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ITIP Toolkit: A Guide for Working with Curriculum Developers
By Gurnell, Betty; Bergeron, Renee. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This user-friendly tool kit is: grounded in research; follows and promotes the use of the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) model and ITIP (Instructional Theory Into Practice) format; and provides “a mechanism for the user to work with curriculum designers to set expectations, then to review, evaluate and give feedback on the curriculum as it is being developed” (p. ii). This publication is divided into six parts: purpose of the tool kit and its components; ADDIE Instruct... Read More
56 pages
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Workplace Learning Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
The use of workplace learning in “building your organization into a dynamic and flexible one, capable of meeting contemporary challenges” is addressed (p. 2). Sixty-seven annotated citations are grouped according to what workplace learning is, its importance, how to implement it, and how workplace learning has been implemented.... Read More
24 pages
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The Six Moving Parts of Correctional Training Effectiveness
By Morton, Gregory R.; Shepherd, Aaron. National Institute of Corrections Academy. Western Region (N.P.).
The "concept of 'The Six Moving Parts of Correctional Employee Training,' a model for integrating strategy into the organization's approach to training" is presented (p.1). Sections of this publication are: introduction; overview of the model's components; moving part 1 -- organizational readiness; moving part 2 -- curriculum selection; moving part 3 -- delivery methodology; moving part 4 -- participant engagement; moving part 5 -- workplace reinforcement; moving part 6 -- impact evaluation; sum... Read More
60 pages
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Effective Training Design and Development [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held April 2007]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
This blended-learning, self directed course provides the user with the knowledge necessary to create effective training programs. "Along the journey, you will have developed skills to help you assess, design, develop, and evaluate learner-centered instructional designs and curricula targeted to enhance employee job performance." Modules making up this training program are: program overview; learner centered instruction; assessment; performance objectives; ITIP (instructional theory into practic... Read More

1 data DVD
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Cost Effective In-Service Training Alternatives for Small Jails
By Reid, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Minnesota Jail Resource Center (St. Paul, MN); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
"This Training Resource Package recommends several cost-effective methods of providing in-service training for existing staff (p.3)." Sections of this document include: theme--if it meets all the requirements of "Defendable Training," it is training; executive summary; introduction; needs; training delivery options--in-service field training, shift overlap training delivery sessions, experiential training, shift scenario reviews, staff independent studies programs, training presentations during ... Read More
16 p.
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Foundation Skills for Trainers: 32-Hour Training Program [Videoconference Held March 22-25, 2004]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
This 32-hour program willl help participants develop the preparation, presentation, and platform delivery skills needed to conduct training using established curricula. Focus areas include the needs and characteristics of adult learners, learning styles, the role of the correctional trainer, managing a learner-centered training environment, asking and responding to questions, facilitating lesson plans, teaching to performance objectives, and basic teaching methods.... Read More
3 DVDs + 1 CD
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Designing Learner Centered Instruction
By Gurnell, Betty; LeMaster, Leslie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
A seven-step process for developing and designing a training program according to the ITIP (instructional theory into practice) format is described. Curriculum developers will be taught to create programs that will: teach state-of-the-art information and skills based upon needs assessment analysis; employ learner-centered technologies; help participants succeed with realistic performance objectives; facilitate the transfer of learning to the job setting; promote consistency between training prog... Read More
20 p.
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Nuts and Bolts of the Curriculum Development Process
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
An overview of the curriculum development process is presented. The following sections comprise this document: needs assessment; the planning session and content development; content development; pilot delivery and revision; the completed curriculum package; and budget estimates for each step of the process. This overview can be used with the document "Designing Learner Centered Instruction" (NIC Accession no. 018534).... Read More
10 p.
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Training Design and Development
  • [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    This program explains the systematic design of training based upon the Instructional Theory Into Practice (ITIP) model. The program was developed under a cooperative agreement with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for the juvenile system audience. The following modules are contained in this manual:
    • Training program overview;
    • Learner centered instruction;
    • Assessment;
    • Performance objectives;
    • ITIP model for instructional design;
    • Instructional strategie... Read More
    600 pages
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    Facilitation Skills for Managers: Training Curriculum Package
    By Collins, Barbara; Yeres, Susan; Smith, M. Gale. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 16-hour course is designed for managers who run meetings and/or lead task groups. This curriculum is divided into seven modules:
    • Introduction and course overview;
    • What is facilitation;
    • Know yourself and your group;
    • Getting started;
    • Getting work done (task tools);
    • Handling challenges;
    • And completing work.
