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News and Issuances

Rescinded CEO Memos*

NumberIssue DateTitleRescinded DateComment
CEO Memo 39107/07/2011Conversion of Quarterly Supervisory Financial Reporting
Requirement to the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income
(Call Report) from the Thrift Financial Report (TFR)
CEO Memo 38906/28/2011FFIEC Supplement to Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2011-26
CEO Memo 38806/03/2011Interagency Guidance on Advanced Measurement Approaches for Operational Risk01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2011-21
CEO Memo 38705/26/2011OCC Proposal to Implement D-F Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; OTS Integration05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 38605/17/2011Notice of Conversion from OTS Branch Office Survey (BOS) to
FDIC Summary of Deposits (SOD) Effective June 30, 2011
CEO Memo 38505/02/2011Revised TILA Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 38304/20/2011Incident Prevention and Detection - Protecting Information Security01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 38203/25/2011Interagency Statement on Reorganization of BSA Regulations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2011-8
CEO Memo 38103/24/2011Interagency Advisory on Accepting Accounts from Foreign Embassies, Consulates and Missions01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2011-9
CEO Memo 38003/15/2011Capital Management06/08/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2012-16
CEO Memo 37902/15/2011Mapping Thrift Financial Report Line Items to the Call Report05/17/2012Outdated1   A watermarked version of the rescinded CEO Memo will continue to be available if needed for reference in the transition to the Call Report.
CEO Memo 37802/03/2011Proposed Changes in Reporting Requirements for OTS-Regulated SAs and SLHCs01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 37701/04/2011Risk-Based Pricing Notices for Less Favorable Credit based on a Consumer Report01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 37612/27/2010CRA - Joint Final Rulemaking Neighborhood Stabilization Program01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 37512/27/2010Interagency Underwriting Standards for Small Business Loans Originated Under the SBLF01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-45
CEO Memo 37412/17/2010OCC/OTS Informational Sessions05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 37312/14/2010Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Reg E), Exam Procedures - Gift Cards and Overdraft Protection01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 37112/02/2010Final Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-42
CEO Memo 37011/01/2010FEMA Preferred Risk Policies (PRP) – Two Year Extension of Eligibility for Purchasing a Preferred Risk Policy01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 36910/08/2010Risk Assessment Summary in the Thrift Report of Examination01/06/2012Replaced4 by Comptroller's Handbook - Community Bank Supervision.
CEO Memo 36810/08/2010Management Oversight of Servicing Operations05/17/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2011-29
CEO Memo 36710/08/2010CRA - Joint Final Rule Regarding Low-Cost Education Loans to Low-Income Borrowers and01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 36610/08/2010OTS Webinar on IRR Management Using the Net Portfolio Value Model05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 36510/04/2010Truth in Lending Act01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 36409/14/2010Regulation DD Exam Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 36309/01/2010Furnishing Information to Consumer Reporting Agencies and Direct Dispute Regulation: FCRA Exam Procedures01/04/2011Rescinded by CEO Memo 377 and RB 37-67
CEO Memo 36208/16/2010Reverse Mortgage Products - Guidance for Managing Compliance and Reputation Risks01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-30
CEO Memo 36108/10/2010Consolidation of FRB Check Cashing Centers - Amendment to Appendix A of Reg C01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 36007/28/2010Final Rule to Implement the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 200801/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 35907/15/2010Revised Truth and Lending Act (TILA) Open-End Credit Examination Procedures10/04/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 365
CEO Memo 35807/15/2010Interagency Statement Regarding Financial Institutions Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill01/06/2012Duplicative2 to NR 2010-78
CEO Memo 35606/22/2010Electronic Fund Transfer Act/ Regulation E- Examination Procedures: Gift Cards and Overdraft Protection12/14/2010Rescinded by RB 37-57
CEO Memo 35506/22/2010Revised Limits on MMDA Transfers and Exam HB Changes01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 35406/21/2010Interagency Guidance on Sound Incentive Compensation Policies01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-24
CEO Memo 35306/18/2010CRA - Notice of Public Hearings/Request for Comments Revising/Modernizing Regulations01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 35206/18/2010CRA - Joint Proposed Rulemaking01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 35106/11/2010Guidance for Thrifts Affected by BP Oil Spill05/17/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2011-29
CEO Memo 35006/07/2010Bargain Purchases and FDIC Assisted Acquisitions01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-19
CEO Memo 34905/20/2010Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 34805/13/2010Amendment to Rule on Unfair Credit Card Account Practices01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 34705/07/2010Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices - Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 34605/04/2010Guidance on Correspondent Concentration Risks01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-16
CEO Memo 34304/02/2010Revised Truth and Lending Act (TILA) Open-End Credit and Closed-End Examination Procedures10/04/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 365
CEO Memo 34203/17/2010Interagency Policy Statement on Funding and Liquidity Risk Management01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-13
CEO Memo 34103/12/2010Community Reinvestment Act - 2010 Interagency Q and A's01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-12
CEO Memo 34003/09/2010IT Exam Handbook - Updated Retail Payment Systems Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-9
CEO Memo 33903/05/2010Interagency Guidance on Obtaining and Retaining Beneficial Ownership Information01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-11
CEO Memo 33803/04/2010Lapse and Extension of FEMA Authority to Issue Flood Insurance Contracts01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2010-20.
