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Increasing the Voluntary and Community Sector’s Involvement in Integrated Offender Management
By Wong, Kevin; O'Keeffe, Caroline; Meadows, Linda; Davidson, Joanna; Bird, Hayden; Wilkinson, Katherine; Senior, Paul. Great Britain. Home Office (London, England).
“Integrated Offender Management (IOM) aims to reduce re-offending through local agencies taking a partnership approach to the management of repeat offenders. As part of an undertaking to increase voluntary and community sector (VCS) involvement in service delivery, the Home Office set up an initiative to provide small grants to VCS organisations to work with IOM partnerships” (p. i). This report looks at how funding VCSs contributed to the support of the IOM. Six sections follow an executive sum... Read More
31 pages
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PREA Standards Comparison: Standards for Community Corrections
Washington College of Law. Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC).
Differences in the evolving Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards from 2009 to 2012 are noted. The PREA Standard number and standard content for the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC) Standard (June 2009), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Draft Standard (February 2011) and the DOJ Final Standard (May 2012) are shown side by side with additional analysis (if provided).... Read More
118 pages
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Underage Drinking: Intervention Principles and Practice Guidelines for Community Corrections
By Crowe, Ann H.; Mullins, Tracy G.; Cobb, Kimberly A.; Lowe, Nathan C.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) (Calverton, MD); American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
This guide provides “a set of guiding principles, developed from evidence-based practices, to assist community corrections in responding more effectively to underage drinking offenders. It is imperative for community corrections workers to remain fully informed of the actions they can take to address this issue” (p. 2). Five sections comprise this document: setting the stage—the problem of underage drinking; legal issues related to underage drinking; assumptions and principles for community supe... Read More
111 pages
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Community Supervision Workload Considerations for Public Safety
By DeMichele, Matthew T.; Payne, Brian K.; Matz, Adam K.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) (Lexington, KY).
Two tools are described that will help the community corrections field become more efficient—a time study template and a workload matrix. “These tools, hopefully, will move the filed past the debate between caseload size and workload” (p. 2). This publication is divided into six parts: the misunderstood community corrections filed—more than evidence-based practices; framing the debate of workload versus caseload issues—the benefits of a time study template and a workload matrix for agencies, the... Read More
88 pages
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“What Works” in Community Supervision: Interim Report
By Drake, Elizabeth K.. Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Olympia, WA).
The supervision of offenders in Washington State communities and supervision contact standards are examined. Sections of this report include: summary; Department of Corrections’ outcome evaluation; evidence-based supervision; and what “evidence-based” means.“Our findings indicate that intensive supervision focused on surveillance achieves no reduction in recidivism; intensive supervision coupled with treatment achieves about a 10 percent reduction in recidivism; and supervision focused on the Ri... Read More
10 pages
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Center for Evidence-Based Practice
Case Western Reserve University. Center for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBP) (Bloomington, IN).
This is one of the few websites providing information regarding the use of evidence-based practice (EBP) in community corrections. Points of entry include: about CEBP; staff; services; practices; events; resources; stories; discussions; and contact information.... Read More
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Commonwealth of Virginia: Roadmap for Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections
By Pierce-Danfors, Kristy; Guevara, Meghan. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Commuinty Resources for Justice. Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
“The Roadmap is a guide for the sustainable implementation and replication of evidence-based practices in pretrial and local probation agencies across the state ... [it] offers valuable insights into lessons learned during implementation and provides proven strategies for addressing challenges to sustainable change” (p. 1). Chapters following an introduction explaining how to use the Roadmap are: Virginia’s application of the Integrated Model; assessing the organization; strategic planning and w... Read More
141 pages
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Promoting Partnerships between Police and Community Supervision Agencies: How Coordination Can Reduce Crime and Improve Public Safety
By Jannetta, Jesse; Lachman, Pamela. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) (Washington, DC).
The key role a partnership between local law enforcement and community supervision agencies plays in offender reentry is explained. Individuals seeking to reduce recidivism and ensure public safety should read this guide. Sections of this publication include: partnership benefits; partnership contributions; key partnership elements—intelligence and information sharing, case planning and supporting behavior change, problem-solving approaches, emphasis on special populations, and focused deterren... Read More
64 pages
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Effectiveness of Community Corrections in the State of Indiana
Center for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBP) (Bloomington, IN).
“The purpose of this study was to determine who is served by Indiana Community Corrections, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the community corrections program, and its components and services” (p. 37). Results are organized according to who is served in Indiana community corrections, what the effectiveness of community corrections is, what the effectiveness of the required components of community corrections is, what the effectiveness of services is, what combinations of components do offend... Read More
52 pages
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EBP Step-By-Step Planning Guide: Six Phases toward Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices for Risk Reduction
By Carey, Mark. The Carey Group (White Bear Lake, MN).
The implementation of evidence-base practice (EBP) in community corrections is clearly explained. These six phases are: prepare for implementation; build a foundation for risk reduction; begin stakeholder collaboration; master the core correctional competencies; implement continuous quality improvement processes; and develop infrastructural supports for sustainability.... Read More
14 pages
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Offender Exit Survey
By Carey, Mark. The Carey Group (White Bear Lake, MN).
This Offender Exit Survey is given to an offender upon their release from community supervision. It is comprised of 11 questions ranging from “I was treated with respect by my supervising officer” to “Overall, I was pleased with how my supervision went.”... Read More
1 page
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State of Recidivism: The Revolving Door of America’s Prisons
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
Anyone concerned with keeping ex-offenders out of prison or jail, be they correctional professionals or concerned community members, should read this publication. “This report seeks to elevate the public discussion about recidivism, prompting policy makers and the public to dig more deeply into the factors that impact rates of return to prison, and into effective strategies for reducing them” (p. 1). Sections following an executive summary are: introduction—recidivism as a performance measure, o... Read More
42 pages
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Implementing Evidence-Based Principles in Community Corrections: A Case Study of Successes and Challenges in Maine
By Rubin, Mark; Ethridge, William; Rocque, Michael. National Insitute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Southern Maine. Muskie School of Public Service (Portland, ME).
The integration of evidence-based principles, organizational development, and collaboration is investigated. Sections of this report are: introduction; background; literature review; methodology; document review; key informant interviews; interviews with probation officers (observations of current climate); quantitative analysis of intermediate measures; and findings. “The research on evidence-based principles in Maine … suggests that this concurrent model may not be a realistic strategy given i... Read More
51 pages
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The Good Lives Model in Practice: Taking Theory to the Coalface of Community Corrections
By Purvis, Mayumi. Good Lives Model.
