Statutory Documents

Statutory Documents Forms Index

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Quickly Locate the Type of Forms by Clicking on one of the Types Below:

General Forms

Form 2101. Payment Form - Form for use in transmitting credit card, LegalEase, or client account payment information when filing documents by facsimile. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2102. Request for Official Certificate or Apostille - NOT for use in proceedings relating to the adoption of one or more children. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2102-S. Solicitud de Certificados Oficiales o Apostillas - NO valido para tramites de adopción de uno o mas niños. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2103. Request for Official Certificate or Apostille—Adoption Proceedings - for use in proceedings relating to the adoption of one or more children. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2103-S. Solicitud de Certificados Oficiales o Apostillas—para Tramites de Adopción - para uso en tramites relacionados a la adopción de uno o mas niños. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2201. Statement of Officer for Officers Not Appointed by the Governor - constitutional statement required of persons elected or appointed to public office. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2202. Statement of Officer for Gubernatorial Appointees - constitutional statement required of public officers appointed by the governor. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2204. Oath of Office - constitutional Oath of Office required of persons entering public office. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2206. Application for Labor Organizer Card - Form used to obtain a card used to identify the holder as an organizer for a labor union. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2207. Declination of Remuneration by Elected or Appointed Officer - Form used by officials who wish to decline all or part of their remuneration for an office. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2208. Disclosure of Foreign Gifts/Contracts - for use by institutions of higher learning for reporting conditional gifts from foreign sources. (Word, Acrobat)

Notaries Public


Notary Public Act, Tex. Gov’t Code Ann., § 406.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 87 View Rules

Notice: Random background investigations are performed on notary applicants.  A false statement in a notary public application is cause for denial or revocation of a notary commission.  A false statement made knowingly could be a criminal offense under section 37.10, Texas Penal Code.

Form 2301. Application for Appointment as a Texas Notary Public—General application and bond form to become a Texas notary. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2301-E. Application for Appointment as Texas Notary Public by Escrow Officer Residing in Adjacent State. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2301-NB. Application for Appointment as a Texas Notary Public—No Bond. For state employee applicants only.

Form 2302. Notary Public Change of Address—Form to notify the secretary of state of a notary public's address change as required by section 406.019, Government Code. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2303. Voluntary Surrender of Notary Public Commission—Form to surrender an unexpired notary public commission. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2304. Notary Public Complaint—Form to initiate a complaint against a notary public. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2305. Application for Change of Name as a Texas Notary Public—Form to change the name on a notary’s commission. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2305-NB. Application for Change of Name as Texas Notary Public Without Bond. For notaries who are state employees.

Form 2306. Request for Duplicate Notary Public Commission. (Word, Acrobat)

Citations Unit


Form 2401. Service of Process Information Sheet - Useful information for perfecting service upon the Secretary of State. (Word, Acrobat)

Athlete Agents


Athlete Agents Act, Tex. Occupations Code, § 2051.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 78 View Rules

Notice: Texas has two types of athlete agent registrations: (1) entity; and (2) individual. The entity registration is for formally organized entities, such as corporations, LLCs, partnerships, or other legal entities. The individual registration is for individuals, as well as individuals conducting business using a sole proprietorship or assumed name. You should keep this in mind when selecting forms below.

Forms for Entity Athlete Agents

Forms for Individual Athlete Agents

Forms for All Athlete Agents

Forms for Institutions of Higher Education

Automobile Clubs


Automobile Club Services Act, Tex. Trans. Code Ann. § 722.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 75 View Rules

Form 2601. Automobile Club Application for Certificate of Authority - Form required to establish an automobile club in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2602. Automobile Club Services Act Surety Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as an automobile club in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2603. Automobile Club Assignment of Certificate of Deposit as Security - Form which may be used in lieu of obtaining a surety bond. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2604. Notification of Appointment and Application to act as an Automobile Club Agent - Form used to register an agent for an automobile club. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2605. Automobile Club Agent Termination Notice - Form for terminating an agent's registration. (Word, Acrobat)

Business Opportunities


Business Opportunities Act, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code Ann. § 51.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 97View Rules

Form 2701. Business Opportunity Registration - Form for registering a business opportunity (includes sample cover sheet and form for required disclosure statement). (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2702. Business Opportunity Surety Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a business opportunity seller. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2703. Business Opportunity Exemption Notice - Form used to claim an exemption from business opportunity registration. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2704. Voluntary Termination Statement - Form for terminating a business opportunity registration. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2705. Trust Account Notice for a Business Opportunity Seller - Form for notifying secretary of state of trust account established as business opportunity security. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2706. Business Opportunity Registration Updates - Cover sheet for use when submitting updates to an existing business opportunity registration. (Word, Acrobat)

Credit Services Organizations

Consumer FAQs on Credit Services Organizations


Credit Services Organizations, Tex. Fin. Code Ann. § 393.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 74 View Rules

Form 2801. Registration Statement - Form required to register as a CSO in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2802. Credit Services Organization Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a CSO in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 2803. Surety Account Notice for a Credit Services Organization - Form which may be used in lieu of obtaining a surety bond. (Word, Acrobat)

Third-Party Debt Collectors

Consumer FAQs on Debt Collection


Debt Collection Bonds, Tex. Fin. Code Ann. § 392.101. View Statute

Form 2901. Third-Party Debt Collector Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a third-party debt collector in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Health Spas


Health Spa Act, Tex. Occupations Code Ann. § 702.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 102 View Rules