CEO Memo 33702/26/2010Risk Weighting of Claims on and Guarantees of the FDIC01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-10
CEO Memo 33602/05/2010Meeting the Credit Needs of Creditworthy Small Business Borrowers01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2010-6
CEO Memo 33501/14/20102010 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 33401/07/2010Interagency Advisory on Interest Rate Risk Management 03/31/2012Rescinded by OCC 2012-5
CEO Memo 33312/19/2009Amended Truth and Savings Rules and Revised Examination Procedures09/14/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 364
CEO Memo 33212/17/2009Interagency Guidance — Transparency and Compliance for U.S. Banking Organizations Conducting Cross-Border Funds Transfers05/17/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2009-36
CEO Memo 33012/16/2009Proposed Reverse Mortgage Guidance05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 32912/09/2009Accounting for Credit Losses and Impairments01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 32812/09/2009Truth in Lending (TILA) Update01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2010-14.
CEO Memo 32711/17/2009Amended Privacy Rules and Model Privacy Notice01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 32611/03/2009Revised TILA Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 32510/30/2009Guidance on Prudent Commercial Real Estate Loan Workouts01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2009-32
CEO Memo 32410/21/2009Troubled Asset Relief Program Capital Purchase Program – Examination Guidance05/17/2012Replaced4 by U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Stability Programs
CEO Memo 32310/15/2009Revised HMDA Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 32209/30/2009Revised TILA Open-End Credit Examination Procedures04/02/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 343
CEO Memo 31909/02/2009Tenant Protection during Foreclosure "Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009"12/14/2011Replaced4 by OCC 2011-49.
CEO Memo 31809/02/2009Revised RESPA Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 31708/28/2009Revised Interagency Fair Lending Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 31608/28/2009Revised TILA Examination Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 31508/28/2009Regulatory and Accounting Issues Related to Modifications and Troubled Debt Restructurings of 1-4 Residential Mortgage Loans01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 31407/21/2009Loans in Areas Having Special Flood Hazards- Interagency Questions and Answers01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2009-26
CEO Memo 31307/21/2009Final Rule and Guidelines on Furnishing Consumer Information to Credit Reporting Agencies and Direct Disputes and ANPR01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 31107/09/2009Risk Management: Asset and Liability Concentrations01/06/2012Replaced4 by Comptroller's Handbook - Concentrations of Credit.
CEO Memo 31007/08/2009Guidance on California Registered Warrants01/06/2012Duplicative2 to NR 2009-81
CEO Memo 30907/02/2009CRA Rulemaking Low-Cost Education Loans and Support for Minority and Women-Owned Institutions and Low-Income Credit Unions01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 30806/25/2009Credit CARD Act of 2009  Effective Dates01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 30606/10/2009Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies - Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs)01/06/2012Duplicative2 to NR 2009-65
CEO Memo 30506/01/2009Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Implement the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act (SAFE Act)01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 30405/27/2009ALLL – Observed Thrift Practices Including Sound Practices05/17/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2001-37 and 2006-47 and Comptroller's Handbook – Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses
CEO Memo 30305/14/2009New FASB Guidance on Other-than-Temporary Impairment01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2009-11.
