer, customer's, computers   49-2011   701
Engineer, customer's, office machines   49-2011   701
Engineer, database   15-1061   106
Engineer, deck (483) 53-5031 (609) 933
Engineer, demolition   17-2051   136
Engineer, derrick   47-2073   632
Engineer, design \ n.s. 33311 17-2021 307 133
Engineer, design \ n.s. \ Any not listed 17-2199 \ Any not listed 153
Engineer, design \ n.s. 211 17-2171 037 152
Engineer, design \ n.s. 212, 213 17-2151 038-049 150
Engineer, design \ n.s. 2211, 334-335, 513 17-2072 057, 337-349, 667-669 141
Engineer, design \ n.s. 23 17-2051 077 136
Engineer, design \ n.s. 324, 325 17-2041 207-229 135
Engineer, design \ n.s. 331 17-2131 267-277 145
Engineer, design \ n.s. 332, 33312-33313, 3332-3339, 3361-3363, 3365, 3369, 8113, 8114 17-2141 278-299, 308-329, 357, 367, 369, 887, 888 146
Engineer, design \ n.s. 3364 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, design \ n.s. 3341 17-2061 336 140
Engineer, design bridges (5413) 17-2051 (729) 136
Engineer, design cooling and heating systems   17-2141   146
Engineer, design electrical   17-2071   141
Engineer, design electronic equipment   17-2072   141
Engineer, design highway   17-2051   136
Engineer, design machine   17-2141   146
Engineer, design mechanical   17-2141   146
Engineer, design nuclear equipment   17-2161   151
Engineer, design road   17-2051   136
Engineer, design tool   17-2141   146
Engineer, dial equipment (51331) 17-2072 (668) 141
Engineer, diesel 482 53-4011 608 920
Engineer, diesel Exc. 482 17-2141 Exc. 608 146
Engineer, diesel dinkey   53-4013   920
Engineer, diesel locomotive (482) 53-4011 (608) 920
Engineer, diesel stationary   51-8021   861
Engineer, dinkey   53-4013   920
Engineer, dinkey locomotive   53-4013   920
Engineer, distribution 2211 17-2071 057 141
Engineer, distribution 2212 17-2141 058 146
Engineer, distribution Exc. 2211, 2212 17-2199 Exc. 057, 058 153
Engineer, district (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, district plant 51331 17-2071 668 141
Engineer, district plant Exc. 51331 17-2112 Exc. 668 143
Engineer, ditching machine   47-2073   632
Engineer, division 482 11-3071 608 016
Engineer, division Exc. 482 17-2071 Exc. 608 141
Engineer, division plant (51331) 17-2071 (668) 141
Engineer, drafting   17-3019   154
Engineer, dragline   47-2073   632
Engineer, drainage (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, dredge   53-7031   952
Engineer, dredge boat   53-7031   952
Engineer, drilling   17-2171   152
Engineer, dust control   17-2141   146
Engineer, echometer 211 19-4041 037 193
Engineer, echometer Exc. 211 17-3029 Exc. 037 155
Engineer, efficiency   17-2112   143
Engineer, electrical   17-2071   141
Engineer, electrical design   17-2071   141
Engineer, electrical products   17-2071   141
Engineer, electrical systems   17-2071   141
Engineer, electro-optical   19-2012   170
Engineer, electrolysis   17-2071   141
Engineer, electronic   17-2072   141
Engineer, electronic system   17-2072   141
Engineer, electrophonic   17-2072   141
Engineer, environmental   17-2081   142
Engineer, equipment 2211, 51331 17-2072 057, 668 141
Engineer, equipment Exc. 2211, 51331 17-2141 Exc. 057, 668 146
Engineer, erecting 333 17-2141 308, 317-319, 329 146
Engineer, erecting Exc. 333 17-2051 Exc. 308, 317-319, 329 136
Engineer, establishing methods 31-33 17-2112 107-399 143
Engineer, exhauster Coke 331111 51-8021 Coke 267 861
Engineer, exploration 211 17-2171 037 152
Engineer, exploration Exc. 211 17-2151 Exc. 037 150
Engineer, explosives   17-2041   135
Engineer, facilities 51331 17-2071 668 141
Engineer, facilities Exc. 51331 17-2051 Exc. 668 136
Engineer, facilities or products, mechanical design   17-2141   146
Engineer, factory   17-2112   143
Engineer, factory lay out   17-2112   143
Engineer, fan engine 21 51-8021 037-049 861
