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Events @ RAND Audio Podcast

Events @ RAND

RAND organizes and records a variety of events to inform and inspire debate on specific, timely policy issues.



A New Way to Pay for Transportation: Exploring a Shift from Fuel Taxes to Mileage-Based User Fees — Apr. 26, 2011

In this April 2011 Congressional Briefing, Liisa Ecola discusses approaches to funding and conducting system trials designed to help policy and decisionmakers better understand the benefits and trade-offs of mileage-based user fees.

Admiral Thad Allen Discusses Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill — Apr. 18, 2011

RAND Corporation Senior Fellow Adm. Thad Allen, the former commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard who served as national incident commander for the federal government's response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, shares lessons learned on the one-year anniversary of the spill. He spoke with Media Relations Officer Joseph Dougherty.

Partners in Preparedness: How Governments Can Leverage the Strengths of NGOs in Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery — Mar. 14, 2011

In this March 2011 Congressional Briefing, behavioral scientist Joie Acosta shares action plans and policy recommendations that emerged from a community conference held on the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Distinguished panelists include Admiral Thad Allen, now a senior fellow at the RAND Corporation, and Ann Williamson, President and CEO of the Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations.

From Management to Recovery: Emerging Approaches to Serious Mental Illness — Mar. 8, 2011

A RAND Policy Forum on serious mental illness management and recovery was held on January 26, 2011 with a special performance by acclaimed musician Nathaniel Anthony Ayers.


Explore Our Newest Features at — Dec. 6, 2010

url bar

This short video outlines many of the new features found on Explore the basics of creating an account, saving content, viewing recommendations, as well as an overview of topic pages, product pages, bios, and more.

Anita Chandra Discusses Supporting the Needs of Veterans and Their Families — Nov. 11, 2010

military family hugging before deployment, photo courtesy of Spc. M. Vogler/U.S. Army

RAND Behavioral Scientist Anita Chandra outlines current and past RAND research that focuses on the issues that affect veterans, the military, and their families.

Unique Educational Games for Financial Literacy — Nov. 8, 2010

couple at computer

In this November 2010 Congressional Briefing, Timothy Flacke and Nick Maynard from the nonprofit D2D Fund discuss the value of financial entertainment as an educational tool, demonstrate two brand-new games, and describe plans to test their effectiveness.

Rebuilding Haiti — Oct. 18, 2010

earthquake ruins

In this October 2010 Congressional Briefing, RAND experts discuss how the billions of dollars in aid pledged to help Haiti rebuild after the January earthquake can be used to create a resilient state that is capable of responding effectively to natural disasters and providing public services like education and health care.

The Quality of Care for Patients Dying in the Hospital: Areas for Improvement Suggest Fundamental Problem in U.S. Health Care — Sep. 13, 2010

arrows and people to indicate performance measurement

In this September 2010 Congressional Briefing, Neil Wenger describes a yearlong study on improving end-of-life care that can help policymakers address payment systems and other issues pertaining to quality of care for critically ill patients.

Keith Crane and Laurel Miller Discuss Building a More Resilient Haitian State — Aug. 13, 2010

Workers in the earthquake rubble in Haiti

RAND Senior Economist Keith Crane and RAND Senior Political Scientist Laurel Miller discuss developing a Haitian state-building strategy. They identify the main challenges to more capable governance and suggest ways the influx of aid money can be used for long-term improvements, as well as offer other insights from their latest report, Building a More Resilient Haitian State.

Improving Performance-Based Accountability for Public Services — Aug. 9, 2010

arrows and people to indicate performance measurement

In this August 9, 2010, Congressional Briefing, Brian Stecher presents evidence about the effectiveness of performance-based accountability systems in five sectors—child care, education, health care, public health emergency preparedness, and transportation—and provides recommendations about how to improve the effectiveness of such systems.

Civilian Defense Forces in Afghanistan — Jul. 26, 2010

Afghani village men, photo courtesy of

Counterterrorism expert Arturo Munoz discusses the viability of establishing civilian defense forces to complement Afghan National Security Forces in this May 10, 2010, Congressional Briefing.

Marijuana Legalization: Projected Revenues, Costs, and Effects on Price and Use in California — Jul. 12, 2010

marijuana plant

A voter initiative to legalize marijuana has qualified for the November 2010 ballot in California. In this July 12, 2010, Congressional Briefing, the codirector of the RAND Drug Policy Research Center discusses the projected revenues, costs, and effects on price and use that may come from legalizing, regulating, and taxing marijuana in California.