The use of the Good Lives Model in community corrections is discussed. This presentation takes a look at: the Special Case Management Model (SCMM); the Good Lives Model (GLM) as a framework; case management framework; the Good Lives Model—summary of key principles; the GLM—a twin focus; GLM—primary human goods; operationalizing the GLM; good life; good knowledge; good excellence in play; good excellence in work; good excellence in agency; good inner peace; good relatedness; good community; good ... Read More
7 pages
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Putting the Pieces Together: Practical Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices
By Clawson, Elyse; Guevara, Meghan. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Those new to the implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) will find this publication to be a great guide to the process. This manual is designed to be used “both as a checklist of key management concepts and as a reminder of important organizational issues that need to be addressed to achieve positive public safety outcomes in an evidence-based environment” (p. vii). There are six chapters contained in this publication: creating evidence-based community corrections systems; getting star... Read More
96 pages
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Public Hearing on Victim Issues in Probation and Parole, August 18, 2010: Recommendation Report
By Seymour, Anne. U.S. Dept of Justice. Office for Victims of Crimes (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
“Based on the testimony provided, this report provides a list of 10 recommendations for improving services to crime victims and survivors throughout the community corrections process” (p. 4). Also presented are excerpts from testimony regarding safety, information and notification, restitution, access to available resources, fairness and justice, respect and recognition, and offender accountability.... Read More
15 pages
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Environmental Scan 2010
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
"Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 5th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that is also used by corrections practitioners to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that poten... Read More
20 pages
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The Role of Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation in Evidence-Based “Real World” Community Supervision
By Bourgon, Guy; Bonta, James; Rugge, Tanya; SCott, Terri-Lynne; Yessine, Annie K..
The use of Strategy in Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS), a comprehensive model for community supervision, is discussed. Those individuals involved with community corrections and its increased effectiveness should read this article. It will explain how to transfer evidence-based practice into “real world” community supervision. Topics covered include: the emergence of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model; the Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision—program des... Read More
16 pages
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What Works in Residential Centers Monographs
By Taxman, Faye X.; Rexroat, Jessica; Shilton, Mary; Mericle, Amy; Lerch, Jennifer. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). George Mason University. Criminology, Law & Society. Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence (Fairfax, VA).
This series of monographs “examines the impact of participation in a RRC [Residential Re-entry Center] on federal offender release outcomes” (p. 2). RRCs assist in the transition of offenders from prison to the community. The series contains eight reports: Executive Overview: What Works in Residential Reentry Centers; Report 1: What Is the Impact of “Performance Contracting” on Offender Supervision Services?; Report 2: Measuring Performance- The Capacity of Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs) to ... Read More
165 pages
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An Elected Official's Guide to Community Correctional Options; Second Edition
By Layton, Linda; McFarland, Dennis; Kincaid, Diane. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assitance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) (Lexington, KY).
Effective ways for using community corrections to reduce crime are examined. “Based on the latest research available, the practices and strategies identified in this guide are viable, evidence-based options for reducing recidivism and preventing crime while managing costs” (p. 3). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; defining community corrections; dollars and sense—balancing public safety with prudent public spending; core components for effective community correctiona... Read More
61 pages
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Hardcore Drunk Driving Community Supervision Guide: A Resource for Outlining Supervision Challenges, Effective Strategies, and Model Programs
American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); Century Council (Arlington, VA).
This guide is essential reading for community corrections professionals who have clients with extreme driving while under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), aka hardcore drunk driving (HCDD), convictions. It "combines the latest in evidenced-based supervision practices with treatment strategies known to work with alcohol involved and DUI/DWI offenders … [it covers] supervision challenges, and where applicable possible solutions to those challenges, promising practices workin... Read More
52 pages
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Best Steps Forward: A Budget Balancing Path to Reset State Government & Overcome a Decade of Deficits
Oregon. Governor’s Reset Cabinet (Portland, OR).
While the entire report is informative, one appendix is particular to the community corrections field—Strategies for Reducing the Cost of Corrections in Oregon. Sections of this report following an executive summary are: a decade of deeper deficits confronts us now; long-term deficits require long-term solutions; step 1—carry forward interim budget reductions; step 2—keep state employees in step with all working Oregonians; step 3—keep school employees in step with state employees; step 4—modify... Read More
78 pages
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Benton County, Oregon 2009 – 2011 Community Corrections Plan
Willamette Criminal Justice Council (Corvallis, OR).
The Adult Community Corrections Plan explains what programming the agency will provide over 2009-2011. It is a very nice explanation of expenditures matched to services. Program purpose/description, program objectives and method(s) of evaluation, CPC (Correctional Program Checklist) review completion, monthly average individuals to be served, type of offender served, and funding sources are provided for each programs offered. These programs are administration, community supervision, sex offender... Read More
24 pages
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State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Community Corrections Supervision
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals under community corrections supervision.... Read More
1 page
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Improving Outcomes for People with Mental Illnesses Under Community Corrections Supervision: A Guide to Research-Informed Policy and Practice
By Prins, Seth Jacob; Draper, Laura. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
“This guide is organized around policymakers’ common questions about people with mental illnesses under community corrections supervision and the type and effectiveness of strategies designed to respond to this population” (p.3). Sections include: executive summary; introduction; the extent and nature of the problem; strategies to improve outcomes for people with mental illnesses under community corrections supervision; future research questions and implications for policy and practice; and conc... Read More
44 p.
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Challenge Incarceration Program
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN).
Minnesota's Challenge Incarceration Program (CIP) is described. Sections of this overview are: CIP background; importance of criteria; statutory admission criteria; department admission criteria; capacity; and evaluation. This three-phase, voluntary, community program reduced reincarceration by 35%.... Read More
2 p.
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One in 31: The Long Reach of American Corrections
By Warren, Jenifer. Pew Center on the States (Washington, DC).
The ability of states to both balance the budget and improve public safety by strengthening community corrections is explained. Sections following an executive summary include: the surging correctional population in the U.S.; prisons -- 32% of the growth, 88% of the cost; more prisons spending brings lower public safety returns; community corrections -- a strategy for safety and savings; and a rare moment in time for reform.... Read More
45 p.
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Targeting Criminality: Successful Police-Corrections Partnerships (Video)
International Association of Chiefs of Police (Gaithersburg, MD).
Access to a 13-minute video presentation about three successful partnerships between community corrections and police is provided. These joint operations target supervision of offenders involved with methamphetamines, sex offenses, or gangs.... Read More
3 p.