CEO Memo 30205/11/20092008 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey Results05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 30004/13/2009USDA Notice Regarding Changes to Food Stamp Coupon Program01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 29904/02/2009OTS Revises Truth in Savings Act (Regulation DD) Examination Procedures12/19/2009Rescinded by CEO Memo 333
CEO Memo 29803/31/2009Educational Pamphlet – Currency Transaction Reporting Requirement01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 29603/24/2009Regulation R and Bank Brokerage Activities01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2007-42
CEO Memo 29503/18/2009Monitoring and Documenting the Use of Funds from Federal Financial Stability and Guaranty Programs 06/08/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2012-17
CEO Memo 29403/16/2009Realignment of Regions and Enhanced Large Bank Supervision01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 29302/26/2009Recognition of Capital Contributions in the Form of Cash or Notes05/17/2012Replaced4 by FFIEC Call Report Instructions
CEO Memo 29202/12/2009Temporary Suspension of Home Mortgage Foreclosures01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 29101/14/2009Risk Management of Remote Deposit Capture01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2009-4
CEO Memo 29001/09/2009Inauguration Day Branch Closings in the District of Columbia01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 28901/07/2009Community Reinvestment Act – Interagency Questions and Answers01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2009-6
CEO Memo 28812/29/2008Technical Amendment to Regulation B, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, OTS Consumer Response Unit01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 28712/18/2008Final Rule on Unfair Credit Card Acts or Practices01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 28612/15/2008Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 28510/24/2008Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies - Examination Process and Procedures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 28410/16/2008Extension of CRA Consideration for Disaster Recovery Activities in Areas Affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2008-24.
CEO Memo 28310/08/2008Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents Compliance Examination Procedures01/06/2012Replaced4 by Comptroller's Handbook - Other Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations.
CEO Memo 28210/2003/08FCRA Affiliate Marketing Regulation Exam Procedures08/31/2010Rescinded by RB 37-60
CEO Memo 28109/30/2008Proposed Rule on the Deduction of Goodwill Net of Associated Deferred Tax Liability01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 28009/17/2008Documentation and Underwriting Standards01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 27909/16/2008Regional Coalitions Public-Private Partnerships for the Financial Services Sector01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 27709/09/2008Electronic Filing of Applications and Notices01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 27505/22/2008Illustrations of Consumer Information for Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgage Products01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2007-28
CEO Memo 27405/02/2008Proposed Rule on Unfair and Deceptive Acts or Practices01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 27304/25/2008Compliance with Truth in Savings and Electronic Fund Transfer Act Rules- Government Accountability Office GAO Report 08-28101/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 27204/21/20082007 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey Results01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 27104/22/2008Interest Rate Risk - Interim Changes to the NPV Model and TB13a 03/31/2012Rescinded by OCC 2012-5
CEO Memo 27004/01/2008Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies - Final Rules and Guidelines01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2007-45
CEO Memo 26903/19/2008Information Technology Examination Handbook - Updated Business Continuity Planning Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2008-6
CEO Memo 26703/03/2008Statement on Reporting of Securitized Subprime Adjustable Rate Residential Mortgages01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 26512/20/2007FCRA Affiliate Marketing Rule01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 26412/20/2007Possible Conversion to the Call Report01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 26310/18/2007Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 26209/24/2007Department of Defense Final Rule on Consumer Credit Extended to Service Members and Dependents01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 26109/04/2007Statement on Loss Mitigation Strategies for Servicers of Residential Mortgages01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2007-38
CEO Memo 25907/31/2007Mortgage Banking11/13/2008Rescinded by RB 37-28
CEO Memo 25707/10/2007Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2007-26
CEO Memo 25604/27/2007Interagency Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Risks01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 25504/17/2007Statement on Working with Mortgage Borrowers01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2007-14
CEO Memo 25302/05/2007Reminder of Interagency Guidance for FI's Affected by Hurricane Katrina01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2007-8
CEO Memo 25212/18/2006Office of Thrift Supervision Guidance on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Concentration Risks05/17/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2006-46
CEO Memo 25112/13/2006Pocket Guide for Directors01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 25012/13/2006Interagency Policy Statement on the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-47
CEO Memo 24911/09/2006Securities Related Activities of Savings Associations01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 24811/07/2006The Enhanced NPV Model 03/31/2012Rescinded by OCC 2012-5
CEO Memo 24711/06/2006FDIC Advertising Regulation01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 24611/02/2006Change in Loans to One Borrower Limitation07/21/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2012-19
