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Civil Engineering Technicians

Can you calculate quantities of materials or estimate costs needed to accomplish a long-term construction project? Or do you enjoy testing concrete or other materials to ensure the safety and stability of a structure or worksite?

If so, working as an civil engineering technician with Reclamation may be the job for you. Whether operating technical software at a computer workstation or spending long days testing materials in a remote field environment, these techs help maintain the valuable infrastructure of Reclamation projects. Since the early 1900s, our agency has constructed hundreds of dams and other water management facilities that have helped the western U.S. thrive. But as they age, these structures require increasing maintenance, inspection and testing to ensure their safety and stability. Whether rappelling down a dam to obtain concrete core samples or crushing concrete blocks for stress tests in the Technical Center's cutting-edge laboratory, civil engineer technicians will find themselves working with unique programs and in exciting locations during their careers with Reclamation.




Vertical Line

Administrative Support Specialists


Civil EngineeringTechnicians

Computer Specialists


Engineering Equipment Operators

Hydroelectric Plant Mechanics


Natural Resource Specialists

Powerplant Control Room Operators

Student Programs

. . . and more

For Questions and Comments
Last revised: March 10, 2009