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Bank Applications
We review mergers, acquisitions and expansionary proposals from bank holding companies, state member banks and international organizations.
Bank Holding Companies
  •  Filings and Related Forms offsite

  • State Member Banks
  •  Filings and Related Forms offsite

  • International Organizations
  •  Filings and Related Forms offsite

  • Related Guidance
  •  How to Submit Comments on Applications

  •  Fingerprint Procedures

  •  Newspaper Notices
  •  Domestic offsite
  •  International
  •  Banking Markets Information
    for Antitrust/Competition Analysis

  •  Request Copies of Applications

  • Contact Information
    Applications General Information
  •  212-720-8842

  • Applications Staff Contact List

    Where to Submit Applications
  •  Paper Copies
         Submit 1 original and 5 copies of entire filing to
              Ivan J. Hurwitz,  Vice President, Bank Applications
              Federal Reserve Bank of New York
              33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045
  •  Electronic Applications (E-Apps)