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Computer Specialists

IT's alive!!! . . . Information Technology, that is!

It takes a uniquely-talented individual to dive into today's dynamic and challenging field of computers, programming, and database management. And with technology changing daily, computer specialists must not only become experts on new applications and systems that seem to appear overnight, but are also required to educate and inform fellow employees of the advantages (or pitfalls!) of these resources. Managing and supporting IT systems and services within Reclamation is the work of computer specialists who enjoy diverse experiences as they not only advise people from their "help desks" but also offer support to customers in unique locations and field environments. And IT specialists truly make a difference in the way Reclamation provides its services and communicates with its customers - the systems, databases, programs and networks developed by such staff are - and will continue to be - the life-blood of the agency. Whether creating a mail network at a remote dam site or linking river flow gages to a database management system located hundreds of miles away, working for Reclamation in this dynamic field can never be considered routine.




Vertical Line

Administrative Support Specialists


Civil EngineeringTechnicians

Computer Specialists


Engineering Equipment Operators

Hydroelectric Plant Mechanics


Natural Resource Specialists

Powerplant Control Room Operators

Student Programs

. . . and more

For Questions and Comments
Last revised: March 10, 2009