Form 3001. Health Spa Registration Application - Form required to register a health spa facility. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3002. Health Spa Surety Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a health spa in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3004. Assignment of Certificate of Deposit as Security - Form which may be used in lieu of obtaining a surety bond. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3005. Notice of Escrow Account - Form required of sellers of prepaid health spa memberships. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3006. Security Exemption Application - Form used for claiming a security exemption pursuant to §702.202 of the Health Spa Act. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3008. Affidavit for Release of Escrow - Form used to authorize the withdrawal of prepayments deposited in an escrow account under §702.352 of the Health Spa Act. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3009. Amended Statement Regarding Membership Totals And Cost - Form used to notify the Secretary of State of changes in the number of and total amount paid for prepaid memberships. (Word, Acrobat)

Membership Camping Resorts


Texas Membership Camping Resort Act, Tex. Prop. Code Ann. §222.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 103 View Rules

Form 3101. Membership Camping Resort Operator Registration Application - Form used to register as a MCR operator. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3102. Membership Camping Resort Salesperson or Contract Broker Registration Application - Form used to register as a MCR salesperson or contact-broker. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3103. Form 3102 is now a multi-purpose form and should be used for filing.

Public Safety Organizations, Promoters, Publications


Solicitation For Public Safety Organizations, Tex. Occupations Code § 1803.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 105(A) View Rules

Form 3201. Public Safety Organization, Independent Promoter, or Public Safety Publication Registration/Renewal Statement - Form used to register, or renew a registration, as a PSO, IP, or PSP. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3202. Form 3201 is now a multi-purpose form and should be used for renewals.

Form 3203. Public Safety Organization, Independent Promoter, or Public Safety Publication Solicitor's Registration/Renewal Statement - Form used to register, or renew a registration, as a PSO, IP, or PSP solicitor. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3204. Form 3203 is now a multi-purpose form and should be used for renewals.

Form 3205. Appointment of Secretary of State as Agent of Service - Form used by PSO, IP, or PSP to designate an agent for service of process. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3206. Public Safety Organization, Independent Promoter, or Public Safety Publication Solicitor's Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a PSO, IP, or PSP solicitor. (Word, Acrobat)

Use of State Seal


Private Use of the State Seal, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code Ann. § 17.08. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 72 View Rules

Form 3301. Application/Renewal for License to Use Texas State Seal- Form used to apply for a license to use the state seal for a private or commercial purpose. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3303. Manufacturer/Vendor's Certification of Sales to State Agencies and/or Elected Officials - Form used to submit a certification that the products produced, sold, or distributed are not available to the general public (for exemption under Rule 72.42(a) or (b)). (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3303-A. Statement of Official Use, State Function, or Political Purpose - Form for the signed statement of use from the agency or official to be submitted with the manufacturer/vendor certification (for exemption under Rule 72.42(a) or (b)). (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3304. Manufacturer's Certification of License for the Commercial Use of the State Seal - Form for a vendor/reseller to obtain a certification of a manufacturer’s license to use the state seal (for exemption under Rule 72.42(c)). (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3305. State Seal Quarterly Report - Form used to submit quarterly reports and royalty fees. (Word, Acrobat)

Telephone Solicitation


Telephone Solicitation, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code Ann. § 302.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 105(C) View Rules

Form 3401. Telephone Solicitation Registration/Renewal Statement - Form used to register as a telephone solicitor or to renew a telephone solicitor's registration. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3402. Telephone Solicitation Renewal Statement - Form 3401 is now a multi-purpose form and should be used for renewals.

Form 3403. Telephone Solicitation Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a telephone solicitor in the State of Texas. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3404. Assignment of Certificate of Deposit as Security - Form which may be used in lieu of obtaining a surety bond. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3405. Sample of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit - Sample of form which may be used in lieu of obtaining a surety bond. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3406. Appointment of the Secretary of State as Agent of Service - Form used to designate an agent for service of process. (Word, Acrobat)

Veterans Organization Solicitation


Solicitation For Veterans Organizations, Tex. Occupations Code § 1804.001 et seq. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 105(B) View Rules

Form 3501. Veterans Organization Solicitation Registration Statement - Form used to register or renew a registration for a veterans organization that uses a solicitor. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3502. Veterans Organization Solicitation Bond - Form used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a solicitor for a veterans organization. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3503. Veterans Organization Annual Report - Form used to report expenditures by a veterans organization. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3504. Veterans Organization Solicitor's Registration Statement - Form used to register or renew a registration for a solicitor that solicits for a veterans organization. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3505. Veterans Organization Solicitor's Bond - From used to obtain a surety bond for doing business as a veterans organization solicitor. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3506. Veterans Organization Solicitor's Quarterly Report - Form used by solicitors who meet quarterly filing requirements. (Word, Acrobat)

Form 3507. Form 3501 is now a multi-purpose form and should be used for renewals.

Form 3508. Form 3504 is now a multi-purpose form and should be used for renewals.

Property Rights


Property Rights for a Claim for the Use of a Deceased Person's Name, Voice, Signature, Photograph, or Likeness, Tex. Prop. Code Ann. §26.006. View Statute
Administrative Rules, 1 Tex. Admin. Code, Chapter 76 View Rules

Form 3701. Registration of Claim for the Use of a Deceased Individual's Name, Voice, Signature, Photograph, or Likeness - Form used to register an interest in the use of a deceased individual's marketable traits. (Word, Acrobat)