Engineer, farm equipment   17-2021   133
Engineer, field 5131, 5132 27-4012 667 290
Engineer, field 524 17-2112 699 143
Engineer, field service \ Any not listed 17-2141 \ Any not listed 146
Engineer, field service 3251, 3259 49-9061 229 743
Engineer, field service 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, fire boat   53-5031 (947) 933
Engineer, fire prevention   17-2111   143
Engineer, fire protection   17-2111   143
Engineer, fire, operating/maintaining equipment 921-928 33-2011 937-959 374
Engineer, flight 481 53-2011 607 903
Engineer, flight 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, flight test   17-2011   132
Engineer, flood control (23) 17-2081 (077) 142
Engineer, forestry   17-2051   136
Engineer, foundation (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, foundry process   17-2131   145
Engineer, freight (482) 53-4011 (608) 920
Engineer, fuels   17-2041   135
Engineer, gas   53-7071   965
Engineer, gas booster   53-7071   965
Engineer, gas combustion   17-2041   135
Engineer, geodetic   17-2051   136
Engineer, geological 21 17-2151 037-049 150
Engineer, geological Exc. 21 17-2051 Exc. 037-049 136
Engineer, geophysical   17-2151   150
Engineer, geotechnical   17-2051   136
Engineer, guidance and control system   17-2072   141
Engineer, hazardous waste management control   17-2081   142
Engineer, head, refrigeration   51-1011   770
Engineer, heating operators of heating systems   51-8021   861
Engineer, heating, exc. operators of heating systems   17-2141   146
Engineer, helicopter (33641) 17-2011 (358) 132
Engineer, highway   17-2051   136
Engineer, highway research   17-2051   136
Engineer, highway safety   17-2051   136
Engineer, hoisting   47-2073   632
Engineer, hoisting pile driving   47-2072   631
Engineer, hull (3366) 17-2121 (368) 144
Engineer, human factors   17-2112   143
Engineer, hydraulic 31-33 17-2141 107-399 146
Engineer, hydraulic Exc. 31-33 17-2051 Exc. 107-399 136
Engineer, hydrographic   17-2051   136
Engineer, illuminating   17-2071   141
Engineer, induction coordination   17-2071   141
Engineer, industrial, except health, hygiene, or safety   17-2112   143
Engineer, industrial, health or safety   17-2111   143
Engineer, industrial, hygiene   17-2081   142
Engineer, industrial, quality control   17-2112   143
Engineer, inspecting 491, 921-928 13-1041 637, 937-959 056
Engineer, inspecting Exc. 491, 921-928 17-2111 Exc. 637, 937-959 143
Engineer, installation, computers exc. PCs   17-2061   140
Engineer, installation, exc. computers   17-2141   146
Engineer, installation, personal computers (PCs)   15-1041   104
Engineer, internal combustion   17-2141   146
Engineer, irrigation   17-2081   142
Engineer, jammer #1133 47-2073 #027 632
Engineer, licensed marine (483) 53-5031 (609) 933
Engineer, lighting   17-2071   141
Engineer, line construction (2211) 17-2071 (057) 141
Engineer, loader (1133) 53-7041 (027) 956
Engineer, locomotive (482) 53-4011 (608) 920
Engineer, locomotive crane   47-2073   632
Engineer, logging (211) 17-2171 (037) 152
Engineer, logistical   17-2112   143
Engineer, logistics   13-1081   070
Engineer, lokie (2121) 53-4011 (038) 920
Engineer, lubricating (32411) 17-2041 (207) 135
Engineer, main line station   53-7072   965
Engineer, maintenance 482 17-2051 608 136
Engineer, maintenance 5131, 5132 49-2097 667 712
Engineer, maintenance \ Any not listed 51-8021 \ Any not listed 861
Engineer, maintenance 2211 17-2071 057 141
Engineer, management   11-9041   030
Engineer, manufacturing chief   11-9041   030
Engineer, manufacturing, exc. chief   17-2112   143
Engineer, mapping   17-2051   136
Engineer, marine \ n.s., associate degree or higher   17-2121   144
Engineer, marine \ n.s., less than associate degree   53-5031   933
Engineer, marine, equipment research or design   17-2121   144
