Forums - all in PDF format pdf icon

A link to the presentation slides is at the end of each summary. 

Sept 25th: Marko Debeljak of The Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia presented "Inductive Machine Learning in Ecological Modeling". pdf

August 16th: Mike Jostrom - Director Renewable Resources, Plum Creek - "Vested in Carbon: Perspectives of a Large US Forest Owner" pdf

July 26th: Danny Inman - NREL "Biofuel Sustainability Analysis"

July 16: Siwa Msangi - Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C. "Biofuels, Agriculture and Food Security: Key Connections and Challenges" pdf

June 21: Natalie Griffiths (ORNL) and Matt Langholtz (ORNL) "Examining the effects of short-rotation pine for bioenergy on water quality and quantity using a watershed-scale experiment" pdf

June 7th: Ariel Uribe Rodriguez and Edgar Castillo from the Colombian Petroleum Institute will present " Energy Diversification Program at ECOPETROL" Topics that will be discussed: Advanced Biofuels, Heat and Power generation from Biomass and Renewables (Proposal) and Energy Efficiency in upstream operations".

May 21st: Marcelo Moreira from the Institute for International Trade Negotiations, Brazil will present "Coupling GIS and economic data into land use models: The Brazilian Land Use Model experience"

May 17, 2012: Charles Kwit, "Gene flow matters in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a potential widespread biofuel feedstock"

May 10, 2012: Bobby Grisso "Outreach Delivery as Part of Bioenergy Education".

April 19, 2012: John Schwartz (UT) and Zachariah Seiden (UT), "Study Design for Water Quality Monitoring from Switchgrass Fields near Vonore, Tennessee: Support for SWAT and BLOSM Models"

March 15, 2012: James Szybist (NTRC) "Impacts of emerging engine and fuel technologies on the efficiencey of future engines"

Feb 16, 2012: Brian Davison on behalf of Paul Gilna, "How BESC relates to Sustainability"

Jan 19, 2012: Scott Curran, Performance of Advanced Combustion Modes with Alternative Fuels: Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Case Study"

December 15, 2011: Tim Rials, "Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems" and Video

Nov 17, 2011: Elliott Barnett, Mark Downing, Matt Langholtz and Erin Webb: Four 5-10 minute panel presentations on "Sustainability Considerations for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Biomass Steam Plant Feedstock Supply"

Oct 20, 2011: Jacob LaRiviere, "The Effect of Ethanol on Fuel Price Behavior and the Viability of Cellulosic Biofuels"

Sep 15, 2011: Randall Jackson, "Ecosystem service tradeoffs in grassland plant communities grown for bioenery feedstock"

Sept 1, 2011: Tanya Kuritz ORNL - Reality of Algal Fuels

August 18, 2011: Neal Gutterson - Mendel's seeded miscanthus system: a sustainable and scalable bioenergy feedstock solution

August 4, 2011: Audrey Mayer - Using agent-based models to understand the impact of NIPF owner preferences and bioenergy policies on forested landscapes

July 28, 2011: Esther Parish - One size won't fit all: The role of scale in comparing the environmental impacts of ethanol and gasoline production (slides not complete)

June 16, 2011: Jody Endres - A legal typology of sustainable biomass definitions in U.S. law, and other theoretical perspectives

May 19, 2011: Ken Goddard - Growing and Harvesting Switchgrass for Ethanol Production in Tennessee

May 12, 2011: Luis Barbosa Cortez - Brazil Research and Development of Renewable Energy, Sao Paulo Research Foundation and a preliminary analysis of sugarcane in Latin America and Africa

April 21, 2011: Elena Berger - Dynamics of Innovation of Biofuel Ethanol: Three decades of experience in the U.S. and in Brazil

March 17, 2011: Thomas J. Wilbanks - Perspectives from 'Sustainability Science' on Energy Sustainabilty

February 17, 2011: Chris Johnas and Robin Jenkins - DuPont Danisco Cellulosic Ethanol (DDCE) LLC Evaluates Business Opportunities with Sustainability Assessments

January 27, 2011: Allen McBride and Virginia Dale - Indicators to Support Environmental Sustainability of Bioenergy Systems

November 18, 2010: Mac Post - An Integrative Modeling Framework to Evaluate the Productivity and Sustainability of Biofuel Crop Production Systems

October 2010: Sam Jackson and Virginia Dale - Bioenergy Sustainability Standards, Certification and Regulations

September 2010: Eric Marland - Managing the Costs of Carbon Release

August 2010: Chad Hellwinckel - Lessons from modeling the joint effects of climate and bioenergy policies

July 2010: Pat Mulholland and Colleen Iversen - National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) site on the Oak Ridge Reservation: A new collaborative project with NSF for long-term ecosystem measurements and monitoring

June 2010: Charles Garten - Modeling soil quality issues related to sustainable switchgrass and poplar production

May 2010: John Crittenden - Gigaton Problems Require GigatonSolutions

April 2010: Keith Kline and Martin Keller - The Global Bioenergy Sustainability Project. Is the next revolution at hand?

March 2010: Brian West - Review of Technical Issues Surrounding EISA's Biofuels Goals, the RFS2

February 2010: Marilyn Brown - Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America

January 2010: Gregg Marland - Bioenergy and Changes in Carbon Stocks

December 2009: Series - Sustainable Bioenergy from Production to Use in a series of Three Slides and Five Minutes

November 2009: Rekha Pillai, Sirisha Nukala, Stuart Daw and Charles Finney - A Value Chain Analysis for BioEnergy

October 2009: Kathy Halvorsen -Social Dimensions of Sustainable Bioenergy Development

September 2009: Kelly Tiller - Implementing the Cellulosic Biomass Industry in Tennessee

August 2009: Debo Oladosu and Keith Kline - Myths, Facts and Uncertainties for Bioenergy

July 2009: John Drake - BioEnergy – Climate Coupling

June 2009: Mark Downing, Tim Rials, and Pat Mulholland - Landscape Design for Bioenergy Sustainability

May 2009: Raju Vastsav and Keith Kline - Land-Use Change and Bioenergy Workshop

April 2009: Rekha Pillai and Mike Hillard - April 2009: Integrated Framework for Understanding BioEnergy Sustainability

March 2009: Kenneth Tobin - Measurement Science and Systems Engineering



August 30th: Integrated Biomass Supply Systems (IBSS) will host a monthly webinar series. The first webinar will feature Dr. Bill Hubbard who will be providing an update on the extension and outreach developments in the Southeast. Webinar instructions.

October 24 & 25, Vonore, Tennessee - Biomass: From Grow to Go.

Nov 5-8: 2012 Woody Crops Conference to be held in the Oak Ridge-Knoxville area of Tennessee.

Council on Sustainable Biomass Production - Press Release, Final CSBP Standard, CSBP 2012 Membership List

CBES Forums

Oct 18: Robert Fletcher - University of Florida : "Bioenergy expansion: a wildlife perspective"

Dec 20th: Rebecca Efroymson (ORNL) - "Sustainable Development of Algal Biofuels"



Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework (KDF), sponsored by DOE and developed by a team at ORNL led by CBES member Budhendra Bhaduri, now has its own interactive website.

IBSS - Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems website

Extension - Objective, research-based and credible information you can use every day to improve your life