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Community Corrections and Mental Health: Research-Informed Policy and Practice
By Osher, Fred C.; Skeem, Jennifer L.. Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
Copies of overheads used for a presentation about the role of community corrections in the supervision of mentally ill offenders are provided. This session covers: the extent and nature of the problem; strategies to improve success for offenders with mental illness; and implications for evidence-based policy and practice.... Read More
33 p.
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Community Corrections Response to Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Practice
By Crowe, Ann H.; Sydney, Linda; DeMichele, Matthew; Keilitz, Susan; Neal, Connie; Frohman, Sherry; Schaefer, William M., Jr.; Thomas, Mike. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office on Violence Against Women (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); National Center for State Courts (Williamsburg, VA); New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. (Albany, NY); Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) (Harrisburg, PA).
This document provides “conceptual information and practical tools to develop or enhance” an effective “proactive community supervision approach for domestic violence cases” (p.1). Ten Chapters follow a summary: what difference it makes; fundamentals for community corrections domestic violence practice -- types, causes, perpetrators, victims, and the justice system response to domestic violence; legal issues in the supervision of domestic violence offenders -- legal definitions, jurisdictional i... Read More
205 p.
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Hearing: Special Topics In Preventing and Responding to Prison Rape: Medical and Mental Health Care, Community Corrections Settings, and Oversight
National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (Washington, DC).
Hearing transcripts can be found at this website regarding medical and mental health care, community corrections, and oversight related to the prevention and response to inmate sexual assault. Points of entry are: full transcript; opening remarks; personal accounts; response and treatment -- caring for sexual assault victims in correctional and detention facilities; confidentiality and reporting -- medical ethics, victim safety, and facility security; sexual violence and community corrections -... Read More
4 p.
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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Planning: Guidelines for Community Corrections
By Bancroft, Patricia. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
The goal of this document "is to increase awareness and provide guidance to community corrections for developing preparedness and response plans for pandemic flu and other crises" (p. iii). Five sections follow an introduction: pandemic planning and decisionmaking; prevention and detection; human resources; communication; and offender supervision strategies.... Read More
31 p.
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Validation of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Risk Assessment Instrument
By Eisenberg, Mike; Bryl, Jason; Fabelo, Tony. Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections (Madison, WI). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
Results are presented from a validity study of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections DOC 502 Risk Scale. Seven sections follow an executive summary: introduction; review of relevant risk assessment issues; scope of work; methodology; results for distribution of populations by risk factors, percent new offense by risk factors, distribution of risk groups, outcomes of risk group -- new offense within 3 years and new assaultive offense within 3 years, and correlation of risk factors to committin... Read More
45 p.
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Implementing Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in Community Corrections: Second Edition
By Guevara, Meghan; Solomon, Enver. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Crime Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
A “guide for [community corrections] agencies to transform themselves into evidence-based organizations” is provided (p.xv). Six chapters follow and executive summary: what evidence-based practice is; the integrated model; the principles of effective intervention; implementing evidence-based principles; leading organizational change and development; and collaboration for systemic change. The appendixes include: research support gradient; the search conference; and key concepts in organizational ... Read More
71 p.
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Preventing and Responding to Corrections-Based Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Community Corrections Professionals
By Abner, Carrie E.; Browning, Jane; Clark, John. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); International Community Corrections Association (La Crosse, WI); Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC).
“The intention of this guide is to provide a general overview of corrections-based sexual assault as it relates to line staff and supervisors in community corrections agencies” (p.vii). Six sections are contained in this publication: sexual violence and community corrections; sexuality, violence, and the correctional environment; offenders as victims—the impacts and implications of offender victimization; identifying and working with victims; responding to abuse—the role of community corrections... Read More
64 p.
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Offender Supervision with Electronic Technology: Community Corrections Resource, Second Edition
By DeMichele, Matthew; Payne, Brian. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC).
The design and implementation of electronic monitoring technologies for the management of offenders under community supervision are described. Sections include: an overview of supervision with electronic technology; evidence-based practices and electronic monitoring; agency considerations—leadership, collaboration, organizational needs and capabilities, and offender selection; legal issues; develop initial policies and procedures for implementation of electronic supervision; the procedural proce... Read More
242 p.
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Responding to Stalking: A Guide for Community Corrections Officers
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office on Violence Against Women (Washington, DC). National Center for Victims of Crime. Stalking Resource Center (Washington, DC); American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
Great advice is offered to community corrections officers who are supervising offenders who stalk. Topics discussed include: what stalking is—stalking behaviors, prevalence, and what is known about stalkers; screening offenders; contact with victims; supervising stalking offenders; and collaborating with other agencies.... Read More
16 p.
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Community Corrections Centers, Parolees, and Recidivism: An Investigation into the Characteristics of Effective Reentry Programs in Pennsylvania
By Latessa, Edward J.; Lowenkamo, Christopher T.; Bechtel, Kristin. Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) (Harrisburg, PA). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
The prime goal of this investigation was “to identify which community centers were successful in reducing recidivism for the State of Pennsylvania and to identify which individual and program level characteristics, if any, were significantly more likely to produce reductions in recidivism” (p.4). Sections in addition to an executive summary are: introduction; methodology; description of treatment and comparison samples and programs by facility type; multivariate findings; evaluation of programs ... Read More
206 p.
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Policy Framework to Strengthen Community Corrections
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
This report presents policy-level actions that state policy makers can utilize to reduce recidivism and improve public safety while cutting costs. The problem, solution, suggested legislative language, notes and drafting alternatives, rationale, and state examples are provided for: evidence-based policies; earned compliance credits; administrative sanctions; performance incentive funding; and performance measurement.... Read More
48 p.
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DC Public Safety Blog
District of Columbia. Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (Washington, DC).
This weblog focuses on issues related to public safety and community supervision and is hosted by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency of the District of Columbia. Posts are arranged chronologically with the newest post on top. They are also arranged according to the topical areas of anger management, criminal justice, day reporting, domestic violence, drinking and driving, drug treatment, education and vocational assistance, employment, faith-based initiatives, gangs, high risk d... Read More
1 p.
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Best Practices Tool-Kit: Community Corrections and Evidence-Based Practices
By Pettway, Coretta. Ohio Dept. of Rehabilitation and Correction. Institute on Correctional Best Practices (London, OH); Institute for Excellence in Justice (IEJ) (London, OH); Ohio State University. Criminal Justice Research Center (London, OH).
