View your training

The classes and activities you are scheduled to take are displayed on your training schedule page. This page shows any registration requests you have made which are pending approval, and provides access to course evaluations and other options.

To view your training schedule:

  1. From the Learn menu select Training Schedule.
  2. In the View list choose one of these views:
    • Completed registrations- lists the activities that you have completed.
    • Current activities - displays activities that you are registered for or activities you have started and are still in progress. For an activity which includes other activities, this shows the lower-level activities.
    • Upcoming activities - shows upcoming training activities for which you are registered.
    • Completed activities - lists all activities that you have completed.
    • Canceled activities - shows a list activities for which your registration was canceled.
    • Online activities with fixed duration - shows a list of online activities for which you are registered for that have a fixed duration.
    • Calendar - shows the learning activities for which you are registered in an interactive calendar grid.
    • Waiting list or pending approval - displays all of your pending activities, including activities for which you are on the waiting list and those pending approval.
    • Expressed interest - displays activities in which you have expressed interest.