Engineer, marine, fire department Fire department 922160 53-5031 Fire department 947 933
Engineer, marine, operating or maintaining equipment   53-5031   933
Engineer, marine, planning, testing, designing   17-2121   144
Engineer, marketing, product marketing, etc.   19-3021   181
Engineer, master control   27-4012   290
Engineer, material 23 17-2051 077 136
Engineer, material Exc. 23 17-2131 Exc. 077 145
Engineer, mathematical   17-2199   153
Engineer, mechanical   17-2141   146
Engineer, mechanical development   17-2141   146
Engineer, mechanical research   17-2141   146
Engineer, medical   17-2031   134
Engineer, metallurgical   17-2131   145
Engineer, meteorological   19-2021   171
Engineer, meter (2211) 17-2071 (057) 141
Engineer, methods   17-2112   143
Engineer, microwave   17-2072   141
Engineer, mine development   17-2151   150
Engineer, mine equipment design   17-2151   150
Engineer, mine exploration   17-2151   150
Engineer, mine motor   53-4013   920
Engineer, mine production   17-2151   150
Engineer, mineral   17-2151   150
Engineer, mining   17-2151   150
Engineer, motion study   17-3026   155
Engineer, mud (211) 17-2171 (037) 152
Engineer, municipal (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, narrow gauge 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 53-4011 237, 267-369, 608, 887 920
Engineer, natural gas (211) 17-2171 (037) 152
Engineer, naval   17-2121   144
Engineer, network   15-1081   111
Engineer, nuclear   17-2161   151
Engineer, oil exploration   17-2171   152
Engineer, oil well (211) 17-2171 (037) 152
Engineer, operating \ n.s. 3366, 483 53-5031 368, 609 933
Engineer, operating \ n.s. Exc. 3366, 483 47-2073 Exc. 368, 609 632
Engineer, operating equipment \ n.s. 3366, 483 53-5031 368, 609 933
Engineer, operating equipment \ n.s. Exc. 3366, 483 47-2073 Exc. 368, 609 632
Engineer, operating heavy equipment   47-2073   632
Engineer, operating ship engines   53-5031   933
Engineer, optical (3391) 17-2199 (396) 153
Engineer, ordnance   17-2199   153
Engineer, ore dressing   17-2151   150
Engineer, outside plant (51331) 17-2071 (668) 141
Engineer, packaging   17-2112   143
Engineer, petroleum   17-2171   152
Engineer, photogrammetric   17-1021   131
Engineer, photographic   17-2199   153
Engineer, pile driver (23) 47-2072 (077) 631
Engineer, plant 221, 51331 17-2071 057, 059, 668 141
Engineer, plant 325 17-2041 217-229 135
Engineer, plant Mfg. not listed above 17-2112 Mfg. not listed above 143
Engineer, plant equipment   17-2141   146
Engineer, plastics   17-2041   135
Engineer, plating   17-2131   145
Engineer, pollution control   17-2081   142
Engineer, port (483) 17-2121 (609) 144
Engineer, power generation (2211) 17-2071 (057) 141
Engineer, power house   51-8021   861
Engineer, power shovel   47-2073   632
Engineer, process \ Any not listed 17-2112 \ Any not listed 143
Engineer, process 23 17-2051 077 136
Engineer, process 324-325 17-2041 207-229 135
Engineer, process 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 17-2131 237, 267-369, 608, 887 145
Engineer, product safety   17-2111   143
Engineer, production   17-2112   143
Engineer, production tool   17-2112   143
Engineer, projection   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, propeller 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, propulsion 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, protection (2211) 17-2071 (057) 141
Engineer, public health   17-2081 (818) 142
Engineer, pump house   51-8021   861
Engineer, pumping station   51-8021   861
Engineer, quality control   17-2112   143
Engineer, radar   17-2072   141
Engineer, radiation   17-2161   151
Engineer, radiation protection   17-2081   142
Engineer, radio   27-4012   290
Engineer, radio station   27-4012   290
Engineer, radiological   17-2161   151
Engineer, railroad, exc. operating train   17-2051   136