The utilization of evidence-based practice (EBP) in community corrections is explained. This document is comprised of these sections: definition of EBP; background on community corrections; principles of effective intervention; implementing EBP; and promising programs. An annotated selection of suggested readings is also provided.... Read More
10 p.
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Getting in Sync: State-Local Fiscal Relationships for Public Safety
By Shilton, Mary; Weisfeld, Neil. Pew Charitable Trusts. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
The use of state-local partnerships such as community corrections to address public safety challenges is explained. Sections of this brief following an executive summary are: motivation for change; teaming up for success; California led way; what community corrections is; targeting violators; achieving results; juvenile justice as a model; and a worthy option. "Structured carefully, state-fiscal incentives hold great promise for building partnerships that protect public safety, hold offenders a... Read More
8 p.
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The Delivery Systems Change Process
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN).
"The purpose of this guidebook is to assist local units of government to determine and transition to the correctional services delivery system appropriate for them" (p. 1). Sections making up this report include: introduction to delivery systems; considering a delivery system change; planning for a change; and making the change. Also included is a "Delivery System Change Checklist" which has task description, resource assigned, due date, timing/dependency, and status for financial one-time fund... Read More
78 p.
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Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 2005
By Stephan, James J.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC).
Information is provided on facilities, inmates, programs, and staff of state and federal correctional facilities throughout the U.S. and of private correctional facilities housing state or federal inmates. Findings cover facility characteristics, facility size and rated capacity, facility security level, court orders and consent decrees, private facilities, inmates population, staffing, inmate-to-staff ratios, and facility programming.... Read More
28 p.
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Community Corrections: Ensuring Results Through Evidence-Based Practices: Session IV: Success Stories in Ohio
Ohio State University. Institute for Excellence in Justice (Columbus, OH); Ohio State University. Knowledge Bank (Columbus, OH).
"A panel of community corrections directors, representing both residential and non-residential programs, discusses the successes and pitfalls they have encountered in implementing evidenced based practices in their programs." Presentation overheads are provided for: "Providing Dosage by Risk Level" by Mary Spottswood; "Experiences in Implementing EPB [sic] and the Impact on Organized Culture: Pitfalls and Lessons Learned" by Bruce Gibson; "An Evidence Based Practice: the EQUIP Program A Model... Read More
67 p.
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Strategically Monitoring Sex Offenders: Accessing Community Corrections' Resources to Enhance Law Enforcement Capabilities
International Association of Chiefs of Police (Alexandria, VA); American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
The types of information gathering tools used by community corrections officers are described. The purpose of, benefits of, access to, and examples of the following data collection instruments are provided: risk assessments; conditions of supervision; GPS/electronic monitoring technology; polygraph examinations; treatment information; joint home visits; employment schedule; case management plan; updated photo; and victim information.... Read More
15 p.
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Implementing the Family Support Approach for Community Supervision
By Mullins, Tracy G.; Toner, Christine. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY); Family Justice (New York, NY).
Implementation of the Family Support Approach for Community Supervision is explained. This publication includes the following sections: introduction and overview; guiding principles for putting this system into practice; tools and techniques for putting this approach into practice; practical application of guiding principles; administrative support; and "The Oklahoma Family Justice Project: Improving Community Supervision Outcomes One Family at a Time" by Justin Jones and Carol Shapiro.... Read More
71 p.
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Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2007: Promising Strategies in Transition from Prison
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Issue contents are: “Foreword” by Kermit Humphries; “An Overview of NIC’s Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative” by Peggy B. Burke; “Rising to the Challenge of Applying Evidence-Based Practices Across the Spectrum of a State Parole Board” by Sherry Tate and Catherine C. McVey; “Collaboration and Partnership in the Community: Advancing the Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative” by Le’Ann Duran; “Providing Tools for Risk Reduction Case Management in Parole and Community Corrections” by... Read More
74 p.
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PREA Statewide Probation and Parole Direction
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
"This paper is the initial product of the work group [of six state directors of probation and parole] and summarizes its deliberations and findings" (p. 3). Sections of this document include: background; preamble; what PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) is and what it requires; what PREA requires of community corrections agencies and when; suggested practices in community corrections -- key points of discussion (i.e., systemic approach, law, policy, training, operational considerations, investi... Read More
27 p.
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Environmental Scan Update - 2005
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
Changes and forces that may affect the programming of the National Institute of Corrections are analyzed and commented on. This update contains the following sections: international developments; social and demographic trends; public opinion and public policy; the economy and government spending; the workforce; technology; crime and justice trends; and corrections populations and trends.... Read More
25 p.
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FutureForce: A Guide to Building the 21st Century Community Corrections Workforce
By Stinchcomb, Jeanne B.; McCampbell, Susan W.; Layman, Elizabeth P.. Center for Innovative Public Policies, Inc. (Naples, FL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guide "explores current and future workforce challenges facing community corrections" (p. xiii). Chapters contained in this guide are: rationale -- why now?; organizational culture -- moving from a "workplace" to a place where people want to work; recruitment -- looking in the right places for the right people; retention -- keeping the right people in the right places; and strategies for success -- getting started.... Read More
176 p.
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Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Corrections: Quality Assurance Manual
By Howe, Meghan; Joplin, lore. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Correction. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
"This manual provides a simple and straightforward approach to implementing evidence-based practice" (p. 3). This manual explains: quality assurance plan development; peer review; quality assurance indicators; customer satisfaction; program evaluation; and individual performance measurement. Samples of pertinent forms are also included.... Read More
95 p.
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Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: Implementation Checklist
National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
A tool for "guid[ing] organizations in their self-assessment and planning for implementation of evidence-based practices for community corrections" is provided (p. 1). Eighteen components are organized into four areas: administration and planning; human resources and training; information systems, measurement, and evaluation; and assessment, case planning, interventions, and supervision.... Read More
15 p.
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Community Supervision: Using a Strength-Based, Family-Focused Approach
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held March 16, 2005]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program will help professionals identify the strengths and resources inherent in the family as a fundamental support system for individuals upon their release from prison or jail. It is designed to stimulate new ways of thinking about the family as a resource to enhance offender reentry and supervision and to increase public safety. Family, broadly defined, includes individuals' blood relatives and friends who play a significant role in a person's life. Family members are essential resou... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Corrections; Using an Integrated Model to Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Corrections
    By Clawson, Elyse; Bogue, Brad; Joplin, Lore. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    The implementation of evidence-based practices that can significantly reduce the recidivism of offenders is explained. This paper covers: an integrated model of implementation; evidence-based practice; eight evidence-based principles for effective interventions; and implementing these principles.... Read More
    17 p.
