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Staff Report 330, June 2008; Revised October 2011
  Corporate Performance, Board Structure, and Their Determinants in the Banking Industry. by Renee B. Adams and Hamid Mehran. June Issue. Length varies.
New York - District 2
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Current Issues Vol 11 12 December 2005
  The Income Implications of Rising U.S. International Liabilities. by Matt Higgins, Thomas Klitgaard, Cedric Tille. Future Issues available by subscription. 8 pp.
New York - District 2
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(EPR 9.01(01) Introduction
  by Hamid Mehran. 3 pp.
New York - District 2
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(EPR 9.01(02) Boards of Directors as an Endogenously Determined Institution: A Survey of the Economic Literature
  by Benjamin E. Hermalin and Michael S. Weisbach. 20 pp.
New York - District 2
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(EPR 9.01(06) Corporate Governance of Banks, The
  by Jonathan R. Macey and Maureen O'Hara. 14 pp.
New York - District 2
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(EPR 9.01(08) Is Corporate Governance Different for Bank Holding Companies?
  by RenĂ©e Adams and Hamid Mehran. 20 pp.
New York - District 2
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Staff Report 157, December 2002
  On Both Sides of the Quality Bias in Price Indexes. by Bart Hobijn. December Issue. Length varies.
New York - District 2
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(EPR 7.03)(03) Personal On-Line Payments
  by Kenneth N. Kuttner and James J. McAndrews. 16 pp.
New York - District 2
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(EPR 6.02(02) Timing and Funding of Fedwire Funds Transfers, The
  by James McAndrews and Samira Rajan. 16 pp.
New York - District 2
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Staff Report 98, February 2000
  Compositional Dynamics and the Performance of the U.S. Banking Industry, by Kevin J. Stiroh. February 2000. 25pp
New York - District 2
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Total of 13 records found, displaying 1 - 10
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