U.S. Department of Justice

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Emergency Plans for Private Prisons
Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections.
This policy covers the proper implementation of private prison emergency plans. It is a useful example for other agencies drafting similar procedures for their contracted facilities. Sections of this document include: definition of an emergency; training; departmental response to private prison emergencies; incident debriefing and closure; serious incidents; departmental response reimbursement; and actions and responsibilities.... Read More
10 pages
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Emergency Planning for Juvenile Residential Facilities
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
This manual provides “step-by-step guidance in the planning process … [that] will help ensure the efficient continuation of operations during an emergency, the reduction of risk to the physical plant, and, most importantly, the safety and well-being of youth and staff in our nation’s juvenile justice residential facilities (p. 2). Twelve sections are contained in this publication: overview of the planning process; budgeting for emergency planning and response; allocating responsibilities to staf... Read More
50 pages
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Special Panel Review of Excited Delirium
By Hughes, Edward L., editor. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Pennsylvania State University. Weapons and Protective Systems Technologies Center (WPSTC). Special Panel Review of Excited Delirium (University Park, PA).
These proceedings are about Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS) and strategies for addressing it. Law enforcement and medical professionals should be aware of ExDS and the ways it could impact their interactions with afflicted individuals. “The purpose of the meeting was to examine the phenomenon of “excited delirium” and its association with the use-of-force in general and the use of CEDs [conducted energy in particular. Additionally, the panel was to review, discuss, and examine related medical a... Read More
50 pages
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Excited Delirium Mandatory Testing
Los Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. (Los Vegas, NV); South Nevada Health District (Los Vegas, NV).
Excited delirium or agitated delirium involves and individual acting in a particularly “violent, erratic, or bizarre manner”. Physical signs include: unfounded fear and panic; shouting and/ or nonsensical speech; hallucinations, paranoia, or other strange behavior; hyperactivity or throwing themselves about, especially following restraint; unexplained strength and/or endurance; shedding cloths or nudity often due to feeling hot; and huge amounts of sweating. This 18-minute training program is co... Read More
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CBRN Protective Ensemble Standard for Law Enforcement: NIJ Standard-0116.00
National Insitute of Justice (Washington, DC).
“This document is a voluntary performance standard for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) protective ensembles for use by law enforcement. It defines both performance requirements and the methods used to test performance" (p. vii).... Read More
137 pages
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Communication and Public Health Emergencies: A Guide for Law Enforcement
By Brito, Corina Sole; Luna, Andrea Morrozoff; Sanberg, Elizabeth Lang. Police Executive Research Forum (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC).
"This report identifies the considerations that law enforcement executives should address in their public health communications plans, regarding internal communications (those that remain with the law enforcement agency) as well as external communications (those that go to other agencies or the public)" (p. iii). Six sections comprise this guide: overview of risk communication; internal communication planning; interagency communications; communicating with the public; working with the news medi... Read More
59 p.
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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Planning: Guidelines for Community Corrections
By Bancroft, Patricia. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). American Probation and Parole Association (Lexington, KY).
The goal of this document "is to increase awareness and provide guidance to community corrections for developing preparedness and response plans for pandemic flu and other crises" (p. iii). Five sections follow an introduction: pandemic planning and decisionmaking; prevention and detection; human resources; communication; and offender supervision strategies.... Read More
31 p.
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Benchmarks for Developing a Law Enforcement Pandemic Flu Plan
By Brito, Corina Sole; Luna, Andrea Morrozoff; Sanberg, Elizabeth Lang. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Police Executive Research Forum (Washington, DC).
This “report is an interactive guide that leads the reader through a planning process to ensure continuity of law enforcement operations during a flu pandemic” (p. iii). This document is divided into seven sections: identify the department planning team; gather information and resources; review and revise existing (or develop new) plan components that ensure continuity of operations; communications prior to and during an influenza pandemic; planning for activation; planning for recovery (between... Read More
50 p.
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Assigning Infection Risk Levels in Correctional Facilities
By Kravitz, Robert. corrections.com (Quincy, MA).
Ways to address widespread infection in correctional facilities are covered. Topics discussed include: increased use of personal and environmental cleaning; ranking infection risk from DEFCON 1 to 4; and focusing on disinfecting floors.... Read More
3 p.
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A Guide to Preparing for and Responding to Jail Emergencies: Self-Audit Checklists, Resource Materials, Case Studies
By Schwartz, Jeffrey A.; Barry, Cynthia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LETRA, Inc. (Campbell, CA).
This guide “will be broadly useful to U.S. jails in planning for crises, emergencies, and natural disasters and in developing the appropriate response capacities to cope with these events where they cannot be prevented” (p. vi). Six sections are contained in this publication: introduction; conducting an audit; Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Smaller Jails; Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Larger Jails; resource materials—leadership issues during crises, prevention ... Read More
180 p.
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Pandemic Influenza Plan
U.S. Bureau of Prisons (Washington, DC).
Standard Operating Procedures and related forms are provided for the four modules making up the U.S. Bureau of Prisons' (BOP) Pandemic Influenza Plan, which addresses health services. The modules are: surveillance and infection control; antiviral medications and vaccines; health care delivery; and care for the deceased.... Read More
86 p.
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Locking Up H1N1
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This 3-hour program, originally broadcast December 9, 2009, and hosted by the National Institute of Corrections, will address the issue of correctional facility operations and H1N1 (swine flu). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and criminal justice agencies have joined forces to provide some practical strategies for prevention and control. Participants of this satellite/Internet broadcast will be able to: define the current status of the H1N1 pandemic, including perspectives on i... Read More

