Outreach and Education


National Public Lands Day 2011 - Final Report, February 2012 (Legacy 11-086) (PDF)

The Department of Defense provides funds to the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) for National Public Lands Day (NPLD) projects on military lands open to the public for recreation In 2011, the Legacy funds were used to enhance Department of Defense (DoD) lands through various cultural and natural resource improvement activities. Participating in NPLD provides the natural and cultural resources managers the means and labor to complete small installation-specific projects that while beneficial to the installations, may not otherwise get done due to budget or manpower limitations. These projects improve habitat and biodiversity for common and rare species alike, which may help reduce the need for intense management and constraints to installation operations.

National Public Lands Day 2010 Report (Legacy 10-086) (PDF)

This report documents DoD participation in the 2010 National Public Lands Day and describes the 48 sites that received funds for their NPLD efforts. The branches awarded with Legacy Resource Management Program funding consisted of eight Air Force, 15 Army, 12 Army/Air National Guard, two Marine Corps and 11 Navy sites.

National Public Lands Day 2009 Report (Legacy 09-086) (PDF)

In 2009, NPLD volunteers focused on protecting our nation's water resources. Site managers educated volunteers about estuaries, rivers, oceans, drinking water, fish, groundwater, watersheds and water safety. Many Legacy Resource Management Program sites also organized work projects to improve habitat for pollinator species such as such as bees, birds, bats and insects

Intensive Plant Conservation Workshop-Berkeley, CA  Final Report- April 2010 (Legacy 09-364) (PDF)

This document details the planning, hosting and response by attendees to the 2009 offering of the Plant Conservation Workshop, funded by Legacy and developed by The Center For Plant Conservation.

DoD Partners in Flight Program Management and Technical Support - Annual Report, November 17, 2011 (Legacy 09-1717) (PDF)

This document summarizes the goals and achievements of the Department of Defense Partners in Flight Program for 2009.

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2011 (Legacy 11-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2010 (Legacy 10-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2009 (Legacy 09-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Sikes Act Outreach and Education (Legacy 09-417) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: 2009 Intensive Plant Conservation Workshop-Berkeley, CA (Legacy 09-364) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Revision of the DoD Biodiversity Conservation Handbook and Commanders Guide (Legacy 07-247) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2008 (Legacy 08-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: National Public Lands Day 2007 (Legacy 07-086) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Department of Defense National Public Lands Day 2005 (Legacy 05-086) (PDF)

This fact sheet summarizes the ongoing National Public Lands Day project accomplishments for 2005.

Fact Sheet: Biodiversity Outreach Toolkit: Sustaining the Mission, Securing the Legacy (Legacy 05-273) (PDF)

Fact Sheet: Conservation of Indigenous Birds on Wake Atoll (Legacy 01-134) (DOC)

This document summarizes a project dealing with the removal and eradication of feral cats on Wake Atoll (Marshall Islands, Micronesia) in order to preserve the indigenous birds whose numbers were declining due to heavy predation by numerous feral cats.

Secretary of Defense Natural Resources Awards (PDF)

This fact sheet summarizes the Environmental Awards program and gives highlights from the winning natural resources programs from 6 installations.

Training Materials

PowerPoint Template: Sustainable Landscape Designs Utilizing Native Species to Increase Pollinator Habitats on (Installation Name) Presentation Template (Legacy 09-461): (PPTX)

This template consists of 9 slides set up to be filled in with installation-specific information for presentations on the value of landscaping for pollinators.

Intensive Plant Conservation Workshop-Berkeley, CA  Final Report- April 2010 (Legacy 09-364) (PDF)

This document details the planning, hosting and response by attendees to the 2009 offering of the Plant Conservation Workshop, funded by Legacy and developed by The Center For Plant Conservation.

Developmental Counseling Form DA FORM 4856: Specific to Wildlife Trade (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

This is a customized DA 4856, pre-loaded with important information and advice regarding illicit wildlife trade, to aid command and troops to be deployed or currently deployed.

Leave Wildlife in the Wild (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

This handy fold-up pocket card provides valuable information for soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq regarding the problem of illicit wildlife trade.

My Friends Don't Buy Snow Leopard Pelts (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

This handy business card outreach item provides important cautionary information to soldiers deployed in Afghanistan about the prohibitions against illicit wildlife trade, such as snow leopard pelts, as stipulated in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora (CITES) and military regulations.

Fact Sheet: Wildlife Trade and the U.S. Military Abroad: Raising awareness and reducing demand (Legacy 09-444) (PDF)

Information Fact Sheet:  Wildlife Trade Training Fact Sheet for Military Stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq (Legacy 09-444 (PDF)

This 2 page training tool details the problem of illicit wildlife trade, important laws pertaining to wildlife trade that must be followed by military personnel, the trade in Afghanistan and Iraq, what military leadership do, and valuable information sources.

Conservation Awareness Training Video


Speeches and Presentations

Species at Risk on DoD Lands: Updated Maps and Analyses, July 27, 2011 (Legacy 10-247) (PDF)

This presentation, given at the 2011 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference (TN), summarizes the findings of the update to the 2001 DoD Species at Risk project in maps, graphs and charts.

Current Conservation Issues in DoD Presentation (PPT)

by Peter Boice at the NMFWA, March 2002

Conserving the DoDs Natural and Cultural Resources: Recent Advances, New Challenges (PDF)


Don't Let Your Cat Go AWOL! Indoor Cats Are Safe Cats (PDF)


POSTER: Sustainable Landscape Designs Utilizing Native Species to Increase Pollinator Habitats on Military Lands (Legacy 09-461) (PDF)

POSTER: Emerging Threat to America's Bats: White-Nose Syndrome (Legacy 09-445) (PDF)

Utah Bat Initiative Project Posters (Legacy 09-346) (PDF)

These 4 posters summarize the goals, findings and accomplishments of this multi-year effort to understand the status of bats in Utah and measures to take to conserve and manage them.

POSTER Eliminating Invasive Introduced Species While Preserving Native Species in Coastal Meadow Habitat, a Critically Imperiled Ecosystem (Legacy 08-400): (PDF)

This poster depicts the study investigating the effectiveness of large-scale mechanical removal of Scotch broom and the impacts on native vegetation in a critically imperiled ecosystem: coastal meadow habitat.


The Brown Treesnake - Species Information Sheet. 2011 (Legacy 05-238) (PDF)

This 2-page information sheet provides species information, including biology, habitat, damage, and spread to be used as an outreach tool.

Stakeholder Analysis Exercise: A Quick Process for Identifying Stakeholders and Developing Community Outreach Strategies - Partners Edition, April 2000 (Legacy 02-136) (PDF)

The purpose of this exercise is to help your field staff to better understand the communities in which they work, and the roles of individuals and groups within those communities, so you can become a more effective force for community-based conservation. This exercise is a quick, lowtech procedure for identifying a community's key stakeholders and should result in an outreach strategy visavis these stakeholders that will assist you in achieving your local conservation goals.


Press Release - National Public Lands Day 2011 (PDF)

National Public Lands Day 2011 Project List by State (PDF)

Last Modified: 17 May 2012 at 10:37