Cash Incentives and Military Enlistment, Attrition, and Reenlistment — Jun. 14, 2010

troops marching, courtesy of Army/Hu Son Yoo

In this Congressional Briefing, held on June 14, 2010, James Hosek and Beth Asch describe the effect of enlistment and reenlistment bonuses on military recruitment and retention efforts and on attrition.

Pardee RAND Graduate School Commencement Address — Jun. 12, 2010

Adm. Mike Mullen

On June 12, 2010, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave the commencement address, culminating the 40th anniversary celebration of the Pardee RAND Graduate School.

The Sources and Challenges of Political Polarization in the United States — May 14, 2010

donkey and elephant

On May 14, 2010, James Thomson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the RAND Corporation, discussed the sources and challenges of political polarization in the United States with The City Club of Cleveland.

Police as an Investment — Apr. 28, 2010

police badge

On October 28, 2009, during his last week in office, LAPD Chief Bill Bratton visited RAND's headquarters campus in Santa Monica. He and Greg Ridgeway discussed Bratton's tenure, achievements, and obstacles to success, as well as RAND's impact on policing in Los Angeles.

Improving the Energy Performance of Buildings: Learning from the European Union and Australia — Apr. 12, 2010

green building, photo courtesy of

In this April 12, 2010, Congressional Briefing, Ambassador Charles Ries discusses lessons the United States could learn from the experiences of the European Union and Australia in driving energy efficiency in the building sector.

Robust Decision Making — Apr. 2, 2010

Robert Lempert

Robert Lempert, Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition, highlights the Robust Decision Making (RDM) method and presents an example of how RDM allowed a municipal water utility to revise their long term plans while still considering climate change.

Surface Transportation Finance: The End of User Financing or a New Beginning? — Mar. 8, 2010

highway traffic, photo courtesy of

In this March 8, 2010, Congressional Briefing, Martin Wachs and Paul Sorensen discuss alternative funding streams for highway and public transportation improvements that Congress can consider as it focuses on the pending reauthorization of the federal transportation bill.

Children on the Home Front: The Experiences of Children from Military Families — Mar. 1, 2010

returning soldier hugs daughter, photo courtesy of DoD/Cherie A. Thurlby

In this Congressional Briefing held on March 1, 2010, behavioral scientist Anita Chandra shared findings from the largest study to date on how children whose parents serve in the U.S. military are faring academically, socially, and emotionally during this extended period of wartime.

Webinar: Promising Practices Related to Child Care Quality — Jan. 25, 2010

Kids in child care center

In a Webinar held on December 9th 2009, child policy experts discussed the latest research related to child care quality and the implications of the findings for policy.


The Impact of Deployment on the Post-Deployment Labor Market Earnings of Reservists — Nov. 9, 2009

U.S. Army reservists taking re-enlistment oath, photo courtesy of U.S. Army/Staff Sgt. M. Alices

In this Congressional Briefing held on November 9, 2009, senior economist David Loughran presents findings about whether reservists who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer economic hardship in their post-deployment years because of lost civilian work experience, injury, and other difficulties adjusting to civilian work life.

U.S. Policy in Afghanistan: Basic Questions — Strategic Choices — Oct. 29, 2009

Daily Life in Afghanistan, Photo courtesy of

On October 29, 2009, the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy convened a half-day symposium of experts — including Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador James Dobbins, Senator Carl Levin, and others — and journalists to address assumptions and alternatives for U.S. policy in Afghanistan.

Ending Social Promotion: Examining the Effects of NYC's 5th-Grade Promotion Policy — Oct. 19, 2009

a girl in a library

In this Congressional Briefing held on October 19, 2009, researchers Jennifer McCombs and Lou Mariano discuss RAND's recently published evaluation of a test-based promotion policy implemented by the New York City Department of Education. The findings will be of interest as many states and school districts are implementing test-based requirements for promotion at key transitional points in students' schooling careers, thus ending the practice of promoting students who have failed to meet academic standards and requirements for that grade.

Forerunner of the Internet: Early RAND Work in Distributed Networks and Packet Switching (1960-1965) — Oct. 6, 2009

Paul Baran

At a recent RAND Alumni Association event, RAND alumnus Paul Baran discussed his work on distributed networks and packet switching.