CEO Memo 24510/13/2006Updated Director's Responsibility Guide and Guide to Management Reports01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 24410/10/2006Interagency Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Risks01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-41
CEO Memo 24310/10/20062006 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey Results01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 24209/13/2006FAQs on Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-35
CEO Memo 24108/15/2006Information Technology Examination Handbook - Updated Information Security Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-31
CEO Memo 24006/22/20062006 Revisions to Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice12/02/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 371
CEO Memo 23907/27/2006Hurricane Katrina - Industry Lessons Learned01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-26
CEO Memo 23806/15/2006Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 23703/15/2006Interagency Advisory on Influenza Pandemic Preparedness01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-12
CEO Memo 23602/13/2006Hurricane-Related Benefit Fraud01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 23502/10/2006Interagency Advisory on the Unsafe Use of Limitation of Liability Provisions in External Audit Engagement Letters01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-7
CEO Memo 23402/03/2006Interagency Supervisory Guidance for Institutions Affected by Hurricane Katrina01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-5
CEO Memo 23301/20/2006Interagency Guidance on Sharing Suspicious Activity Reports01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2006-4
CEO Memo 23212/20/2005CRA Consideration for Activities Related to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 23112/14/2005Compliance Guide for Interagency Guidelines Establishing Information Security Standards01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-44
CEO Memo 23010/26/2005Advisory on Hurricane Wilma01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 22910/12/2005Appraisal Exceptions in Major Disaster Areas01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-36
CEO Memo 22810/12/2005Interagency Guidance on Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-35
CEO Memo 22709/22/2005Advisory on Hurricane Rita01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 22609/13/2005Opening Bank Accounts to Assist Customers Affected by Hurricane Katrina01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 22509/08/2005FAQs - Residential Tract Development Lending01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-32
CEO Memo 22308/04/2005Guidance to Clarify the Asset Backed Commercial Paper Final Rule01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-26
CEO Memo 22205/16/2005Credit Risk Management Guidance for Home Equity Lending01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-22
CEO Memo 22105/09/2005Reinstatement of the Downward 200 Basis Point Interest Rate Shock in Exposure Reports01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 22005/03/2005Interagency Advisory on Accounting and Reporting for Commitments to Originate and Sell Mortgage Loans01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-18
CEO Memo 21904/28/2005Frequently Asked Questions about the Final Section 316 Customer Identification Program Rules01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-16
CEO Memo 21804/26/2005Interagency Interpretive Guidance on Providing Banking Services to Money Services Businesses Operating in the United States01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-19
CEO Memo 21704/01/2005Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) Program Guidance01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-12
CEO Memo 21603/30/2005Joint Statement on Providing Banking Services To Money Services01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-15
CEO Memo 21503/30/2005Classification of Commercial Credit Exposures01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 21403/30/2005Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-13
CEO Memo 21303/22/2005Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the Agencies' Appraisal Regulations and Related Guidance01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-6
CEO Memo 21202/28/2005Interagency Advisory on the Confidentiality of the CAMELS Rating and Other Nonpublic Supervisory Information01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2005-4
CEO Memo 20901/28/2005FinCEN Interpretive Guidance - Unitary Filing of Suspicious Activity and OFAC Blocking Reports01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 20812/08/2004Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey Results01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 20710/21/2004Interagency Guidance - Risk Management of Free and Open Source Software01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-47
CEO Memo 20609/15/2004Advisory on Hurricane Ivan01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 20509/08/2004Phishing Customer Brochure01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-42
CEO Memo 20408/26/2004Information Technology Examination Handbook - Operations Booklet and Wholesale Payment Systems Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-40
CEO Memo 20308/19/20042004 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 20207/27/2004BSA-USA PATRIOT Act Examination Procedures - Customer Identification Programs01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 20107/15/2004Management Booklet and Outsourcing Technology Services Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-32
CEO Memo 20006/15/2004Classification of Assets and Appraisal of Securities01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-25
CEO Memo 19905/27/2004Information Technology Examination Handbook - Development and Acquisition Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to IT Handbooks
CEO Memo 19805/21/2004OTS Electronic Initiatives01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 19604/01/2004Information Technology Examination Handbook- Retail Payment Systems Book03/11/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 340
CEO Memo 19503/26/2004Risk Management Practices in the Current Interest Rate Environment


CEO Memo 19403/12/2004Preliminary Examination Response Kit - Interagency Loan Data Request01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 19303/08/2004Phishing and E-mail Scams01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2005-24.
