Key Planning Areas

Parks and Waterfronts


Urban Design













NCPC identifies ways to harness the resources of the federal government to improve the quality of life throughout the nation’s capital.

North Capitol Street Redevelopment

An underused cloverleaf at North Capitol and Irving Streets can be an attractive gateway into the center of the city. NCPC is working with the District of Columbia to redesign this parcel for multi-modal transit, mixed-use commercial development, and a park.

Read more in the 2009 North Capitol Street Cloverleaf Feasibility Study.

Enlivening Federal Places  

NCPC and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts are exploring ways to introduce a broader mix of activities into the city’s monumental core. The agencies are meeting with stakeholders and the general public to discuss general approaches to developing street-level retail and services within federal office districts.  

Best practices for enhancing these districts and ideas for the future (such as requiring new federal buildings to include retail, dining, or cultural uses) are chronicled within Activating Federal Places: Report | Video

South Capitol Street Transformed

NCPC envisioned South Capitol Street as a grand urban boulevard in its 1997 Legacy Plan. Federal and local agencies joined forces for follow-up studies that brought the vision into clearer focus.

Today, the neighborhood is emerging as a major destination with the Washington Nationals Baseball Stadium. The redevelopment of the Southeast Federal Center is enlivening M Street SE and the Anacostia riverfront with housing, stores, and public spaces.


New Connections: 10th Street, SW  

The Southwest waterfront is a short walk from the National Mall, but few people realize that. NCPC's 10th Street Redevelopment Study will unlock the potential of this street by showing how to transform it into a lively, pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare. The study is the first follow-up project to the 2009 Monumental Core Framework Plan.

New Vision for RFK Stadium Site

Redevelopment of this 190-acre tract at the end of East Capitol Street along the Anacostia River can bring enormous benefits to the community. The RFK Redevelopment Study shows how to improve the site with a waterfront park, housing, neighborhood retail, and cultural attractions.

Related Publications

North Capitol Street Feasibility Study

Activating Federal Places | Video

Comprehensive Plan: Federal Workplace Element

South Capitol Street Study

Monumental Core Framework Plan

RFK Stadium Study

New Way for K Street

Washington's Waterfronts