The H1N1 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from the Cities Readiness Initiative — Sep. 14, 2009

pedestrians in city street

In this Congressional Briefing held on September 14, 2009, researchers Christopher Nelson and Edward Chan discuss RAND's recently published evaluation of the Cities Readiness Initiative, which helps the nation's largest metropolitan areas develop the ability to rapidly deliver life-saving medications and other medical supplies to their populations. The study has implications for pandemic influenza and other federal public health preparedness programs.

Options for Controlling Health Care Spending in Massachusetts — Aug. 17, 2009

surgeon removes coin from piggy bank

In this Congressional Briefing held on August 17, 2009, economist Christine Eibner presents findings about which strategies to reduce health care spending in Massachusetts are most (and least) promising. Lessons learned in this Massachusetts study are broadly applicable and could help Congress navigate cost containment proposals in the ongoing health reform debate.

Reparable Harm: Assessing Disparities Faced by Boys and Men of Color in California — Aug. 10, 2009

two men of color

In this Congressional Briefing held on August 10, 2009, Rebecca Kilburn, director of the Promising Practices Network on Children, Families and Communities and of RAND Child Policy, discusses the disparities for boys and men of color relative to their white counterparts across specific socioeconomic, health, safety, and school readiness indicators in California.

U.S.-U.K. Conference on Behavioral Finance and Public Policy — Jul. 30, 2009

Brigitte Madrian Speaking at BeFi Conference

The U.S.-U.K. Conference on Behavioral Finance and Public Policy held on May 1, 2009, highlighted new ideas that will help consumers make better financial decisions and achieve better outcomes.

RAND 60th Anniversary Overview — Jul. 13, 2009

RAND 60th Anniversary Overview

RAND research and analysis has helped to improve policy and decisionmaking for more than 60 years. This video shows some of the highlights of RAND's work in celebration of its 60th Anniversary.

The Economic Cost of Methamphetamine Use in the United States — Jul. 13, 2009

dirty fingers hold small bag of meth crystals

In this Congressional Briefing held on July 13, 2009, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, codirector of the RAND Drug Policy Research Center, presents the results of the first comprehensive national assessment of the annual economic burden posed by methamphetamine use.

Engaging Iran: Opportunities and Obstacles — Jun. 9, 2009

Southern iwan with the square ablutions pool in the middle of of Masjed-e Jame mosque's sahn courtyard, the largest sahn in Iran, photo courtesy of flickr/youngrobv

In this Congressional Briefing held on June 8, 2009, Ambassador David Aaron, director of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy, moderates a discussion on Iran, one of the United States' most critical and high-profile foreign policy concerns.

Imported Oil and U.S. National Security — May 11, 2009

Imported Oil and U.S. National Security

In this Congressional Briefing held on May 11, 2009, Keith Crane, director of the RAND Environment, Energy, and Economic Development Program, leads a discussion on the links between oil imports and U.S. national security.

The Arc: An Overview — Apr. 16, 2009

The Arc

This video overview presents key aspects of The Arc, an exploration of options for strengthening the physical infrastructure for a new Palestinian state.

What Constitutes an Effective Approach to Limiting Greenhouse Gases? — Apr. 13, 2009

What Constitutes an Effective Approach to Limiting Greenhouse Gases

In this Congressional Briefing, Michael Toman, former director of the RAND Environment, Energy, and Economic Development Program, moderates a discussion on greenhouse gases.

The 15th Annual RAND Summer Institute — Mar. 26, 2009

The 15th Annual RAND Summer Institute

The RAND Summer Institute (RSI) consists of conferences addressing critical issues facing our aging population.

Gregory F. Treverton Discusses Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism — Mar. 03, 2009

Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism

Gregory F. Treverton discusses how organized crime is increasingly involved in the piracy of feature films, with syndicates active along the entire supply chain from manufacture to street sales of pirated movies.


Webinar: Quality Improvement Strategies for Public Health Emergency Preparedness — Dec. 10, 2008

Anita Chandra

In a webinar given on November 19th 2008, researchers from the RAND Center for Public Health Preparedness provide guidance on applying quality improvement (QI) methods to public health emergency preparedness.