Engineer, railroad, operating train (482) 53-4011 (608) 920
Engineer, rate   13-2099   095
Engineer, reactor   17-2161   151
Engineer, reclamation (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, recording   27-4014   290
Engineer, refining   17-2131   145
Engineer, refrigeration, exc. oper. of refrig. systems   17-2141   146
Engineer, refrigeration, operator refrig. systems   51-8021   861
Engineer, relay (2211) 17-2071 (057) 141
Engineer, reliability   17-2199   153
Engineer, research, chemical   17-2041   135
Engineer, resident   17-2051   136
Engineer, results (2211) 17-2071 (057) 141
Engineer, retort (3219) 51-7042 (387) 854
Engineer, road (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, road roller (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Engineer, rural electrification   17-2071   141
Engineer, safety 48 53-6051 607-629 941
Engineer, safety \ Any not listed 17-2111 \ Any not listed 143
Engineer, safety 212-213 17-2151 038-049 150
Engineer, sales   41-9031   493
Engineer, salvage   17-2112 329 143
Engineer, salvage   17-2199 Exc. 329 153
Engineer, sanitary   17-2081   142
Engineer, sanitation, exc. trash or garbage collection   17-2081   142
Engineer, sanitation, garbage or trash collection   53-7081   972
Engineer, scrap drop 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 47-2073 237, 267-369, 608, 887 632
Engineer, service 51331 49-2022 668 702
Engineer, service 5413 17-2199 729 153
Engineer, service 2211, 334, 335 17-2071 057, 336-349 141
Engineer, sewage disposal (22132) 17-2081 (068) 142
Engineer, sheet metal   17-2141 (287) 146
Engineer, shift   51-1011   770
Engineer, ship (483) 53-5031 (609) 933
Engineer, shovel   47-2073   632
Engineer, signal   27-4012   290
Engineer, skip hoist   53-7041   956
Engineer, slab lifting (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Engineer, smelting   17-2131   145
Engineer, software \ n.e.c.   15-1031   102
Engineer, software applications   15-1031   102
Engineer, software requirements   15-1031   102
Engineer, software systems   15-1032   102
Engineer, soil   17-2081   142
Engineer, solid waste management   17-2081   142
Engineer, sound (5121) 27-4014 (657) 290
Engineer, staff field   17-2199   153
Engineer, standards   17-2112   143
Engineer, station \ n.s. 5131, 5132 27-4012 667 290
Engineer, station \ n.s. 486 53-7072 627 965
Engineer, station \ n.s. \ Any not listed 53-7071 \ Any not listed 965
Engineer, station, mainline (486) 53-7072 (627) 965
Engineer, stationary   51-8021   861
Engineer, statistical   15-2041   123
Engineer, steam   51-8021   861
Engineer, steam shovel   47-2073   632
Engineer, street (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, street roller (23) 47-2073 (077) 632
Engineer, stress \ Any not listed 17-2131 \ Any not listed 145
Engineer, stress 23 17-2051 077 136
Engineer, stress 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, structural   17-2051   136
Engineer, structural steel   17-2051   136
Engineer, studio   27-4012   290
Engineer, studio operation (51331) 27-4012 (668) 290
Engineer, supersonic 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, survey   17-1022   131
Engineer, system   15-1032   102
Engineer, system EDP   15-1032   102
Engineer, systems analyst   15-1032   102
Engineer, technical \ n.s. (5413) 17-2199 (729) 153
Engineer, technical testing (5121) 17-2199 (657) 153
Engineer, telecasting   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, telecommunication   17-2071   141
Engineer, telephone (51331) 17-2071 (668) 141
Engineer, television   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, television service   49-2097 (667) 712
Engineer, test \ Any not listed 17-2011 \ Any not listed 132
Engineer, test 211 17-2171 037 152
Engineer, test 33311 17-2021 307 133
Engineer, test facility   17-2011   132
