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Congratulations to our 2011 Pollinator Challenge Co-Winners!

The Pacific Region (California and Nevada)
The Southwest Region
(Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma)

For the first time ever a challenge was issued to all of our offices to focus on pollinator conservation efforts and educate the public on what they can do to help pollinators. Nearly 40 habitat restorations; 30 pollinator gardens; native bee surveys on 19 wildlife refuges, 16 surveys for butterflies or other non-bee pollinators, and over 200 educational events took place during the Pollinator Challenge. Find out more and see pictures!

How We Help Pollinators

Concern about the decline of pollinators prompted the formation of the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC).  NAPPC is a collaboration of people from over 100 government agencies, non-government organizations, educational institutions and businesses who are dedicated to pollinator conservation and education.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Coevolution Institute (the Administrator for NAPPC) to work together on these goals. The Service is a natural collaborator because our mission is to work with others to conserve, fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats.

Fish and Wildlife Service Program Areas that Assess, Protect or Restore Pollinators and their Habitats:
Endangered Species Environmental Contaminants
Fisheries Program International Affairs
Migratory Bird Program National Wildlife Refuge System
Partners for Fish and Wildlife  - Farm Bill Activities Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program

How We Help Conserve Pollinators

  • Work with partners to recover endangered and threatened pollinators and pollinator-dependent plants.
  • Include native, pollinator-friendly plant species in habitat restorations. For example, the Service's Kentucky Field Office partnered with others in a schoolyard habitat project that benefits pollinators.
  • Use integrated pest management techniques to minimize the impacts of pest control on pollinators.
  • Some National Wildlife Refuges have Monarch Waystations and participate in the Monarch Butterfly Sister Protected Area Program.
  • Work with energy companies to minimize the impact of power lines and wind turbines on migratory birds and bats.
  • Use the State Wildlife Action Plans to work with States and other partners to implement habitat conservation and species-specific actions for pollinators.

Last Updated: June 12, 2012