Combined Federal Campaign



2011/2012 CFC Chairperson: MAJ Dan Cody, (717) 267-5846
Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO): Amy Hicks, United Way of Franklin County,
CFC Program Managers – Janet Gardner, 717-267-8404, and Rob Willits 717-267-9468

Chambersburg Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

CFC_50th logo

- Began in 1961
- Federal Employees are proud to support many worthy causes through the CFC.
- To support your favorite charity or cause, please see your local coordinator or keyworker for a paper pledge form. 
- Thank you for participating in the CFC.



What is the CFC?

- The only authorized workplace giving program for federal employees.
- The largest workplace giving program in the world.
- Established in 1961 to provide a ‘Combined’ campaign, in lieu of separate solicitations.
- Has raised nearly $6 billion dollars since 1961.
- 200+ local campaigns.

Family photo

The Three C’s of CFC


- Applicant organization are reviewed to ensure they meet all requirements of the campaign.
- Annual Audits to ensure proper receipt and distribution of pledges


- Employees designate to the charity that means the most to them May pledge cash, check or payroll deduction.


- Payroll deduction makes larger gifts possible.
- Most campaigns are providing electronic pledging.

Chambersburg Area Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC):

MAJ Dan Cody, 2011/2012 CFC Chairperson
Janet Gardner - CFC Program Manager, Letterkenny Army Depot
Rob Willits - CFC Program Manager, Letterkenny Army Depot
Vanessa Kuntz - Letterkenny Munitions Center
Shelly Duckworth - DISA
Mike Cameron - Federal Communications Center
Bonnie Lapelosa - National Park Service
Stacy Hull - Social Security Administration
Clark Lockwood - Chambersburg Postal Service

2011 CFC campaign

Photo of LT Jamie Brackett

2011 CFC GOAL:  $100,000

Chambersburg CFC on Facebook


As of 19 December 2011 - $96,536.28.

CFC thermometer

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity and honor to serve as the Chairperson of the Chambersburg Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for 2011.   As a native of South Central Pennsylvania, I have seen firsthand the generosity and compassion the local community shares within itself and around the world.  Recently, natural disasters have become a common occurrence in the news.  Coupled with tough economic times, organizations, who make it their mission to help others, are struggling to provide the support they want so much to provide to so many people in need.  I see this as an opportunity for those of us who have been blessed with so much to help out those people who are in need.  CFC is a great way to make a difference within our community, nation, and around the world.
Our area boasts a relatively large federal employee population, many of whom, have taken advantage of CFC’s leg work in identifying and qualifying charities, and the ease in which donations can be made.  To those of you who have given in the past and continue to give, I send you my heartfelt thanks.  There is not a day that goes by that I don’t see or experience the impact of your generosity within our community.  To those of you who are new federal employees or have not been able to give in the past, I ask that you take a look at your finances to see what you can afford to give.  What a great impact we can have if everyone would give at least $1.00 a pay period.  Not only would we have a huge impact on the community, but, the satisfaction and pride that comes with knowing you helped a neighbor in need is a tremendous feeling. 

As a Federal employee, you can donate hassle-free through the CFC, the world’s largest workplace giving campaign.  You determine how much you want to donate and to which participating organization you want to give to.  Even the smallest of donations can go a long way towards improving the lives of others and payroll deduction is the simplest way for you to contribute.  Payroll deduction lets you spread your contribution across the entire year.  For example if you make the minimum required payroll deduction contribution of $26.00 and are paid every two weeks for a total of 26 pay periods during the year, $1.00 will be deducted from your pay check each pay period.  As you can see, spreading your contribution out over the year may allow you to contribute a larger amount and increase the benefits you can provide. 
Through your federal employment, you have already demonstrated your commitment to America.  The CFC is a great opportunity to further extend your public service by supporting charitable organizations which often provide services and benefits beyond what is available through the government.  In the words of President John F. Kennedy, who established the CFC via Presidential Order in 1961, “And so, my fellow Americans:  ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”  Through the CFC you can make a difference in our community, our nation, and around the world.

Thank you for your generosity in this year’s campaign.  Your contribution to the organization of your choice, along with the donations of other supporters, will go a long way to help many fellow citizens in need. 

MAJ Daniel Cody
2011 CFC Chairman
Letterkenny Army Depot


2011 CFC campaign


For 50 years, the CFC has provided Federal employees with an efficient and effective channel for giving.  As the CFC moves forward into its next 50 years, the Chambersburg Area Combined Federal Campaign will continue to keep up with philanthropic trends and provide new donation options for Federal employees to conveniently make meaningful differences in the world.

If you are a Federal employee, contact the Chambersburg Area CFC, Angie Coons to learn more about how you can make a meaningful difference. 

*CFC 2011 Kickoff will be held on October 4th, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at Letterkenny Army Depot, Bldg 10, Great Room.

Click here for the Letter From National Honorary chair

Chambersburg CFC on FacebookFacebook icon



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