Anita Chandra Discusses "Does Watching Sex on Television Predict Teen Pregnancy?" — Nov. 3, 2008

Anita Chandra

Anita Chandra discusses first study to demonstrate a link between exposure to sexual content on TV and subsequently becoming pregnant or being responsible for a pregnancy before the age of 20.

Lynn E. Davis Discusses "Individual Preparedness" — Sep. 19, 2008

Lynn E. Davis

Individual preparedness is an important element of our nation's strategy for homeland security. Lynn E. Davis examines a scenario-driven approach that provides a rigorous way to identify actions-linked specifically to terrorist attacks-individuals can take to protect their health and safety.

The Arc: A Formal Structure For a Palestinian State — Aug. 26, 2008

The Arc

Building on analyses that RAND conducted between 2002 and 2004, this presentation explores the options for strengthening the physical infrastructure of a potential future independent Palestinian state.

Brian Michael Jenkins Discusses "Will Terrorists Go Nuclear?" — Aug. 6, 2008

Brian Michael Jenkins

Offering insights into vital questions of national security, presidential decisionmaking, and terrorist motives, world-renowned terrorism expert Brian Michael Jenkins examines how terrorists think about nuclear weapons and nuclear terror.

James A. Thomson, President and Chief Executive Officer, RAND Corporation – Jul. 25, 2007

Jim Thomson

A discussion of RAND's role as an independent, nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through objective research and analysis with a focus on providing nonpartisan information for members of Congress and theirs staffs.

The Quality of Health Care for America's Children — Feb. 4, 2008

Elizabeth McGlynn

In a policy luncheon hosted by the Promising Practices Network and the RAND Corporation, Dr. Elizabeth McGlynn presented research findings and recommendations related to the quality of pediatric health care in the United States. Video of the event is available online.


Effective State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Policy — Jul. 19, 2007

People at a conference

In a policy forum hosted by the Promising Practices Network and Kansas Action for Children, top experts from around the country shared research and practice knowledge related to federal and state SCHIP policy. Video of the event is available online.


Brian Michael Jenkins Discusses "Unconquerable Nation" — Aug. 7, 2006

Brian Michael Jenkins

Brian Michael Jenkins discusses important questions addressed in his latest book, including: 1) Are Americans overly fearful of terrorism? 2) What has the United States done wrong in the war on terrorism? and 3) Is it necessary to curtail civil liberties in the United States to combat terrorism?



Brian Michael Jenkins Discusses the Death of Osama bin Laden — May 04, 2011

Brian Michael Jenkins, senior adviser at the RAND Corporation, spoke with RAND media relations director Jeffrey Hiday about the death of Osama bin Laden and how it might affect al Qaeda, the relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan, and more.

Managing the Unexpected — Apr. 19, 2011

On April 19, 2011, the RAND Corporation presented "Managing the Unexpected" as part of its Issues in Focus public outreach series in Santa Monica, California. The program featured Admiral Thad Allen, now a senior fellow at RAND.

Fred Wehrey and Charles Ries Discuss Conflict in Libya Conference Call – Mar. 7, 2011

Fred Wehrey, senior policy analyst, and Charles Ries, senior fellow and director of the Center for Middle East Public Policy, spoke with RAND media relations director Jeffrey Hiday about the conflict in Libya, including various options for international engagement.

RAND Experts Discuss Events in Middle East Conference Call – Feb. 24, 2011

RAND experts provide an audio discussion of the humanitarian and diplomatic challenges present in the revolt in Libya, the role of the Islamic Brotherhood in the events in Egypt, and the effects of the growing strife in the Middle East on Iran.

Julie Taylor Discusses Post-Mubarak Egypt and Middle East Conference Call – Feb. 11, 2011

Senor political scientist Julie Taylor spoke with RAND media relations director Jeffrey Hiday about the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the effects it could have on other Middle East countries and U.S. relations with the region.


Legalizing Marijuana in California Conference Call with Media – Jul. 07, 2010

A voter initiative to legalize marijuana has qualified for the November 2010 ballot in California. In this conference call, the codirector of the RAND Drug Policy Research Center discusses a RAND report that projects the revenues, costs, and effects on price and use that may come from legalizing, regulating, and taxing marijuana in California.

Below The Radar – Apr. 12, 2010

RAND Senior Political Scientist Peter Chalk discusses the string of recent arrests involving American citizens in terror plots against the U.S., which highlight what appears to be a trend in transnational Islamist terrorism: growing domestic radicalization.