Engineer, testing \ Any not listed 17-2199 \ Any not listed 153
Engineer, testing 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 17-2131 237, 267-369, 608, 887 145
Engineer, testing Electrical engineering co. 541330 17-2071 Electrical engineering co. 729 141
Engineer, textile   17-2141   146
Engineer, thermodynamics 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, time study   17-2112   143
Engineer, tipple (2121) 49-9041 (038) 733
Engineer, tool   17-2141   146
Engineer, tool and die   17-2141   146
Engineer, tool design   17-2141   146
Engineer, tooling   17-2141   146
Engineer, topographical   17-2051   136
Engineer, traffic \ Any not listed 17-2199 \ Any not listed 153
Engineer, traffic 23, 482 17-2051 077, 608 136
Engineer, traffic 5133 17-2071 668, 669 141
Engineer, traffic circuit (51331) 17-2072 (668) 141
Engineer, traffic routing (51331) 17-2071 (668) 141
Engineer, transmission 5131, 5132 27-4012 667 290
Engineer, transmission \ Any not listed 17-2071 \ Any not listed 141
Engineer, transmitter 5131, 5132 27-4012 667 290
Engineer, transmitter \ Any not listed 17-2072 \ Any not listed 141
Engineer, transonic 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, transportation   17-2051   136
Engineer, traveling (23) 17-2051 (077) 136
Engineer, treating (3219) 51-7042 (387) 854
Engineer, tugboat (483) 53-5031 (609) 933
Engineer, turntable (482) 53-4099 (608) 926
Engineer, utilization   17-2141   146
Engineer, ventilating   17-2141   146
Engineer, vibration 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, video control   27-4012 (667) 290
Engineer, washer (3221) 51-9032 (187) 871
Engineer, washery 21 49-9041 037-049 733
Engineer, waste management   17-2081   142
Engineer, wastewater treatment   17-2081   142
Engineer, watch   51-8021   861
Engineer, water supply   17-2081   142
Engineer, water treatment plant   17-2081   142
Engineer, weight 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, weight control 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, welding   17-2131   145
Engineer, well surveying (211) 17-2171 (037) 152
Engineer, wind tunnel 33641 17-2011 358, 359 132
Engineer, wire communications   17-2071   141
Engineer, yard (482) 53-4013 (608) 920
Engineer, yarder (1133) 53-7041 (027) 956
Engineer, yarding (1133) 53-7041 (027) 956
Engineer, zoning City Planning Board 921190 17-2051 City Planning Board 939 136
Engineering aide   17-3029   155
Engineering analyst   17-2199   153
Engineering clerk   43-5061   560
Engineering document control clerk   43-5061   560
Engineering documentation specialist   27-3042   284
Engineering drafter   17-3019   154
Engineering geologist   19-2042   174
Engineering mathematician   15-2021 (667) 121
Engineering model maker (3399) 51-4061 (398) 806
Engineering programmer   15-1021   101
Engineering psychologist   19-3032   182
Engineering systems analyst   15-1051   100
Enginehouse brakeman 21 53-4021 037-049 923
Engineman 482 53-4011 608 920
Engineman 33641 49-3011 358, 359 714
Engineman Exc. 33641, 482 51-8021 Exc. 358, 359, 608 861
English drawer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Engraver   51-9194   891
Engraving press operator   51-5023   826
Engraving tire molds   51-4035   802
Engrosser   51-9194   891
Enlarger   51-9131   883
Enrober (3113) 51-3091 (108) 783
Enrobing machine carder (3113) 51-9123 (108) 881
Enrobing machine feeder (3113) 53-7063 (108) 963
Enrobing machine operator (3113) 51-9121 (108) 881
Enrollment clerk   43-4071   526
Enterer 313, 314, 3151 51-6099 147-167 846
Enterprise resource planner   11-3021   011
Entertainer (5121) 27-2099 (657) 276
Entertainment director   11-9199   043
Entomologist   19-1023   161
Entry table operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4023 237, 267-369, 608, 887 794
Entryman, blasting (2121) 47-5031 (038) 683
Enumerator   43-4111   531
