Contact Us

You can contact CBES by writing, calling, or e-mailing
Virginia Dale, Director
Center for BioEnergy Sustainability
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6035
Tel: 865-576-8043
Fax: 865-574-7287









August 30th: Integrated Biomass Supply Systems (IBSS) will host a monthly webinar series. The first webinar will feature Dr. Bill Hubbard who will be providing an update on the extension and outreach developments in the Southeast. Webinar instructions.

October 24 & 25, Vonore, Tennessee - Biomass: From Grow to Go.

Nov 5-8: 2012 Woody Crops Conference to be held in the Oak Ridge-Knoxville area of Tennessee.

Council on Sustainable Biomass Production - Press Release, Final CSBP Standard, CSBP 2012 Membership List

CBES Forums

Oct 18: Robert Fletcher - University of Florida : "Bioenergy expansion: a wildlife perspective"

Dec 20th: Rebecca Efroymson (ORNL) - "Sustainable Development of Algal Biofuels"



Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (KDF), sponsored by DOE and developed by a team at ORNL led by CBES member Budhendra Bhaduri, now has its own interactive website.

IBSS - Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems website

Extension - Objective, research-based and credible information you can use every day to improve your life