CEO Memo 19203/01/2004Update on Accounting for Loan and Lease Losses01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-13
CEO Memo 19102/19/2004Community Reinvestment Act01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 19002/11/2004Interagency Advisory on Accounting for Deferred Compensation Agreements and Bank-Owned Life Insurance01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-10
CEO Memo 18901/20/2004Servicemembers Civil Relief Act01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2011-16.
CEO Memo 18801/08/2004Frequently Asked Questions About the Customer Identification Programs Rule01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2004-3
CEO Memo 18701/06/2004HMDA Reporting Changes01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 18611/06/20032003 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey Results01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 18510/27/2003Electronic Filing of Beneficial Ownership Reports01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 18410/28/2003Independent Appraisal and Evaluation Functions 12/02/2010Rescinded by CEO Memo 371
CEO Memo 18310/20/2003USA Patriot Act Examination Procedures01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2010-21
CEO Memo 18210/02/2003FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook – Audit and Electronic Banking Booklets01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2003-41
CEO Memo 18109/02/20032003 Annual Thrift Satisfaction Survey01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 18008/21/2003SEC's Final Rule Discussing Reports on Internal Control That May Satisfy Both SEC Requirements and FDIC Part 363 Requirements05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 17906/13/2003Request for Comment - Interagency Guidance on Response Programs For Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 17807/11/2003Networking Arrangements05/17/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2007-42
CEO Memo 17707/11/2003Basel II Capital Accord01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 17606/10/2003IT Examination Handbook, Supervision of Technology Service Providers Booklet01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2003-18
CEO Memo 17505/09/2003Customer Identification Program Implementation01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 17405/05/2003Joint Interagency Statement On Application of Recent Corporate Governance Initiative to Non-Public Banking Organizations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2003-21
CEO Memo 17304/08/2003Filing of Section 906 SOX Certificates with OTS01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 17201/29/2003Information Technology Examination Handbook- Information Security Booklet07/27/2006Rescinded by CEO Memo 241
CEO Memo 17012/20/2002Lapse of FEMA Authority to Issue Flood Insurance Contracts01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 16912/04/2002Accounting Treatment of Accrued Interest Receivable Related to Credit Card Securitizations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-45
CEO Memo 16809/13/2002Emergency Contact Information01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 16708/05/2002Electronic Uniform Thrift Performance Report (UTPR)01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 16608/05/2002USA Patriot Act01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 16507/26/2002FBIIC Interim GETS Sponsorship Policy01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-33  
CEO Memo 16407/22/2002Subprime Consumer Lending Program01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 16305/23/2002Questions and Answers on the Capital Treatment of Recourse, Direct Credit Substitutes, and Residual Interests in Asset Securitization01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-22
CEO Memo 16205/23/2002Interagency Guidance on Implicit Recourse in Asset Securitizations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-20
CEO Memo 16105/23/2002Unsafe and Unsound Use of Covenants Tied to Supervisory Actions in Securitization Documents01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-21
CEO Memo 16005/17/2002Regulatory Capital Treatment for Accrued Interest Receivable in Credit Card Securitizations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-17
CEO Memo 15905/14/2002Joint Agency Statement on Parallel-Owned Banking Organizations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2002-14
CEO Memo 15804/15/20022001 Accounting and Capital Markets Developments01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 15704/11/2002OTS Restructuring01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 15602/07/2002Certain Transfers of Higher-Risk Assets01/06/2012Replaced4 by Bank Accounting Advisory Series.