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    Summary Report: Regional Workshops
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
    Feedback from four executive level regional workshops regarding the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is reported. Extended responses from groups of executive-level administrators and policy makers representing community corrections, prisons, jails, and juvenile justice follow an executive summary. Comments are organized according to the four roundtable groups mentioned above on following themes: critical issues currently faced in the successful implementation of PREA; barriers and obstacles w... Read More
    27 p.
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    Community Corrections Workforce Project Annotated Bibliography
    By Stinchcomb, Jeanne B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This bibliography describes 71 items that address workforce development problems faced by community corrections, probation, and parole agencies. Some of the topics discussed are: the changing workforce; the changing roles of staff; caseload management demands; and recruiting, hiring, training, developing, and retaining staff.... Read More
    20 p.
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    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: Outcome and Process Measures
    By Bogue, Brad; Woodward, Bill; Campbell, Nancy; Carey, Mark; Clawson, Elyse; Faust, Dorothy; Florio, Kate; Goldberg, Andrew Joplin, Lore Wasson, Billy. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    Outcome and process measures used to gage the effectiveness of the Integrated Model in reducing offender recidivism are presented. Each component found within a measure has information regarding its definition, tool/data source, description, frequency, and individual who collects the data. Components are organized into the following measures: recidivism; risk; proxy risk; supervision length; dosage; revocation and violation; program effectiveness; assessment; case plan; workload; violations; org... Read More
    15 p.
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    Correctional Statistics...In Your State
    LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    (Updated in 2008) Access to statistics about corrections in the U.S., according to each state, can be found at this website. Statistics (per 100,000) for each state include: crime rates; corrections population; incarceration rate; community corrections--probationers and parolees; cost per inmate; and general information about the state's jails, prisons, and community corrections. Also provided are at-a-glance graphs that compare the state's ranking against other states and the U.S. total.... Read More
    1 p.
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    Evidence-Based Practice: Principles for Enhancing Correctional Results in Prisons
    By Serin, Ralph C.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    "The purpose of this paper is to introduce prison administrators and staff to an accumulated body of knowledge regarding correctional practice to enhance their management of their prisons" (p.1). Sections comprising this discussion paper are: introduction -- transition from prison to the community, effective correctional practice, overview of prison research findings for prison classification, and summary; an overview of prison classification and risk assessment – correctional programming, guid... Read More
    39 p.
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    Implementing Evidence-Based Principles in Community Corrections: Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Criminal Justice System
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    The use of collaboration to implement an integrated system reform model is explained. This publication has sections regarding: the need to collaborate; who should be included; the need for structure; sustaining collaboration; a collaborative model for implementing change; essential elements of collaboration; chartering; and consensus decision-making. ... Read More
    9 p.
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    Implementing Evidence-Based Principles in Community Corrections: Leading Organizational Change and Development
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    Organizational development (OD) concepts and strategies that foster organizational change and reform are described. Sections of this publication include: changing the way business is done -- the integrated model; organizational case management; the leadership challenge; the influence of infrastructure; step by step; the literature; the integrated organizational change process model; the importance of a healthy organization; leadership styles and leading change; managing transitions; and structu... Read More
    18 p.
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    Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Corrections: The Principles of Effective Intervention
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    Principles of effective evidence-based intervention are presented. Topics discussed include: evidence-based practice (EBP); term clarification; eight principles for effective interventions -- assess actuarial risk/needs, enhance intrinsic motivation, target interventions, skill train with directed practice, increase positive reinforcement, engage ongoing support in natural communities, measure relevant processes/practices, and provide measurement feedback; components of correctional interventio... Read More
    19 p.
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    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: An Integrated Model
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    An introduction to an integrated model for the implementation of evidence-based principles in community corrections is provided. This document contains the following sections: overview; the project; the challenge of implementation; the Integrated Model; and conclusion. ... Read More
    3 p.
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    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community
  • [Videoconference Held February 25, 2004]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    This satellite/Internet broadcast provides information about NIC's initiative on statewide implementation of effective correctional management of offenders in the community. Panelists from the Crime and Justice Institute, Inc., and NIC described the model constructs and processes used to facilitate practical application of the effective intervention principles in the two states serving as project sites. This presentation helps correctional administrators develop plans and processes for organ... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    2003 Environmental Scan Update
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Changes and forces that may affect the programming of the National Institute of Corrections are analyzed and commented on. This environmental scan is comprised of the following sections: international developments; social and demographic trends; the economy; governmental spending; public attitudes and public policy; the workforce; technology; crime and justice tends; and corrections population and trends.... Read More
    15 p.
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    Using an Integrated Model to Implement Evidence-Based Practices in Corrections
    By Joplin, Lore; Bogue, Brad; Campbell, Nancy; Carey, Mark; Clawson, Elyse; Faust, Dot; Florio, Kate; Wasson, Billy; Woodward, William. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    The significant reduction of offender recidivism in community corrections by implementing a series of evidence-based practices is explained (p. 1). This article is comprised of the following sections: overview; an integrated model of implementation; evidence-based practice, eight principles for effective interventions, and related questions to ask; collaboration; and conclusion.... Read More
    28 p.
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    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: The Likert Study
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    The use of Rensis Likert's Organizational Climate Survey by the National Institute of Corrections and the Crime and Justice Institute's Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community Inititative's National Project Team "with participating organizations as a means to measure organizational productivity and change over time" is explained (p. 1).... Read More
    3 p.
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    NIC/CJI Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: Outcome and Process Measure Development
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    Informational elements needed for outcome measures, system process measures, program measures, and individual performance measures for evidence based practices, system process measures for organizational development, and system process measures for collaboration are clarified. Each element is delineated by its required or recommended use, components, definition, tool/data source, description, frequency, and who collects the data.... Read More
    11 p.
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    Two Probation Officer/Offender Contact Sessions
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    These two role-played scenarios can be used in training or skill coding sessions as examples of:
    • 1) A traditional probation supervision session
    • 2) A supervision session during which the probation officer uses motivational interviewing skills.
    Coded and uncoded transcripts are available upon request. To order this DVD, ask for accession number 022005 by telephone (800.877.1461) or through the Online Help Desk (www.nicic.gov/helpdesk). ... Read More
    1 DVD (10 min.)
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    Environmental Scan: Reviewing Issues and Forces That Will Influence Strategic Planning of the National Institute of Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    An analysis of changes and forces that may affect NIC programming in the near future is presented. Seven sections comprise this scan: societal and demographic trends; economic and business developments; workforce issues; public opinion; crime and justice trends; technological developments; and health and mental health.... Read More
    35 p.
