Infrastructure and Transportation

RAND research addresses the challenges of developing, managing, and protecting energy, transportation, water, communications, and other critical infrastructure throughout the world.

Research conducted by: RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment; RAND Europe; Transportation, Space, and Technology Program; RAND Gulf States Policy Institute; RAND-Qatar Policy Institute

Featured at RAND

Alternate Ways to Fund U.S. Transportation System

Congress should take the opportunity provided by the pending reauthorization of the federal transportation bill to consider new ways to fund the U.S. transportation system, shifting from indirect fees such as fuel taxes to ones that charge drivers directly for the miles they travel.

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Odd Man Out at Sea — Apr 25, 2011

The United States has yet to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. As a result, the U.S., the world's leading maritime power, is at a military and economic disadvantage, write Thad W. Allen, Richard L. Armitage, and John J. Hamre.


Influences on the Adoption of Multifactor Authentication — Apr 15, 2011

Passwords are proving less and less capable of protecting computer systems from abuse. Multifactor authentication (MFA) — which combines something you know (e.g., a PIN), something you have (e.g., a token), and/or something you are (e.g., a fingerprint) — is increasingly being required. This report investigates why organizations choose to adopt or not adopt MFA — and where they choose to use it.


Air Travel Security Since 9/11 — Apr 12, 2011

There are no plans to discontinue the use of whole-body image scanning machines and pat downs in airports around the country. In light of concerns about the cost, safety, effectiveness, and privacy of these procedures, the author explores air travel security performance since 9/11, identifies missed opportunities and innovations, and considers potential next steps.


Kowtowing to Pirates' Ransoms Fuels Maritime Piracy — Apr 11, 2011

Instead of fanning piracy, international businesses need to heed policy. Ransoms in the short term can only lead to more problems in the long term, writes Laurence Smallman.


Understanding the Security, Privacy, and Trust Aspects of Cloud Computing — Apr 6, 2011

Cloud computing is a model for enabling on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing resources—such as storage and applications—that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. RAND Europe explored the security, privacy, and trust challenges that cloud computing poses.


Moving Toward Vehicle Miles of Travel Fees to Replace Fuel Taxes: Assessing the Path Forward — Mar 29, 2011

Assesses alternate mechanisms for implementing fees to fund the nation's road network based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and outlines a plan for large-scale system trials to further evaluate the most promising concepts.


The Effects of Changing Aircraft Carrier Procurement Schedules — Mar 21, 2011

The Secretary of Defense's plans to shift Navy aircraft carrier acquisition to every five years should have little impact on force structure and the industrial base in the next decade—but after that, the force structure shrinks, as does the chance of meeting goals for the number of deployed aircraft carriers.


Community Resilience and Long-Term Recovery — Mar 21, 2011

The sustained ability of a community to withstand and recover from adversity, at both the infrastructure and human levels, is a key policy issue. This project asks, what are the key levers for building and strengthening community resilience and what specific activities can communities undertake?


Four Approaches to Estimating the Total Flow of Illegal Border Crossings Between Ports of Entry — Mar 11, 2011

Fundamental to the question of border control effectiveness is the proportion of illegal crossings that are prevented through deterrence or apprehension, but estimating these proportions requires knowing the total flow. Four new approaches warrant further attention for purposes of supporting reliable, valid, and timely measures of illicit cross-border flow.


Engaging Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Response and Recovery — Mar 14, 2011

NGOs are instrumental in communities' resilience to natural and man-made disasters, but the plans and processes for their involvement are not well-defined. RAND-convened sessions at the 2010 LANO conference identified challenges to engaging NGOs and recommendations for addressing these challenges.


Stormy Seas off Somalia: Pirate Activity Will Increase in 2011 — Feb 28, 2011

Only by addressing the poverty and lack of central authority in Somalia can the international community lower maritime crime and violence off the Horn of Africa, writes Peter Chalk.


Replacing Gas Tax with Crude Oil Tax Could Fund Nation's Transportation Needs — Feb 23, 2011

The federal government could fully fund its surface transportation infrastructure needs by levying a percentage tax on crude oil and imported refined petroleum products.


Replacing Gas Tax with Crude Oil Tax Could Fund Nation's Transportation Needs — Feb 23, 2011

The federal government could fully fund its surface transportation infrastructure needs by levying a percentage tax on crude oil and imported refined petroleum products.


Building Community Resilience to Disasters — Feb 22, 2011

Communities can build resilience to disasters through efforts such as joint planning of government and non-governmental organizations and the development of community networks.


Building Community Resilience to Disasters: A Roadmap to Guide Local Planning — Feb 22, 2011

Examines ways in which communities can improve their ability to withstand and recover from adversity.


Ways for Communities to Build Resilience to Aid Disaster Recovery — Feb 22, 2011

Communities can build resilience to disasters through efforts such as joint planning of government and non-governmental organizations and the development of community networks.


Financial Literacy Conference Addresses Retirement Planning, Better Decisionmaking — Feb 21, 2011

At the first annual conference of the Financial Literacy Research Consortium, scholars discussed how programs, educational products, and policies can best promote financial planning and security. Videos from the presentations are available on


Advancing Aeronautics: A Decision Framework for Selecting Research Agendas — Feb 17, 2011

What aeronautics research should be supported by the U.S. government? What compelling and desirable benefits drive that research? How should the government make these decisions? The authors develop a unified decisionmaking approach for addressing these questions. This framework quantifies the social and economic reasons for the research, balances competing perspectives, and enables transparent explanation of the resulting decisions.


A Methodology for Comparing Costs and Benefits of Management Alternatives for F-22 Sustainment — Feb 16, 2011

The U.S. Air Force asked RAND Project AIR FORCE to perform a congressionally required assessment of contractor versus organic management of F-22 air vehicle and F119 engine sustainment to determine the most cost-effective approach. The methodology involved the development of notional government sustainment organizations and a consideration of a variety of factors relevant to such a decision, including the asserted benefits of each…


System Trials to Demonstrate Mileage-Based Road Use Charges — Feb 11, 2011

Explore options for conducting a set of trials to test the feasibility of transitioning from fuel excise taxes to a system of road use charges based on vehicle miles of travel.


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