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Special Deputy Inspector General for Southwest Asia

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  Recurring Challenges in Key Aspects of Contingency Contracting Process (From DoDIG Report D-2010-059)". Chart is optimized for 11"x17".
  Fraud Indicators and Poor Practices in Relation to the Contracting Process (From DoD IG Report D-2010-059)

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Support to the Global War On Terror (GWOT)/Southwest Asia (SWA) Oversight Projects

The DoD IG remains firmly committed to supporting the warfighter, DoD, Congress, and the American taxpayer by providing efficient oversight of GWOT/SWA operations.  Our GWOT/SWA audits, assessments, evaluations and reviews are incorporated into the Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia. 

The DoD IG audit strategy is to continue to leverage our audit efforts by utilizing our Southwest Asia field offices to augment, facilitate, or conduct audits supporting Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.  Some of the audits listed in the Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia require audit work or “boots on ground” in Southwest Asia whereas other audits will be conducted primarily in the continental United States and will focus on CONUS-based support to Overseas Contingency Operations including Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom (the transition to Operation New Dawn on September 1, 2010 marked the end of combat operation in Iraq and the official end of Operation Iraqi Freedom), and Operation New Dawn (which commenced September 1, 2010).  Also, some reviews may be conducted in partnership with DoD or other Federal Agencies.

The Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia serves as a guide for the DoD IG and the member Federal and DoD oversight agencies to plan GWOT/SWA oversight; however, the plan is a living document and may change based on the dynamics of operations and circumstances and will be updated on a semi-annual basis. The planned and ongoing projects are coordinated within the respective members to ensure adequate coverage is provided within the known challenge areas as well as to ensure the various oversight agencies are not duplicating oversight efforts and placing and undue burden on the supporting military commands in Southwest Asia.

FY 2010 Update to the Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas Is Issued

March 3, 2010 – On behalf of the participating members, the Department of Defense Inspector General released the “FY 2010 Update to the Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas.” The Southwest Asia Joint Planning Group facilitated the compilation and issuance of the FY 2010 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia and Surrounding Areas in response to the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act.

The plan incorporates the planned and ongoing oversight of the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development; the Special Inspectors General for Iraq Reconstruction and Afghanistan Reconstruction; the Army Audit Agency; the Naval Audit Service; the Air Force Audit Agency; and the Defense Contract Audit Agency. Additionally, the FY 2010 update includes the Government Accountability Office ongoing oversight efforts related to Southwest Asia. (more)

Last updated: September 3, 2010

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