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  Recurring Challenges in Key Aspects of Contingency Contracting Process (From DoDIG Report D-2010-059)". Chart is optimized for 11"x17".
  Fraud Indicators and Poor Practices in Relation to the Contracting Process (From DoD IG Report D-2010-059)

OCO Article Archive

Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)
Policy and Oversight Reports
(Links are provided to unclassified reports)

IE-2008-010 - Information Report on the Assessment of DoD Support to the Iraqi Security Forces Inspector General (07/31/2008)

IE-2008-005 - DoD/VA Care Transition Process for Service Members Injured in OIF/OEF (06/12/2008)

IPO-2008-E001 - Review of Matters Related to the August 28, 2005 Shooting of Reuters Journalists (06/04/2008)

IE-2008-001 - Review of the Investigative Documentation Associated with the Death of Army Corporal Stephen W. Castner in Iraq (01/04/2008)

IPO-2007-E002 - Unclassified Executive Summary from (Classified) "Evaluation of the Army Investigation of Chaplain (CPT) James J. Yee" (09/19/2007)

IE-2007-005 - Interagency Assessment of the Counternarcotics Program
in Afghanistan

IPO-2007-E001 - Evaluation of the Army Investigations onto the Death on Corporal Patrick Daniel Tillman (3/26/2007)

IE-2007-001 - Interagency DoD/DoS Assessment of Afghan National Police

IPO-2006-C014 - Review of Death Notification Procedures and Investigations concerning the Death of Army 1LT Kenneth Ballard (7/14/2006)

IPO-2006-C004 - Review of USACIDC Criminal Investigation Involving the Death of Specialist (SPC) Thomas Sweet II, United States Army (4/5/06)

IE-2006-002 - Evaluation of Defense Installation Vulnerability Assessments (05/23/2006)

IE-2005-A004 - Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan Management Decision Model (07/05/2005) 

IE-2005-003 - Evaluation of Support to Mobilized Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve Units (08/05/2005) 

IE-2005-002 - Interagency DoD-DOS IG Assessment of Iraqi Police Training

IPO-2005-C002 - Review of USACIDC Criminal Investigation Involving the Death of Specialist (SPC) Juan M. Torres, United Sates Army (7/9/05)

IPO-2004C010 - Review of Army Inspector General Investigation into the Death of Army 1st Sgt Christopher Coffin (2/14/2005)

IPO-2004C005 – Review of Criminal Investigations of Alleged Detainee Abuse (8/25/06)

IPO-2004C004 - Review of USACIDC Criminal Investigation Involving the Death of a Noncombatant Afghan by Army Special Forces Personnel (7/21/05)


Interagency DoD/DoS Afghanistan Counter-narcotics Program Assessment (Project No. D2006-DIP0E2-0242)  This evaluation was requested by the Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan and the U.S. Embassy.

Interagency Iraqi Anti-corruption and Principles Governance Initiative (Project No. D2006-DIP0E3-0256) This project was introduced to support the Department of State OIG anti-corruption advisory effort in Iraq.

Support to Iraqi Security Forces  (MOD and MOI) IGs (Project No. D2006-DIP0E3-0038) This project supports a MNSTC-I request for expert IG support for IG offices of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).

Interagency DoD/DVA Medical Care Transition of OEF/OIF Military Injured (Project No. D2005-DIP0E2-0286)  This evaluation was requested by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.


Members of the DoD OIG’s Office of Policy and Oversight are shown at Phoenix Base located in the “Green Zone” in Baghdad.  From left to right in civilian attire, are Mr. Deane Williams, Chief, Transformational Assessments Division; Mr. Jerry Hansen, Deputy Inspector General for Policy and Oversight; and Mr. William “Brem” Morrison, Assistant Inspector General for Inspections and Evaluations.
Afghan police recruits Afghan police recruits OIG team member in the armory Afghan police recruits cleaning weapons Afghan police recruits on the firing range

Last updated: January 21, 2010
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