CEO Memo 15502/11/2002Interagency Guidance - Privacy of Consumer Financial Information01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2001-51
CEO Memo 15402/07/2002Interest Rate Risk - Interim Changes to the NPV Model and TB 13a01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 15311/05/2001Examinations of Mutual Savings Associations05/17/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 15210/30/2001SEC v. Robert L. Bentley, Entrust Group and Bentley Financial Services, Inc.01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 15110/05/2001Request Relating to Information Pertaining to the Terrorist Attacks01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 15009/28/2001Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act of 194001/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 14909/24/2001Executive Order Targeting Terrorist Assets01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 14809/18/2001Federal Bureau of Investigation Request for Information01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 14709/14/2001Balance Sheet Growth after Terrorist Attacks01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 14609/12/2001Serving Customers Affected by Terrorist Attacks01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 14508/27/2001List of Uncooperative Nations with Regard to Anti-Money Laundering Efforts01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 14408/27/2001Financial Privacy Infobase CD-ROM01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 14308/10/2001Interagency Guidance and Authentication in an Electronic Banking Environment10/13/2005Rescinded by CEO Memo 228
CEO Memo 14207/17/2001Policy Statement on ALLL Methodologies and Documentation for Banks and Savings Institutions01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2001-37
CEO Memo 14107/13/2001Joint Agency Advisory on Brokered and Rate-Sensitive Deposits01/06/2012Duplicative2 to AL 2001-5
CEO Memo 14005/17/2001Effective Internal Asset Review Systems01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 13905/04/2001Identity Theft and Pretext Calling01/06/2012Duplicative2 to AL 2001-4
CEO Memo 13803/19/2001Changes in UCC Article 9 Affecting Collateral and Loan Security01/06/2012Duplicative2 to Comptroller's Handbook - Commercial Loans
CEO Memo 13702/02/2001Expanded Guidance for Subprime Lending Programs01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2001-6
CEO Memo 13601/31/2001Enhanced Scrutiny for Transactions that May Involve the Proceeds of Foreign Official Corruption01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2001-9
CEO Memo 13502/05/2001The New Basel Capital Accord05/17/2012Replaced4 by OCC 2001-4
CEO Memo 13401/29/2001Statement on Real Estate Appraisal Standards01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2000-33
CEO Memo 13312/13/2000Risk Management of Technology Outsourcing07/15/2004Rescinded by CEO Memo 204
CEO Memo 13211/27/2000Payday Lending01/06/2012Replaced4 by AL 2000-10.
CEO Memo 13010/23/2000Underwriting the Purchase of Investment Securities12/08/2001Rescinded by TB 73a
CEO Memo 12909/29/2000Privacy Preparedness Check-up01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 12807/27/2000Revised Uniform Retail Credit and Account Management Policy01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 2000-20
CEO Memo 12707/05/2000Deposit Broker Alert01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 12607/05/2000New Suspicious Activity Report Form01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 12507/06/2000Privacy Rule01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 12406/10/2000Illegal Expatriation of Funds Schemes (Ghana, Nigeria, Russia, etc.)01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 12303/30/2000Lessons Learned from Y2K01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 12202/24/2000Proposed Rules on Privacy of Customer Information01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 12102/16/2000Y2K Update01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11912/14/1999Interagency Guidance on Asset Securitization Activities01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 1999-46
CEO Memo 11812/07/1999Information Security Precautions (Y2K)01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11711/05/1999FFIEC Year 2000 Event Planning Supervisory Strategy of Service Providers and Software Vendors01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11611/04/1999A Guide to HMDA01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11510/29/1999OTS Year 2000 Event Management01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11408/24/1999Homeowners Protection Act01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11307/14/1999Internal Controls01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11207/13/1999Suspicious Correspondence from Nigerian Individuals01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11107/15/1999Y2K - Related Fraud Prevention and Y2K - Related Fraud Advisory01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 11006/14/1999Interagency Research Conducted by The Gallup Organization on Y2K Customer Communications01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 10805/25/1999Year 2000 Examinations01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 10705/18/1999Additional Interagency Questions and Answers Concerning Year 2000 Contingency Planning01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 10603/19/1999Interagency Year 2000 Guidance on Customer Communications01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 10503/15/1999Uniform Rating System for Information Technology Examinations01/06/2012Duplicative2 to Comptroller's Handbook - Bank Supervision Process
CEO Memo 10403/03/1999Interagency Guidelines on Subprime Lending01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 1999-10
CEO Memo 10303/04/1999Uniform Retail Credit Classification Policy01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 10101/07/1999Interagency Fair Lending Examination Procedures08/28/2009Rescinded by CEO Memo 317