3 computer disks; DVD-ROM (162 min) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Communication and Public Health Emergencies: A Guide for Law Enforcement
By Brito, Corina Sole; Luna, Andrea Morrozoff; Sanberg, Elizabeth Lang. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Police Executive Research Forum (Washington, DC).
“This report identifies the considerations that law enforcement executives should address in their public health communications plans, regarding internal communications (those that remain within the law enforcement agency) as well as external communications (those that go to other agencies or the public)” (p.iii). Sections of this guide are: overview of risk communications; internal communications planning; interagency communications; communicating with the public; working with the news media; a... Read More
60 p.
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Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS)
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (Bethesda, MD).
Information is provided at this website by the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS). Points of entry are: about the center; trauma and disaster -- world trauma, disaster, armed conflict and war, terror, and preparedness; about you -- you, military community, military children and families, disaster community, disaster workers, and law enforcement; fact sheets -- disaster and terrorism, military health, law enforcement, and children and families; resources -- interviews (post 9/11 and... Read More
1 p.
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National Emergency Communications Plan
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (Washington, DC).
The National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) which "focuses on the emergency communications needs of response personnel in every discipline, at every level of government, and for the private-sector and non-governmental organizations," is presented (p. 2). Five sections follow an executive summary: introduction; defining the future state of emergency communications; achieving that future state; implementing and measuring achievement of the NECP; and conclusion.... Read More
75 p.
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A Framework for Improving Cross-Sector Coordination for Emergency Preparedness and Response: Action Steps for Public Health, Law Enforcement, the Judiciary and Corrections
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Health Law Program (Atlanta, GA); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). McKing Consulting Corp. (Rockville, MD); Public Health and Law Enforcement Emergency Preparedness Workgroup (N.P.).
Specific action steps are described "that have particular potential to address existing barriers and misconceptions . . . and make cross-sectoral and cross-jurisdictional collaboration more feasible, productive, and common -- without duplicating the many existing initiatives . . . designed to streamline emergency preparedness and response" (p. ii). Three parts follow an executive summary: framework; action steps -- organizing to implement opportunities for action, roles and responsibilities, c... Read More
42 p.
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National Response Framework
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (Washington, DC).
This National Response Framework (NRF) [or Framework] is a guide to how the National conducts all-hazards response . . . [and] is built upon scalable, flexible, and adaptable coordinating structures to align key roles and responsibilities across the Nation" (p. 1). Five chapters follow and introduction: roles and responsibilities; response actions; response organization; planning -- a critical element of effective response; and additional resources.... Read More
82 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - January 2006
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; Report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics by Allen Beck; Discussion: PREA in Local Jails; Statistical Analysis: Crowding, Life Safety, and Managing Staff by Patrick Jablonski and Scott Bradsteet; Succession Planning: Executives and Middle Management by Gordon Bass, Dennis Williams, and Richard Geaither; Is There a Proper Place for Tasers in the Use of Force Continuum? by John Clark, William Collins, and Don Leach; Discussion: Use of Taser... Read More
68 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - July 2006
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; "Open Forum: Hot Topics for Discussion"; "Understanding Culture: The Root of It All" by Carol Flaherty-Zonis; "NIC Information Center Briefing" by Sandy Schilling and Josh Stengel; "Analyzing Our culture to Improve Our Jail" by Mark Foxall; "Changing the Jail's Organizational Culture" by Robert Green; "Planning for Catastrophes and Other Emergencies" by Jeffrey Schwartz; "Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and Jails" by Larry Solomon; "Cr... Read More
64 p.
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A Guide to Preparing for and Responding to Prison Emergencies: Self-Audit Checklists, National Survey Results, Resource Materials, [and] Case Studies
By Schwartz, Jeffrey A.; Barry, Cynthia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LETRA, Inc. (Campbell, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Information regarding prison emergency preparedness is presented. This guide is comprised of the following sections: introduction; conducting an audit; self-audit checklists--emergency preparedness, natural disaster/HAZMAT/fire, and counterterrorism; Report on the National Survey of Emergency Readiness in Prisons; resource materials--leadership issues during crises, prevention of prison emergencies, emergency teams, and prisons and counterterrorism; and case studies.... Read More
323 p.
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, February 2004
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; Domestic Preparedness and the Impact on Large Jails by Sue Menser; meeting participants discussion of issues; Role of the Jail in Public Health Policy by Don Leach; MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Areus by Dennis Williams; response by jail and public health officials to contagious disease emergencies; National Sheriffs Association: Weapons of Mass Destruction Initiative: Jail Evacuation Planning and Implementation by Mike Jack... Read More
49 p.
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Systemic Approaches to Emergency Preparedness Affecting Correctional Communities [Videoconference Held July 31, 2002]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
This 3-hour videoconference explains emergency preparedness action planning from a systemic perspective conducive to natural community partnerships. The following topics are discussed:
  • The nature of corrections-related emergencies;
  • Partners, resources, and mechanisms for stakeholder response to emergencies;
  • Elements of a written emergency plan;
  • Assessment strategies for level of alert and responses from line staff through the command level;
  • Follow-up after emergen... Read More