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    Case Studies on the Center for Sex Offender Management's National Resource Sites
    U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
    Strategies from "19 jurisdictional, cross-disciplinary teams who have developed innovative sex offender management and supervision techniques" are reported (p. i). The following five sections comprise this document: introduction and background; three state resource sites; 11 local resource sites; three tribal sites; and two additional resource sites.... Read More
    122 p.
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    Community Supervision of the Sex Offender: An Overview of Current and Promising Practices
    By Gilligan, Leilah; Talbot, Tom; Carter, Madeline M., ed.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Violence Against Women Grants Office (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (SJI) (Alexandria, VA). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
    Almost 60% of all adult sex offenders are under some form of community supervision. An exploration of emerging practices and lessons learned in the management of sex offenders at the community level is presented. Contents include:
    • Overview;
    • Sex offenders -- who is being supervised;
    • A shift in perspective -- the victim-centered approach to sex offender management;
    • The central role of collaboration in managing sex offenders in the community;
    • Establishing a framewor... Read More
    16 pages
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    The Courage to Change: A Guide for Communities to Create Integrated Services for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC). National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY); Open Society Institute-New York. Center on Crime, Communities, and Culture (New York, NY).
    Written to provide a view of successful principles, this guide offers information on how to develop, implement, finance and sustain programs that integrate the mental health, substance abuse treatment and justice systems for adult and young offenders with co-occurring disorders. The document provides an overview of the emerging landscape and covers start-up and implementation of successful integrated collaborations, financing programs, and sustaining successful programs. Included are appendices ... Read More
    50 p.
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    Case Studies on the Center for Sex Offender Management's National Resource Sites
    U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexandria, VA). Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
    These case studies reflect lessons learned from Center for Sex Offender management (CSOM) Resource Sites. Resource sites are "communities around the country who have demonstrated--through collaboration between criminal justice and health system agencies--that they can manage sex offenders and increase public safety" (p.ix.) Contents of this publication include an introduction and background, and summaries of ten Resource Sites' activities.... Read More
    57 p.
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    Assessment of Sex Offenders for Sentencing, Supervision and Treatment [Videoconference held February 10, 1999]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
    Objectives of this three-hour videoconference include:
    • Articulating the purposes for assessment and evaluation of sex offenders and the issues and challenges inherent in each;
    • Understanding the limitations of traditional risk and needs assessment tools for sex offenders;
    • Identifying and defining the available approaches and instruments used to effectively assess and evaluate sex offenders;
    • Distinguishing between effective and ineffective risk assessment tools;
    • And identifying ... Read More

    1 DVD (165 min.)
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    Chicago's Safer Foundation: A Road Back for Ex-Offenders
    By Finn, Peter. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Education. Office of Correctional Ed. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
    The Safer Foundation helps ex-offenders find and hold jobs, and has expanded its focus to provide basic education, life skills training, support for solving social problems, and followup services after placement. Its Programmed Activities for Correctional Education (PACE) Institute provides detainees and inmates in Chicago's Cook County Jail with basic education and life skills courses and some one-on-one tutoring. Its Crossroads Community Correctional Center, Illinois' largest work rele... Read More
    19 p.
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    Texas' Project RIO (Re-Integration of Offenders)
    By Finn, Peter. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Education. Office of Correctional Ed. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
    Providing job preparation services to inmates while they are still incarcerated in state prisons, Project RIO also provides job placement services to parolees in every county in Texas. According to a 1992 independent evaluation, a large percentage of RIO participants found employment, and only 23 percent of high-risk participants returned to prison compared with 38 percent of non-RIO parolees. ... Read More
    19 p.
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    Perspectives on the Community Justice Process in Deschutes County, Oregon: Summary of Community Interviews Conducted October-November 1997
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Community and Justice Solutions (Aloha, OR).
    Interviews with 85 community members and policy makers indicate that most interviewees are enthusiastic about the community justice process and look forward to the full implementation of the system. This summary presents a statistical and descriptive report of the interviews, the interview format, responses to selected questions, and a list of the interviewees, and interviewers.... Read More
    46 p.
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    Successful Job Placement for Ex-Offenders: The Center for Employment Opportunities
    By Finn, Peter. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Education. Office of Correctional Ed. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
    The Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) in New York City provides newly released offenders, primarily boot camp releasees, with a program designed to ease their reintegration into society. This "Program Focus" describes the transition from work crew participation to job placement interview, to permanent employment, to follow-up services. Responsibilities of the CEO staff, its relationship with the community, its success rate, and testimonials from CEO participants are included. ... Read More
    19 p.
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    Staff Victimization
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office for Victims of Crime (Washington, DC).
    Objectives of this 2-hour broadcast held on March 25, 1998 are to create and improve staff victimization policies, procedures, and programs and to identify resources for developing staff victimization programs and prevention strategies. The panel discusses the following topics:
    • Recognizing and understanding staff victimization,
    • Core components of staff victimization,
    • Levels of victimization,
    • Creating and improving victimization programs, practices and strategies for victim servic... Read More

    1 DVD (120 min.)
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    Environmental Scan: Factors Potentially Affecting the Management and Operation of Corrections Agencies
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Findings from this scan are grouped into three main sections and range from case processing statistics to discussions of legislative activity to snapshots of correctional issues as they affect state and local agencies. Section 1. Corrections in society, includes such topics as crime rates and victims, media coverage, legislation, and criminal filings. Section 2. Corrections Agency Management and Operations, and Section 3. Special Issues in Corrections, cover topics as follows: legal issues, heal... Read More
    38 p.
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    A Field Evaluation of the Interstate Compact for Probation and Parole: Findings from an NIC Survey
    By Clem, Constance; Krauth, Barbara; Linke, Larry. National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Primary among the concerns of Compact administrators, probation and parole agency administrators, and field-level probation and parole managers who were surveyed for this report are the following: rule violations - described as rampant; slowness of Compact case processing and response; and under utilization of communications and other technology. Respondents to the survey recommend closer enforcement of existing laws, an automated case tracking system, and education of judges, prosecutors, and d... Read More
    53 p.
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    Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers: Advisory Group Report and Recommendations, Phase I
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The Advisory Group, meeting in June 1998,, agreed unanimously that the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers should be amended in the interest of public protection. Key provisions would include the establishment of a nationwide governing commission charged with establishing the policy and practice of the ICS, as well as a mandatory funding mechanism to provide staffing and operation of centralized functions. Authority for rule making, rule enforcement, conflict reso... Read More
    236 p.