Envelope adjuster   49-9043 (189) 735
Envelope folding machine adjuster   49-9041   733
Envelope folding machine operator   51-9196   893
Envelope machine adjuster   49-9041 (189) 733
Envelope machine operator   51-9196 (189) 893
Envelope maker   51-9196 (189) 893
Envelope sealer   51-9191 (189) 885
Envelope sealer operator   43-9051   585
Envelope stuffer   43-9199   593
Environmental analyst Exc. GOV 19-2041 Exc. GOV 174
Environmental analyst GOV 19-4091 GOV 196
Environmental cleaner   47-4041   672
Environmental control administrator   11-9199   043
Environmental control system installer servicer   49-9021   731
Environmental engineering aide   17-3025   155
Environmental epidemiologist   19-1041   165
Environmental health aide   31-9099   365
Environmental health sanitarian   29-9011   354
Environmental health technologist   29-9011   354
Environmental planner   17-1012   130
Environmental protection officer   29-9011   354
Environmental scientist   19-2041   174
Environmental specialist   19-2041   174
Epidemiologist, exc. veterinarian   19-1041   165
Epidemiologist, veterinarian   29-1131   325
Epoxy specialist (23) 47-2021 (077) 622
Equal opportunity counselor   13-1041   056
Equal opportunity officer   13-1041   056
Equal opportunity representative   13-1041   056
Equal opportunity specialist   13-1041   056
Equalizer 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Equalizer operator 321, 337 51-7041 377-389 853
Equestrian (713) 39-2011 (859) 434
Equipment cleaner   53-7061   961
Equipment driver (32) 47-2073 (077) 632
Equipment installer   49-2022   702
Equipment man   51-9021   865
Equipment monitor, phototypesetting   51-5022   825
Equipment oiler   49-9043   735
Equipment operator \ n.s. 3162 51-6042 177 834
Equipment operator \ n.s. 491 43-5053 637 556
Equipment operator \ n.s. 51332-51339 43-2099 669 503
Equipment operator \ n.s. 8123 51-6011 907 830
Equipment operator \ n.s. 212-213 47-5049 038-049 684
Equipment operator \ n.s. 23 47-2073 077 632
Equipment operator \ n.s. 3131-3161 51-6031 147-169, 179 832
Equipment operator \ n.s. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4199 237, 267-369, 608, 887 822
Equipment operator \ n.s. 521-531, 6111, 622, 62441 43-9071 687-707, 786, 819, 847 590
Equipment operator \ n.s. Movie theater 512131 39-3021 Movie theater 657 441
Equipment operator \ n.s. Tabulating service 5412 43-9011 Tabulating service 728 580
Equipment operator \ n.s. or any specified type n.e.c. Any not listed 51-9199 Any not listed 896
Equipment superintendent   49-1011   700
Equipment tester (51331) 49-2022 (668) 702
Eradicator 111, 115 45-2092 017, 029 605
Eradicator Exc. 111, 115 37-3012 Exc. 017, 029 425
Erco machine operator   51-2011   771
Erecting crane operator   53-7021   951
Erector \ n.s. 51331 49-2022 668 702
Erector \ n.s. \ Any not listed 49-9041 \ Any not listed 733
Erector \ n.s. Boiler 332410 47-2011 Boiler 287 621
Erector, aerial   49-2094   710
Erector, structural steel   47-2221   653
Errand boy or girl 44611 53-3033 507 913
Errand boy or girl \ Any not listed 43-5021 \ Any not listed 551
Escalator attendant   39-9099   465
Escalator installer   47-4021   670
Escalator operator   39-9099   465
Escapement maker   51-2093 (339) 775
Escapement matcher   51-2093 (339) 775
Escort   39-6021   454
Escort car driver   53-3041   914
Escort service attendant   39-6021   454
Escort vehicle driver (488) 53-3033 (629) 913
Escrow clerk   43-9199   593
Escrow officer   23-2093   215
Escrow representative   13-2041 (687) 083
Escrow secretary   43-6014   570
Estate planner   13-2052   085
Estate planning counselor   13-2052   085
Estate tax examiner U.S. Internal Revenue Service 92113 13-2081 U.S. Internal Revenue Service 938 093
Esthetician   39-5094   452
Estimate clerk   43-3021   511
Estimator \ n.s. \ Any not listed 13-1051 \ Any not listed 060