    Lesson plans, Participant's Manual, and overheads are included.... Read More
    Approximately 250 pages
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    Group Facilitation Skills for Trainers
    By Yeres, Susan; Collins, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 16-hour course explores the skills needed in leading group participants to achieve specific learning goals. The following modules are contained in this curriculum:
    • Introduction and course overview;
    • How we process learning;
    • Predicting and accommodating learner behavior;
    • Setting the climate;
    • Utilizing facilitation strategies for learning;
    • Dealing with conflicts in groups;
    • And presentations.
    Also included are copies of overheads used.... Read More
    approximately 300 pages
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    Occupational Analysis or DACUM Profiles for Deputy Sheriff I, Deputy Sheriff Shift Commander (Lieutenant), Deputy Sheriff Supervisor (Sergeant), and Inmate Services Counselor I
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Arlington County Sheriff's Offfice (Arlington, VA).
    These profiles provide a list of duties and tasks for each of the positions under consideration. Designing a curriculum (DACUM) is a process that analyzes an occupation under consideration; producing a profile describing specific tasks, that workers must perform.... Read More
    15 p.
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    Competency Profile of Regional Field Coordinator
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Regional field coordinators serve as liaisons to the National Institute of Corrections and are responsible for initiating, coordinating, and disseminating quality training initiatives and network resources responsive to the needs of correctional agencies. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of regional field coordinators. It also summarizes the traits and attributes as well as knowledge and skills needed to enter this profession.... Read More
    3 p.
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    Bloom's Taxonomy and Performance Objectives [Lesson Plan]
    By Bergeron, Renee. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This lesson plan outlines a course to instruct participants on the development and writing of performance objectives, and on the utilization of Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Behaviors. The lesson plan provides presentation materials including guided activities to direct participants through the processes. Several activity forms are included in this plan.... Read More
    25 p.
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    Bridging the Gap: Winning Administration's Support for Training
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Academy. Northeast Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    Designed specifically for correctional trainers from all areas of corrections, this twenty-four-hour seminar instructs participants in the development of a strategic action plan that will link training with agency needs. Communication styles, individual and organizational change theory, and social marketing are topics discussed. The manual contains lesson plans and a participant's guide. The seminar was held in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, September 14-16, 1993.... Read More
    ca. 100 p.
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    Designing Training for the National Institute of Corrections Academy: Instructional Theory into Practice
    By Welch, Debbie; Berman, Kathy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Used as a resource in development of NIC training programs, this handbook provides techniques and strategies for training that incorporate the Instructional Theory into Practice (ITIP) theories. Components covered include: planning session, task analysis, lesson plan manual, participant manual, training seminar presentation, and seminar evaluation.... Read More
    34 p.
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    National Institute of Corrections Council on Curriculum Development Proposed 18-Credit Hour CO Certification Curriculum
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). International Association of Correctional Officers (Marquette, MI); National Institute of Corrections. National Council on Curriculum Development (Marquette, MI).
    Areas to be covered are outlined in detail for the following six courses, proposed for correctional officer certification: Corrections in the Criminal Justice System; Correctional Practices; Basic Communications in Corrections; Offender Behavior and Development; Juvenile Justice and Corrections; and, Ethical and Legal Issues in Corrections.... Read More
    20 p.
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    Competency Profile of Correctional Trainer
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    The Correctional Trainer develops, implements, and coordinates training programs for staff within the criminal justice system. This DACUM profile provides a brief outline of the duties and tasks of a Correctional Trainer.... Read More
    3 p.
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    Competency Profile of Jail Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided on the managerial and operational duties, with accompanying tasks, of the Jail Administrator.... Read More
    6 p.
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    Competency Profile of Community Corrections Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of the Community Corrections Administrator. Such duties include: manage personnel, administer finances, promote professional competency and awareness, manage information, and manage facilities and equipment.... Read More
    3 p.
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    Competency Profile of Warden/Superintendent
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    Duties with corresponding tasks are provided in this DACUM profile of a Warden/Superintendent. Characteristics associated with worker traits and attitudes, and general knowledge and skills are also listed.... Read More
    6 p.
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    Developing and Managing Part-time Trainers, Pts. 1 and 2
    By Katsampes, Paul. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections Outreach Program (Boulder, CO).
    Contents: Part 1: The Manager's Role--Part 2: The Trainer's Role.... Read More

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