Project Air Force is Making a Difference with the Air Force

Research Spotlight

  • The Value of Overseas Security Commitments

    U.S. overseas security commitments have positive and significant effects on both U.S. bilateral trade and non-U.S. global bilateral trade. If commitments were reduced, the economic costs from lost trade would be more than triple any associated savings in defense spending.

  • Saving the Government Money: Examples from RAND's FFRDCs

    Dec 20, 2016

    RAND's three federally funded research and development centers apply research capital they have developed over the years to help decisionmakers solve problems and often save money as well. This publication lists and briefly summarizes some RAND projects undertaken over the past several years that have helped save the government money or that have identified ways to do so.

  • Assessing the Training and Operational Proficiency of China's Aerospace Forces: Selections from the Inaugural Conference of the China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI)

    Oct 20, 2016

    This volume contains revised versions of three presentations on Chinese aerospace training and operational competence issues from a June 2015 China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI) conference. Presentations concentrate on People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) leadership; training for PLAAF joint operations; and developments in PLAAF facility logistics and maintenance.

  • People's Liberation Army Air Force Aviation Training at the Operational Unit

    Sep 20, 2016

    How does People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) training compare with unit-level pilot training in the U.S. Air Force? Researchers assess PLAAF pilot proficiency by examining training held at operational aviation units.

  • Do 'Guardian Forces' Belong in the Military?

    Mar 10, 2016

    More and more national security workers in and out of uniform never get close to combat. They address cyber threats, operate satellite constellations, and control drones. It's time to rethink their place in the system.

  • Demystifying the Citizen Soldier

    Dec 3, 2015

    The National Guard is often portrayed as the modern heir to the colonial militia—and home of today's "citizen soldiers." But what exactly does this term mean, and does it still apply to the institution that the National Guard is today?

  • Air Force Commander's Guide to Diversity and Inclusion

    Sep 25, 2015

    The Air Force has expanded its approach to diversity to include skills, background, and ways of thinking. This transition will require an adaptive and agile leadership that can leverage diversity while maintaining unit cohesion.

  • Chinese Threats to U.S. Surface Ships

    Sep 14, 2015

    Discussion about China's military modernization has included little comparative analysis of Chinese and U.S. military capabilities. This brief focuses on improvements to China's ability to target U.S. surface ships, especially aircraft carriers.