Estimator \ n.s. 1133 19-1031 027 164
Estimator \ n.s. 441, 447, 4539, 8111 51-9061 467-469, 509, 558, 877 874
Estimator \ n.s. 524 13-1031 699 054
Estimator and drafter, utilities   17-3019   154
Estimator, jewelry (3399) 43-5061 (398) 560
Estimator, paperboard boxes (32221) 43-5061 (188) 560
Estimator, printing   43-5061   560
Etcher \ n.s. 5419 27-1013 749 260
Etcher \ n.s. \ Any not listed 51-9194 \ Any not listed 891
Etcher \ n.s. 3231, 511 exc. photoengraving 51-9194 199, 647, 648 exc. photoengraving 891
Etcher \ n.s. 334, 335 51-4193 339, 349 820
Etcher \ n.s. Photoengraving 323122 51-5022 Photoengraving 199 825
Etcher, glass   51-9194   891
Etcher, hand 3231, 511 exc. photoengraving 51-9194 199, 647, 648 exc. photoengraving 891
Etcher, hand Photoengraving 323122 51-5022 Photoengraving 199 825
Etcher, jewelry or silverware   51-9194   891
Etcher, machine (3322) 51-4199 (279) 822
Ethics officer   13-1199   073
Ethnologist   19-3099   186
Etiologist   19-1029   161
Etymologist   19-3099   186
Euclid operator   53-7051   960
Evaluator Exc. U.S. Federal Housing Admin. 522 43-3021 Exc. U.S. Federal Housing Admin. 689 511
Evaluator U.S. Federal Housing Admin. 522 13-1041 U.S. Federal Housing Admin. 689 056
Evangelist #8131 21-2011 #916 204
Evaporative cooler installer   49-9021   731
Evaporator   51-9012   864
Evaporator operator   51-9012   864
Eviscerator   51-3022   781
Examination grader   25-9041   254
Examination proctor (6111) 25-9041 (786) 254
Examination scorer   25-9041   254
Examiner 8123 51-6011 907 830
Examiner \ Any not listed 13-1031 \ Any not listed 054
Examiner 113 19-1031 019 164
Examiner 21 13-1041 037-049 056
Examiner 31-33 51-9061 107-399, 647, 648 874
Examiner 521, 522, 524 13-2061 687, 699 090
Examiner of currency GOV 3231 51-9061 GOV 199 874
Excavating contractor, administration or general management (23) 11-9021 (077) 022
Excavating contractor, exc. administrator or general manager (23) 47-1011 (077) 620
Excavating machine operator 211 47-5099 037 694
Excavating machine operator 212, 213 47-5049 038-049 684
Excavating machine operator 23 47-2073 077 632
Excavator   53-7032   952
Excavator operator 211 47-5099 037 694
Excavator operator 212, 213 47-5049 038-049 684
Excavator operator 23 47-2073 077 632
Excelsior cutter   51-9032   871
Excelsior machine operator   51-7042   854
Exchange clerk \ Any not listed 41-2021 \ Any not listed 474
Exchange clerk 521-522 43-3071 687-689 516
Exchange operator (51331) 43-2011 (668) 501
Exchange teller 521-522 43-3071 687-689 516
Exchange trouble shooter (51331) 49-2022 (668) 702
Executive casino host (7132) 39-1011 (859) 430
Executive chef   35-1011   400
Executive housekeeper 814 37-2012 929 423
Executive housekeeper Exc. 814 37-1011 Exc. 929 420
Executive pilot   53-2012   903
Executive secretary, exc. managerial or official duties   43-6011   570
Executive secretary, managerial or official duties   11-9199   043
Executor of estate   13-2099   095
Exerciser 713 27-2021 859 272
Exerciser Reducing salon 713940 39-9031 Reducing salon 859 462
Exhaust machine operator   51-2031   773
Exhaust worker   51-8021   861
Exhauster   51-9199   896
Exhibit designer   27-1027   263
Exhibit display representative   41-9011   490
Exhibitor (5121) 13-1011 (657) 050
Expander   51-4022   793
Expander machine operator   51-4022   793
Expediter   43-5061   560
Expediting clerk (3391) 43-5061 (396) 560
Expeller operator   51-9199   896
Expeller worker 325 51-9199 217, 218, 228, 229 896
Expeller worker Cotton gin 561730 51-9199 Cotton gin 777 896
Experimental man 336 49-3023 357 720
Experimental man Exc. 336 49-3011 Exc. 357 714
Experimental mock up   51-4061   806
Experimental physicist (5417) 19-2012 (746) 170
Experimental psychologist   19-3039   182
Explosion welder   51-4122   814
Explosive expert 21, 23 47-5031 037-049, 077 683
