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​Customer Billing
​BPA strives for accurate and timely bill preparation and issuance. Below are some resources to help with understanding your bill
New Customer Billing Center (CBC)
​On Feb. 1, 2010 Customer Billing implemented a consolidated Customer Billing system to produce both Power and Transmission bills. We are currently preparing the system to bill BPA’s 2012 Rate Case Contracts. The first bills will be issued Nov. 1, 2011.
Billing Resources

Billing and Payment Procedures
These Billing and Payment Procedures apply to all Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Power and Transmission Services’ customers.

Monthly Generation System Peak (GSP)
The GSP is the peak load (in MW) on the Federal System during a calendar month, determined by the largest hourly integrated demand produced from system generating plants in BPA's control area and scheduled imports for BPA's account from other control areas.

Total Transmission System Load (TTSL)
TTSL is an approximation of loading on any part of the BPA transmission system, based on federal and non-federal generation within the BPA control area, and interchange and wheeling onto the system.
BPA Rates​
For questions regarding your bill or BPA’s billing practices, please call the Customer Billing Message Center at (503) 230-4211.
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