CEO Memo 10012/18/1998Interagency Questions and Answers Concerning Year 2000 Contingency Planning01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9911/30/1998Community Affairs Publications01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9811/23/1998Interagency Policy Statement on Income tax Allocation in a Holding Company Structure01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 1998-56  
CEO Memo 9711/03/1998Policy Statement on Privacy and Accuracy of Personal Customer Information01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9609/17/1998Interagency Guidance on Fiduciary Services and Year 2000 Readiness01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9509/09/1998National Registry of State Certified and Licensed Appraisers01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9308/25/1998Confidentiality of Year 2000 Rating01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9208/12/1998Risk Management Planning Seminar01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 9107/24/1998Proposed Interagency Uniform Retail Credit Classification Policy01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 9007/23/1998Interagency Guidance on Electronic Financial Services and Consumer Compliance01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 1998-31
CEO Memo 8907/23/1998FFIEC Year 2000 Work Program01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 8806/18/1998FFIEC Guidance Concerning Contingency Planning and Customer Awareness (Y2K)01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 8706/18/1998The 1998 Native American Housing Conference, August 4-5, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 8606/11/1998Interagency Statement on Branch Names01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 1998-22
CEO Memo 8506/02/1998Interagency Policy Statement on Repurchase Agreements01/06/2012Duplicative2 to OCC 1998-6
CEO Memo 8406/04/1998Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT99)01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 8304/30/1998Continued Year 2000 Oversight01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 8204/10/1998FFIEC Guidance Concerning Testing For Year 2000 Readiness01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 8104/15/1998Safe Harbors and the Filing of Suspicious Activity Reports01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 8003/29/1998Financial Regulatory Fellows Program01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7903/29/1998FFIEC Guidance Concerning Due Diligence in Connection with Service Providers and Software Vendors, As Well As Guidance Concerning the Year 2000 Impact on Customers01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7803/02/1998Ensuring Flood Insurance Coverage; Designation of New Flood Hazard Zone by the Federal Emergency Management Agency01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 7712/30/1997Interagency Policy Statement on the Internal Audit Function and its Outsourcing03/17/2003Rescinded by TB 81
CEO Memo 7612/23/1997FFIEC Guidance on Year 2000 Business Risk01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7512/23/1997Guidance Concerning the Reporting of Computer-Related Crimes by Financial Institutions01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7410/24/1997Federal Fair Housing Act - Thirtieth Anniversary01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7309/02/1997Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance, OTS Staff Summary01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7207/23/1997Revised FFIEC Policy Statement; Corporate Business Resumption and Contingency Planning06/10/2003Rescinded with the issuance of the Business Continuity Planning Booklet of the Information Technology Examination Handbook. See CEO Memo 176.
CEO Memo 7107/08/1997Banking In Indian Country Conference01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 7006/23/1997Statement on Retail On-Line Personal Computer Banking08/26/2004Rescinded by CEO Memo 204
CEO Memo 6906/06/1997Welfare to Work Movement and the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 6805/28/1997National Home Ownership Week01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 6705/21/1997Year 2000 Awareness01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 6605/16/1997Common Compliance Violations01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 6505/15/1997Specifically Designated Narcotics Traffickers01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 6312/23/1996Regulatory Reporting and Regulatory Capital Treatment of Servicing Assets01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 6211/05/1996Subchapter S Election01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 6111/07/1996FFIEC Interagency Questions and Answers on CRA01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 6010/29/1996Expanded Lending Authority for Federal Thrifts01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 5910/24/1996Risk Management of Client/Server Systems08/26/2004Rescinded by CEO Memo 204
CEO Memo 5808/02/1996Customer Service Plan for Legal Opinions05/17/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 5708/02/1996FFIEC Statement on "Year 2000"01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 5606/11/1996Inclusion of Purchased Allowance For Loan and Lease Losses In Supplementary Capital01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 5504/30/1996Collateralized Mortgage Obligation Floaters01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 5404/02/1996Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 5303/19/1996New Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Form and a Copy of the New SAR Regulations01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 5112/29/1995Strategic Plan and Wholesale/Limited Purpose Requests Under CRA01/06/2012Replaced4 by OCC 1996-11
