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Financial Plan

This Financial Plan, published in 2008, identifies long-term financial issues and provides strategies or suggests alternatives to address them. Its purpose is to generate, document, and evaluate selected issues within a financial framework that will help guide BPA’s financial direction in the future. The Plan focuses on 4 major subject areas: Access to Capital, Financial Risk Metrics, Good Year/Bad Year Financial Planning, and Cost Recovery Policy.

10 Year Financial Plan

The 10-Year Financial Plan, BPA’s first public financial plan, was released in January 1993. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) worked with its customers and other regional interests to develop this 10-Year Financial Plan (Financial Plan). The development of BPA's Financial Plan through such a broad, participatory process was unprecedented for BPA. The Financial Plan is a financial companion to BPA's other long-term program plans, such as the 10-Year Operations, Maintenance and Replacement Plan and the 1992 Resource Plan. The time frame covered by this document is fiscal years (FYs) 1992 through 2001.

Process to update Financial Plan 

Frequency of Posting: Infrequent
POC: Alex Lennox
File format: PDF

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