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    The Interstate Compact for Parole and Probation: Ad Hoc Committee Report and Recommendations to the NIC Advisory Board
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The Ad Hoc Committee determined that one primary issue must be addressed - a review of the governance of the Compact - before other issues can be resolved. It recommends a review of the structure of the Parole and Probation Compact Administrators Association (PPCAA), and suggests that it is too remote from sources of authority, influence, and financial resource investment. Other concerns are to improve communications between local agencies, standardize data collection and reporting, and expand i... Read More
    7 p.
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    Gangs, Community and Corrections [Videoconference held June 10, 1998]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This is a 2-hour forum on gang-related criminal activity in the community and within the correctional environment. Program objectives are to help viewers: identify gangs and deviant groups; create strategies for interagency collaboration; implement strategies for identification and management of gangs; and understand the impact of gangs on the community. The first half of the program focuses on problems related to gangs in the community. Points addressed include identifying gangs and deviant... Read More

    1 DVD (125 min)
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    Competency Profile of Community Corrections Professional III
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This profile was developed during the "DACUM Facilitator Training" seminar, April 15-16, 1997, in Longmont, CO., for the Community Corrections Professional III.... Read More
    5 p.
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    Policy-Driven Responses to Probation and Parole Violations
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The author describes the experiences of probation and parole agencies from across the country that worked with NIC on developing innovative approaches to probation and parole violations and revocations. The document identifies critical issues emerging from these experiences, and discusses the impact that some of these approaches had on the jurisdiction or agency involved. ... Read More
    48 p.
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    Community Corrections Approaching the 21st Century
    By O'Leary, Vincent; Clear, Todd R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This monograph, an update of a similar 1984 paper, describes the directions needed in corrections as we enter the 21st century. The focus is on community corrections, especially intermediate sanctions, electronic monitoring, and intensive supervision with drug testing. The authors define the principles of limited risk management and demonstrate how they may be arranged in correctional practice.... Read More
    60 p.
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    Intervention Strategies for Offenders with Co-Occurring Disorders: What Works?
    By Peters, Roger H.; Hills, Holly A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.. University of Florida. Louis de la Porte Florida Mental Health Institute. Dept. of Mental Health Law and Policy (Tampa, FL).
    Various models of intervention have been developed to address the needs of persons with co-occurring disorders. Therapeutic communities, 12-step programs, and cognitive-behavioral interventions that were designed initially to treat mental illness have been modified to address co-occurring substance abuse. This report highlights the need for additional monitoring of persons with co-occurring disorders who are under community supervision, and the importance of cross-training for supervision office... Read More
    56 p.
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    The Connecticut Office of Adult Probation Vision
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Connecticut Judicial Branch. Office of Adult Probation (Rocky Hill, CT).
    This statement of the Connecticut Office of Adult Probation's vision contains brief outlines of its mission and outcome goals for clients, criminal justice agencies, staff, victims, and the community. Also included from this results driven agency are the "1996 Annual Statistical Report Statewide" and an edition of the Strategic Planning News entitled, "Strategic Planning Outcome Measures and Data Elements Updated for the Office of Adult Probation."... Read More
    40 p.
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    The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.. National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY).
    Having a substance abuse disorder is related to a higher likelihood of having a co-occurring mental illness. Similarly, having a mental illness increases the probability of having a co-occurring substance abuse disorder. This paper details the occurrences of both disorders in the nation's jails, prisons, and community corrections agencies.... Read More
    2 p.
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    Cognitive-Behavioral Programs: A Resource Guide to Existing Services
    By Van Dieten, Marilyn. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Designed to give correctional practitioners an overview of services available for use with their clients, this resources guide lists cognitive-behavioral programs for males, females, youth, adults, and couples. It covers primary need areas as follows: substance abuse, sex offenses, anger, cognitive skills, employment, relapse prevention, domestic abuse, and criminal attitudes.... Read More
    25 p.
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    Involving Families in Systems Change: Improving Services for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems: Strategies for Families [and Strategies for Service Providers] Brochures]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.. National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY); Policy Research, Inc. (Delmar, NY).
    These brief brochures describe the strategies for families and for service providers that are available through the GAINS Center. Included are examples of success, challenges to involving families, and resources for further information.... Read More
    4 p.
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    NIC Training Needs Assessment on Community Restorative Justice: Summary of Findings
    LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    A variety of executive, judicial, and victims' services agencies were surveyed regarding their involvement in, and training needs for, community restorative justice. Survey results from 158 responses are summarized in the following categories: 1. Profiles of the response sample; 2. Current levels of agency involvement; 3. Priority of survey-identified training needs; 4. Respondent-identified training topics; 5. Critical needs; and 6. General comments.... Read More
    10 p.
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    An Overview of Sex Offender Community Notification Practices: Policy Implications and Promising Approaches
    U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Justice Programs (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexa. Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
    Community notification laws are currently in place in 47 states. This brief offers up-to-date information to inform citizens, state and local leaders, and criminal justice professionals about these procedures and what the research suggests about their effectiveness. It addresses the benefits and limitations of these laws and examines their impact on communities, offenders, and victims.... Read More
    8 p.
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    Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System
    By Peters, Roger H.; Bartoi, Marla Green. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC). National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY); University of South Florida. Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute. Dept. of Mental Health Law and Policy (Tampa, FL).
    The rates of both mental health disorders and substance abuse disorders are significantly higher among criminal justice populations than those in the general population. Screening and assessing inmates for these disorders is addressed in this document, with the focus on the instruments available for this work, and how to combine them to screen and assess co-occurring disorders.... Read More
    133 p.
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    The National GAINS Center for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System: Brochures
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Washington, DC); U.. National GAINS Center (Delmar, NY); Policy Research, Inc. (Delmar, NY).
    Five brochures are included in this document, with titles as follows: Jail Diversion/Creating Alternatives for Persons with Mental Illnesses; Addressing the Specific Needs of Women with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System; Treatment of People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System; The National GAINS Center for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System; and Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System.... Read More
    10 p.
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    Community Justice: Striving for Safe, Secure, and Just Communities
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Eight authors discuss changes occurring in criminal justice under the general theme of community justice. Topics discussed include restorative justice, acknowledging probation's multiple clients, the role of risk assessment, thinking differently about justice, community involvement, and neighborhood supervision. ... Read More
    45 p.
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    Community Corrections in America: New Directions and Sounder Investments for Persons with Mental Illness and Codisorders
    By Lurigio, Arthur J., ed.. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Rockville, MD); National Institute of Corrections . National Coalition for Mental and Substance Abuse Health Care in the Justice System (Seattle, WA).