Highlights from RAND COMPARE Analysis of House and Senate Health Reform Proposals – Feb. 16, 2010

Beth McGlynn, associate director of RAND Health, highlights findings from the RAND COMPARE analysis of U.S. Senate health reform proposal H.R. 3590 and contrasts them with a similar analysis of the House health reform proposal, H.R. 3962.

Why We Need to Study the Tutors Audio Commentary – Jan. 20, 2010

Based on the results of statewide standardized tests, more than 15 percent of U.S. schools are in need of improvement. The students attending these schools need help.


The Public Option: Sorting Rhetoric from Reality Audio Commentary – Sep. 04, 2009

President Obama and several Congressional leaders have recently expressed support for the idea of allowing citizens to buy into a public insurance program as part of any health reform legislation. The intensity of the ensuing debate has been fascinating given the lack of specifics that have been offered by either side.

Iran's Real Winners: The Revolutionary Guards Audio Commentary – Jul. 02, 2009

Despite the huge protests on the streets of Tehran, Iranian President Ahmadinejad has once again triumphed. A relative newcomer to Iranian politics, Ahmadinejad's re-election and subsequent crackdown on the demonstrators suggest that the Iranian political system is moving in a new and potentially dangerous direction.


Achievement and Attainment in Chicago Charter Schools Conference Call with Media – May 07, 2008

RAND experts field questions from the media on the report Achievement and Attainment in Chicago Charter Schools.

Invisible Wounds Conference Call with Media – Apr. 17, 2008

RAND experts field questions from the media on the report Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery.

No Child Left Behind Panel Discussion – Jan. 9, 2008

RAND researchers and experts in the field discuss the implementation and effectiveness of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

On The Web


How Does Bin Laden's Death Change U.S. Equation in Af-Pak Region? — May 4, 2011

Seth Jones

In a PBS NewsHour interview, Jeffrey Brown speaks with Seth Jones of the RAND Corporation and Celeste Ward Gventer of the University of Texas at Austin about how Osama bin Laden's death might influence the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition forces from Afghanistan.


How Will 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Be Implemented, Tailored? — Dec. 20, 2010


In a PBS NewsHour interview, Judy Woodruff speaks with Bernard Rostker of the RAND Corporation and Tammy Schultz of the Marine Corps War College about how the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will be implemented and how it might affect servicemembers.

Will Health Reform Help Control Costs? — Mar. 22, 2010

Elizabeth McGlynn

RAND health care expert Elizabeth McGlynn talks with Kai Ryssdal about whether the recently passed health care reform legislation will lead to more cost-effective care, and whether there will be more health care system transparency going forward.

Economic Development in Iraq: Views from the Front Lines — Mar. 22, 2010

Charles Ries

During a Google Tech Talk, Ambassador Charles Ries provided a view from the front-lines of Iraq's past and present economic development, as well as a perspective on what we can expect to see in Iraq's future.

Plan For Afghan Poppy Fields Examined — Mar. 10, 2010

Seth Jones

RAND Afghanistan expert Seth G. Jones discusses why the U.S.-led offensive in Marjah is also targeting opium production in an interview with NPR All Things Considered.

Iraq's Parliamentary Elections: Fragile Democracy – Mar. 9, 2010

Nora Bensahel

RAND senior political scientist Nora Bensahel adds insight to TIME's look at the potential effects of Iraq's March 7th parliamentary elections.

Afghan Battle Needs Backing Of Local Power Base — Feb. 16, 2010

Seth Jones

In a NPR Morning Edition interview, Afghanistan expert Seth G. Jones discusses how gaining support from tribal leaders is necessary for the success of the current U.S. and Afghan offensive against the Taliban in the town of Marjah.

In Haiti, Recovery Hinges on Fixing Government — Feb. 8, 2010

James Dobbins

In a PBS NewsHour report, James Dobbins, director of RAND's International Security and Defense Policy Center and special envoy to Haiti under President Clinton, discusses Haiti's government and what it means for rebuilding efforts.

Targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guard — Jan. 19, 2010

Alireza Nader

In a CNBC report, Iran expert Alireza Nader discusses the possibility of targeted sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guard.


Let's Talk About Sex — Dec. 7, 2009

Megan K. Beckett

In a CNN Tonight report, RAND behavioral/social scientist Megan K. Beckett offers insights into her study examining the timing of parent-child discussions about sexual activity.