1 DVD (180 min.)
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2002
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; "Cost Containment for Inmate Health Care" by Rebecca Craig; "Taming the Cost of Health Care in Detentions: What Works in San Diego County" by William Sparrow; "Confronting Costs for Medical Care: Open Forum Discussion"; "Increased Medical Costs: Managed Care and Private Contracts" by David Parrish and Dennis Williams; "Public Health and Jails: Challenges and Current Activities" by Roberto Hugh Potter and Dennis Andrews; "Succession Plann... Read More
65 p.
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Emergency Preparedness Assessment Resource Supplements
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Supplemental resources for the training program "Emergency Preparedness Assessment" (NIC accession no. 006995) are presented. Contents directly related to emergency plans include: Interim Commander checklist; Incident Commander checklist; Prison Operations Administrator checklist; emergency notification checklist; after action requirements checklist; "Notes on Emergency Planning" by Ken Kukrall; action planning; Emergency Plan Exercise Controller Forms for support services, negotiations team, I... Read More
115 p.
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Large Jail Network Meeting, January 10-12, 1999, Longmont, Colorado; Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
The issues of post-traumatic stress and critical incidents are addressed. Contents of this document include: meeting highlights; post-traumatic stress syndrome and critical incidents -- preparation, response, and review; post-traumatic stress -- the value of peer support; programs that address post-traumatic stress syndrome in employees; standardized emergency management and critical incident command systems; critical incident training -- preparation, response, and review; critical incident res... Read More

41 p.
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Prison Security: Security Tips Checklists
By Milosovich, John T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
These security tips checklists were compiled from prison security training seminars conducted through the National Institute of Corrections. Topics addressed include: security audits, facility planning, technology, post analysis, staff recruitment, programming, security threat groups, continuum of force, supermax institutions and emergency preparedness. The appendices include lists of crisis indicators, emergency response resources, benefits of good security, and consequences of poor security.... Read More
47 p.

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