    Fifteen contributors provide ten chapters in this document, titled as follows: 1. The Challenge of Responding to Persons with Mental Illness on Community Corrections Supervision; 2. Persons with Mental Illness on Probation and Parole: The Importance of Information; 3. Offenders with Mental Illness on Probation Supervision; 4. Women in Probation and Parole; 5. Working with Seriously Mentally Ill Substance Abusers; 6. People of Color; 7. Juveniles: The First Frontier; ... Read More
    184 p.
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    Evaluability Assessment: A Tool for Program Development in Corrections
    By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Brown, Kelly. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Division of Criminal Justice (Cincinnati, OH).
    Evaluability assessment helps to determine whether a program has been planned and implemented well enough to be evaluated. This monograph focuses on how to plan and develop the type of program that is likely to produce a successful comprehensive evaluation. It highlights some of the most recent efforts to examine programs in terms of whether or not they are utilizing dimensions known to be effective and avoiding those established as ineffective. ... Read More
    43 p.
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    Forging New Working Partnerships: Results of a National Working Meeting of Police, Probation and Parole Executives
    By Drake, William R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). DRAKE Associates (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Police Foundation (Washington, DC).
    This report on the first-ever meeting of fourteen police, probation, and parole executives from throughout the United States, who met in November 1994, focuses on three main themes. They are: cooperation and information sharing, a shared mission of public safety and enforcement, and the recognition that all are searching for ways to prevent and control crime.... Read More
    31 p.
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    Female Offenders in the Community: An Analysis of Innovative Strategies and Programs
    By Austin, James; Bloom, Barbara; Donahue, Trish. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Council on Crime and Delinquency (San Francisco, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This report describes various strategies and programs that appear to provide effective community supervision and/or treatment of female offenders. It describes the results of a national survey of public and private community programs that supervise female offenders. Additionally, the report discusses the pertinent issues, needs, and problems of this population. Along with describing various programs, the report assesses positive aspects of these programs from their objectives through follow-up a... Read More
    82 p.
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    The Practical Planning Guide for Community Corrections Managers
    By Mactavish, Marie. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    The different stages of the Planning Model are described. They include: Identifying community interests and offender requirements; Surveying services that are internal and external to the organization; Updating the mission (purpose of the business); Analyzing the gaps: the difference between what is and what ought to be; Creating outcome criteria for evaluation; Planning for and taking action: implementation stage; and Evaluating the action. ... Read More
    41 p.
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    Oregon Case Management System for Community Services: Time Study and Auditing System Design/Implementation
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Oregon Dept. of Corrections. Classification Unit (Salem, OR).
    Content includes three documents: Oregon Case Management System Manual; Oregon Department of Correction: Analysis of the 1990 Time Study, produced by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD); and the Oregon Case Management System Project Summary: Final Report, also by NCCD. These studies will be used by the Oregon Department of Corrections to determine staff time needed to supervise various offenders and to develop procedures for an information system.... Read More
    121 p.
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    Emerging Technologies and Community Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American Correctional Association (Laurel, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Technologies currently used in community corrections are identified, examined, and described in terms of their applications, focusing, where possible, on cost/benefits, efficacy in controlling offenders, and impact on staff, offenders, and agency operations. Issues surrounding emerging technologies are also discussed along with their implications for community corrections in policy, program development, and management practices. (p.8).... Read More
    123 p.
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    Program Outline and Seminar Materials for: A Tough Approach to Working with Angry and Resistant Offenders
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute for Sentencing Alternatives (Waltham, MA).
    This program is designed to train residential community corrections staff to provide the angry offender with a new set of concepts to correct life-long patterns of criminal thought and behavior. Participants in the seminar learn to identify offender characteristics and apply intervention strategies when angry behavior is manifested. Lecture notes, visual aids, and handouts on anger management are included.... Read More
    33 p.
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    Civil Liabilities of Parole Personnel for Release, Non-Release, Supervision, and Revocation
    By del Carmen, Rolando V.; Louis, Paul T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Sam Houston State University, Criminal Justice Center (Huntsville, TX); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document provides a practitioner-oriented discussion of legal liability issues surrounding parole decisionmaking.... Read More
    49 p.
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    Advisory Boards and Community Corrections: Some Forms, Some Issues and Some Suggestions
    By Lindsay, Margot C.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Center for Citizen Participation in the Administration of Justice (Boston, MA).
    Written for both administrators and board members, this paper reviews the different forms of advisory boards having private citizen presence to advise public officials on matters concerning adult community corrections. It focuses on the actual and potential impact of the advisory board on the system, and the role it plays in increasing public acceptance of local sanctions as sentencing options.... Read More
    18 p.
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    Making It Work: Addressing Victim Concerns Through Community Corrections Programs
    By Shapiro, Carol; Alexander, Diane; Schuman, Alan M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Rutgers University. School of Criminal Justice. Program Resources Center (Newark, NJ).
    ... Read More
    52 p.
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    Economic Sanctions in Community Corrections
    By Mullaney, Fahy G.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Development of policy and practice to guide the use of economic sanctions is the main focus of this paper. Economic sanctions will have a dramatic financial impact on offenders, so the establishment of a fair policy to control the use of fees is important.... Read More
    30 p.
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    Marketing Community Corrections
    By Haller, Sherry; Mullaney, F.G.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Issues discussed in this document include defining products and services, customers and markets, and marketing techniques.... Read More
    19 p.
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    Competency Profile of Community Corrections Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of the Community Corrections Administrator. Such duties include: manage personnel, administer finances, promote professional competency and awareness, manage information, and manage facilities and equipment.... Read More
    3 p.
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    Contracting for Community Corrections Services
    By Jensen, Cristy; Lieber, Harley; Scherman, Richard; Thiel, Karen Smith. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Topics discussed include: needs assessment, make or buy decision process, request for proposals, contract development, and contract management and evaluation.... Read More
    47 p.
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    Fees for Probation Services
    By Baird, S. Christopher; Holien, Douglas A.; Bakke, Audrey J.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Council on Crime and Delinquency (Madison, WI); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document discusses issues such as revenue potential, positive and negative impacts of fees, and policy options for fee operations.... Read More
    37 p.
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    ABC's of the CABs: A How-To Manual on Creating Citizen Advisory Boards
    By Hutto, Clay; Judge, Tricia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Missouri Board of Probation and Parole (Jefferson City, MO).
    ... Read More
    31 p.

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