Why Strategic Cyber Warfare Shouldn't Be a Military Priority — Oct. 24, 2009

Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar

Martin C. Libicki, a senior management scientist at the RAND Corporation, discusses why strategic cyber warfare should not be a military priority, in an interview with GovInfoSecurity.

Pittsburgh Prepares to Host G-20 Summit — Sep. 23, 2009

Susan Everingham

Susan S. Everingham, director of the RAND Pittsburgh office, details how Pittsburgh was chosen to host a major international conference and the preparations underway.

Why Pittsburgh, PA — Sep. 22, 2009

Susan Everingham

Susan S. Everingham, director of the RAND Pittsburgh office, explains why the RAND Corporation selected Pittsburgh, PA as the location for their third principal U.S. office.

RAND, the G-20, and Pittsburgh — Sep. 21, 2009

Susan Everingham

RAND Pittsburgh Director Susan Everingham and World Affairs Council President Dr. Schuyler Foerster discuss the G-20 summit and its significance to Pittsburgh, PA.

Elizabeth McGlynn Discusses Health Care Reform Legislation — Sep. 17, 2009

Elizabeth A. McGlynn

Elizabeth A. McGlynn, associate director of RAND Health, offers insights on the Senate Finance Committee's health care reform legislation.

Objectives and Weaknesses Differ in Afghanistan and Iraq (World Focus Online) – Aug. 19, 2009

Nora Bensahel

In an interview with World Focus Online, RAND Senior Political Scientist Nora Bensahel explains the differences between the conflicts and objectives in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan (MSNBC Morning Joe) – Aug. 03, 2009

Seth Jones

In an interview with MSNBC Morning Joe, RAND Afghanistan expert Seth G. Jones discusses his new book, In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan, and how the U.S. military will know when to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Pirate Threats on U.S. Companies (Fox Business) – Apr. 13, 2009

Peter Chalk

RAND Maritime Piracy Expert Peter Chalk, in a Fox Business interview, offers insights on whether the successful rescue of captain Richard Phillips will be a deterrent for pirates.

New Strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan (Inside Story, Al Jazeera) – Mar. 30, 2009

Cheryl Benard

In an Al Jazeera Inside Story report, RAND expert Cheryl Benard and two other analysts provide insights into the Obama Administration's new strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Report Offers Policy Suggestions For Afghanistan (NPR's All Things Considered) – Feb. 18, 2009

Seth Jones

Middle East expert Seth G. Jones discusses a new report titled Securing Afghanistan for the U.S. Institute of Peace on weaknesses in the Afghan security environment.


Select Sites Targeted in the Mumbai Attacks (NPR's Talk of the Nation) – Dec. 2, 2008

Brian Michael Jenkins

In this episode of NPR's Talk of the Nation, RAND expert Brian Michael Jenkins discussed the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and how and why the gunmen chose their specific list of targets.

C. Christine Fair

Mumbai Attacks Raise Questions on India's Ability to Combat Terror (PBS NewsHour Podcast) – Nov 28, 2008

In a PBS Online NewsHour interview, RAND expert C. Christine Fair examined the government's response to terrorist attacks in Mumbai and what it means for larger security issues.



The Impact of Air Quality on Hospital Spending – Mar. 2, 2010

 doctor examines coughing girl

California's dirty air caused more than $193 million in hospital-based medical care from 2005 to 2007 as people sought help for problems such as asthma and pneumonia that are triggered by elevated pollution levels.


The Socioeconomic, Health, Safety, and Education Disparities Faced by Boys and Men of Color in California – Mar. 24, 2009

The Socioeconomic, Health, Safety, and Education Disparities Faced by Boys and Men of Color in California

Discusses the large disparities between boys and men of color in California compared with their white counterparts across four broad domains — socioeconomic, health, safety, and ready to learn.

60 Ways RAND Has Made a Difference – Jan. 30, 2009

60th anniversary timeline

RAND has helped to improve policy and decisionmaking in countless ways over the past 60 years. An interactive book reflects on sixty of those notable contributions.


RAND 60th Anniversary Timeline – Dec. 10, 2008

60th anniversary timeline

Explore RAND's legacy of groundbreaking work in an interactive timeline spanning 60 years of influential research and analysis.


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