CEO Memo 5010/31/1995Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 4910/19/1995Revised Currency Transaction Report (Form 4789)01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 4810/13/1995Customer Service Survey01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 4708/31/1995Revised Currency Transaction Form 478901/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 4608/22/1995Revised Preliminary Examination Response Kit (PERK)01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 4508/21/1995Issuance of TB 67 on Modification of the Interest Rate Risk Component of the Risked-Based Capital Requirement [TB 67 rescinded in 2000]01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 4407/28/1995Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 4307/28/1995BIF/SAIF Senate Banking Committee Testimony01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 4207/21/1995Regulatory Reporting and Regulatory Capital Treatment of Originated Mortgage Servicing Rights01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 4005/16/1995Specially Designated Nationals01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 3905/16/1995CRA Final Rule01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 3804/28/1995Quarterly Distribution of the Uniform Thrift Performance Report01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 3703/30/1995Potential BIF/SAIF Premium Disparity01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 3603/20/1995Extension of Waiver of Interest Rate Risk Capital Deduction01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 3502/27/1995Office of Foreign Assets Updated List of Terrorist Organizations and Individuals01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 3401/27/1995Amendments to the Depository Institution Management Interlocks Act01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 3301/20/1995Waivers of Financial Statement Publication Requirement01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 3211/29/1994Policy Change of OTS Policy SFAS No. 115 for Regulatory Capital Purposes05/17/2012Duplicative2 to FFIEC Call Report Instructions
CEO Memo 3110/14/1994Community Reinvestment Act Regulations01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 3008/31/1994Non HighRisk Mortgage Securities Regulatory Reporting (FAS 115)01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 2908/15/1994Appeals, Certification, and Petitioning Process for Interest-Rate Risk Component of the Risk-Based Capital Rule01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2807/15/1994Derivatives Safety and Soundness01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2706/02/1994Counterfeit Money Orders01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2606/03/1994Securities Brokerage - Examination Procedures01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2504/28/1994Adoption of the Interagency Common Core ROE01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2404/22/1994Supervisory Policy Statement on Securities Activities01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2304/08/1994FFIEC Fair Lending Seminar01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2203/17/1994Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending01/06/2012Duplicative2 to Comptroller's Handbook - Fair Lending
CEO Memo 2101/26/1994FFIEC Press Release -- 1994 Risk Management Planning Seminars01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 2012/21/1993Joint Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Community Reinvestment Act01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 1912/21/1993Interagency Policy Statement on the Allowance for Loan and lease Losses12/13/2006Rescinded by CEO Memo 250
CEO Memo 1812/13/1993Independent Audit Requirement Reduction of Regulatory Burden01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 1711/09/1993Prime Bank Notes Guarantees and Letters of Credit01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 1608/16/1993Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 1405/27/1993Joint Letter on Fair Lending Activities01/06/2012Duplicative2 to BB 1993-30
CEO Memo 1305/07/1993Affordable Housing01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 1204/30/1993Revised Attorney Letter01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 1104/30/1993Interagency Policy Statement on Documentation for Loans to Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses and Farms01/06/2012Duplicative2 to BB 1993-18
CEO Memo 1004/12/1993Interagency Policy Statement on Credit Availability01/06/2012Duplicative2 to BB 1993-12
CEO Memo 912/04/1992Administrative Rulings Regarding the Bank Secrecy Act01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 811/18/1992Statement Concerning the Responsibilities of Directors and Officers of Insured Depository Institutions01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 711/09/1992Credit to Subsidiaries01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 610/09/1992Branch Closings01/06/2012Conveyance3
CEO Memo 509/11/1992Guidance on the Use of External Audits in Safety and Soundness Examinations01/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 407/31/1992Interagency Policy Statement on the Coordination and Communication Between External Auditors and Examiners01/06/2012Duplicative2 to BB 1992-42
CEO Memo 203/26/1992FASB's SFAS No. 10901/06/2012Outdated1
CEO Memo 101/31/1992OTS Policy on Branch Closings01/06/2012Outdated1

The reason each document is rescinded is noted as one of the following:

1 Outdated – The document is no longer needed. Any attachments to the document are rescinded only as they relate to national banks and federal savings associations.

2 Duplicative – The document transmitted interagency guidance that was issued jointly with the OCC. The rescission applies to the transmitting document only and not the attached interagency guidance. Thrifts are directed to use the OCC-issued document.

3 Conveyance – The document is a cover letter that merely conveyed another document. The rescission does not change the applicability of the conveyed document. To determine the applicability of the conveyed document, please refer to the original issuer of the document.

4 Replaced – The document and any attachments are superseded by OCC guidance.

* The following CEO Memos related to savings and loan holding companies (SLHC) were active as of July 21, 2011. The OCC does not supervise SHLCs; please consult the Federal Reserve Board for guidance in this area:

  • 64 - Thrift Holding Company Background Paper,
  • 260 - Update of Form H-(b)11 Annual/ Current Report,
  • 266 - Changes to the Holding Company Rating System and Examination Components, and
  • 357 - Assessment Billing Invoices.