Explosive man 21, 23 47-5031 037-049, 077 683
Explosive operator   51-2099   775
Explosive ordnance disposal specialist 921-928 33-2011 937-959 374
Explosive ordnance handler   47-5031   683
Explosive ordnance specialist   47-5031   683
Explosives truck driver   53-3033   913
Export clerk   43-3031   512
Export documents clerk   43-3031   512
Export packer   53-7064   964
Exporter   41-4012   485
Express clerk   43-5071   561
Expressman   53-3031   913
Extension agent   25-9021 (789) 255
Extension clerk 2211-2212 43-5061 057-059 560
Extension clerk Exc. 2211-2212 43-9199 Exc. 057-059 593
Extension course coordinator   11-9039 (789) 023
Extension course counselor   21-1012   200
Extension edger (3221) 51-9191 (187) 885
Extension forester #115 19-1032 #029 164
Extension service advisor   25-9021   255
Extension service specialist   25-9021   255
Extension specialist   25-9021 (789) 255
Extension work director   11-9039 (789) 023
Extension worker   25-9021 (789) 255
Exterminator (5617) 37-2021 (769) 424
External grinder 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4033 237, 267-369, 608, 887 800
Externe (622) 29-1069 (819) 306
Extra 5121 27-2011 657 270
Extra 21 47-5099 037-049 694
Extra Exc. 21 51-9199 Exc. 037-049 896
Extra gang 482 53-7062 608 962
Extra hand 3118 51-3091 127 783
Extracorporeal circulation specialist   29-2099   353
Extract mixer   51-9023   865
Extract puller Naval stores 325191 53-7063 Naval stores 229 963
Extracting machine operator 3121 51-9041 137 872
Extracting machine operator 8123 51-6011 907 830
Extracting machine operator \ Any not listed 51-9199 \ Any not listed 896
Extracting machine operator 3114, 325 51-9012 109, 217-229 864
Extracting machine operator 313-315 51-6099 147-169 846
Extraction machine operator 212, 213 47-5049 038-049 684
Extractive metallurgist   17-2131   145
Extractor filler 31-33 51-9199 107-399 896
Extractor loader and unloader   53-7063 (229) 963
Extruder operator \ Any not listed 51-9041 \ Any not listed 872
Extruder operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Extruding machine operator/setter/tender \ Any not listed 51-9041 \ Any not listed 872
Extruding machine operator/setter/tender 3252, 3272 51-6091 217, 249 843
Extruding machine operator/setter/tender 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Extruding press adjuster 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Extruding press operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Extruding press operator Exc. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9041 Exc. 237, 267-369, 608, 887 872
Extrusion former   47-2211   652
Extrusion press adjuster 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Extrusion press operator 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-4021 237, 267-369, 608, 887 792
Extrusion press operator Exc. 3261, 331-336, 482, 8113 51-9041 Exc. 237, 267-369, 608, 887 872
Eye doctor (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Eye glass frame polisher   51-4033   800
Eye physician (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Eye specialist (6211) 29-1069 (797) 306
Eyedotter (3162) 51-6042 (177) 834
Eyeglass cutter   51-9083   876
Eyeglass fitter   29-2081   352
Eyeglass frame truer (3391) 51-9199 (396) 896
Eyeglass maker   51-9083   876
Eyelet machine operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Eyelet machine operator Exc. 3162 51-6099 Exc. 177 846
Eyelet maker 3162 51-6042 177 834
Eyelet maker Exc. 3162 51-6099 Exc. 177 846
Eyelet operator 3162 51-6042 177 834
Eyelet operator Exc. 3162 51-6099 Exc. 177 846
Eyelet punch operator (337) 51-6099 (389) 846
Eyeletter 3162 51-6042 177 834
Eyeletter Exc. 3162 51-6099 Exc. 177 846


Contact the Census Call Center at 1-800-923-8282 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 30, 2011