U.S. Department of Justice

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Classifying Adult Probationers by Forecasting Future Offending
By Barnes, Geoffrey C.; Hyatt, Jordan M.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
If you are involved with the development and implementation of risk prediction tools in a probation setting, you should be aware of this new assessment system. “Random forest modeling techniques represent an improvement over the methodologies of traditional risk prediction instruments. Random forests allow for the inclusion of a large number of predictors, the use of a variety of different data sources, the expansion of assessments beyond binary outcomes, and taking the costs of different types... Read More
64 pages
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Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems: Identifying Mental Health Needs and Risk of Reoffending
By Vincent, Gina M.. Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health (Washington, DC).
“This brief will explain why screening and assessment for risk and mental health are best used together by child-serving agencies when planning the most effective course of action for individual youth” (p. 1). Sections of this publication include: how screening and assessment differ; how the above concepts differ for risk assessment tools; how an agency selects a valid tool that is appropriate for its purpose; some examples of tools sued in juvenile justice facilities and community-based service... Read More
17 pages
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Re-entry: Dynamic Risk Assessment
By Morgan, Robert D.; Kroner, Daryl G.; Mills, Jeremy F.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC).
This study aims to examine the dynamic predictors of post-release outcomes for parolees reentering the community. Sections of this report following an abstract are: executive summary; technical report—introduction, methods, and results; and conclusions. “Most notably, in this study changes in offenders dynamic functioning was not associated with changes in community outcomes. That is, measuring change in offenders functioning using rated measures did not increase our ability to predict community... Read More
129 pages
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Webinar: Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions: The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment
Council of State Governments. Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project (New York, NY); University of Massachusetts. Medical School. National Youth Screening and Assessment Project (NYSAP) (Worcester, MA).
This webinar addresses the use of risk/needs assessment in juvenile justice. It is also a very good introduction to what risk assessment entails. Topics discussed include: what a risk assessment tool is; the national perspective and importance of risk assessment; guiding principles; benefits per dollar invested; valid identification is the first step; ways proper implementation of a risk assessment can save costs; important risk assessment concepts; static risk factors; criminogenic need/dynamic... Read More
37 pages + 1 audio file (58 minutes)
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State of the Science of Pretrial Risk Assessment
By Mamalian, Cynthia A.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC).
“This publication is designed for a wide-ranging audience of criminal justice stakeholders who have questions about pretrial risk assessment and its value to the pretrial justice process” (p.3). Sections of this report are: introduction; setting the stage; critical issues related to pretrial release, detention, and risk assessment; challenges to implementing evidence-based risk assessment and threats to reliable administration; methodological challenges associated with prediction of risk; where ... Read More
42 pages
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Desktop Guide for Tribal Probation Personnel: The Screening and Assessment Process
By Cobb, Kimberly A.; Mowatt, Mary Ann; Matz, Adam; Mullins, Tracy. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC).
"This guide is intended to provide tribal probation personnel with information on how the screening and assessment process can facilitate and promote offender accountability and long-term behavior change" (p. 2). Sections comprising this publication are: community corrections in context; the screening and assessment process; benefits of screening and assessment tools; choosing a tool; challenges to using assessment instruments; using screening and assessment results; and conclusion. Appendixes d... Read More
80 pages
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Risk/Needs Assessment 101: Science Reveals New Tools to Manage Offenders
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
The use of risk/needs assessment tools is explained. Those people wanting to implement or expand the use of such tools should read this issue brief. Sections of this publication cover: what risk/needs assessment tools are; how these tools are used; what criminal risk factors are; the importance of differentiating individuals by risk level; the effectiveness of risk/needs tools; the tools available; considerations that should be made when implementing an assessment tool; the challenges and limita... Read More
8 pages
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Evidence-Based Sentencing for Drug Offenders: An Analysis of Prognostic Risks and Criminogenic Needs
By Marlowe, Douglas B..
“A model of evidence-based sentencing is presented that attempts to match drug offenders to dispositions that optimally balance impacts on cost, public safety, and the welfare of the offender” (p. 169). This model may give your agency some ideas on what sentencing options work best for your offender population. Sections of this article are: introduction; dispositions for drug offenders—pre-trial diversion of administrative probation, probation without verdict, drug courts, intermediate punishmen... Read More
35 pages
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Kentucky Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument Validation
By Austin, James; Ocker, Roger; Bhati, Avi. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). JFA Institute (Washington, DC).
The validity of the Kentucky Pretrial Service Agency (KPSA) risk assessment instrument is determined. Other pretrial agencies can compare their risk assessment instruments to this evaluation to see where they stand. Sections of this report are: introduction; research methods; use of special conditions; and improvement of the current tool. Based on conflicts in the prior instrument, a modified tool resulted from this study.... Read More
16 pages
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Anthony Malenchik, Appellant v. State of Indiana, Appellee
Indiana Supreme Court (Indianapolis, IN).
A judicial decision supporting the courts use of objective assessment tools is presented. The members of the court “hold that the results of LSI-R [Level of Service Inventory-Revised] and SASSI [Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory] offender assessment instruments are appropriate supplemental tools for judicial considerations in sentencing. These evaluations and their scores are not intended to serve as aggravating or mitigating circumstances nor to determine the gross length of sentence, ... Read More
15 pages
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Risk as Proxy for Race
By Harcourt, Bernard E.. University of Chicago. Law School (Chicago, IL).
The author explains why “the use of risk-assessment tools to decrease prison populations, first, will unquestionably aggravate the already intolerable racial imbalance in our prison populations (at least in the United States) and second, will not address the real source of mass incarceration, namely the front-end admissions process” (p. 2). Sections of this paper include: cautionary tales on prediction; from race to risk and prior criminal history as a proxy for skin color—race as an early predi... Read More
14 pages
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Mental Health Screening and Assessment in the Illinois Juvenile Justice System
By Bostwick, Lindsay. Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (Chicago, IL). Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (Chicago, IL).
If you are involved with screening juvenile offenders, you want to read this report. It discusses the differences in assessment instruments, their use, and concerns regarding such. Sections cover: introduction; mental health screening and assessment practices in the Illinois juvenile justice system; mental health screening and assessment tools—psychometric properties, mental health screening instruments, mental health assessment instruments, and other screening and assessment tools; conclusion; ... Read More
71 p.
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Suitability of Assessment Instruments for Delinquent Girls
By Brumbaugh, Susan; Walters, Jennifer L. Hardison; Winterfield, Laura A.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Individuals tasked with (or others just interested in) implementing an effective screening process for juvenile females need to read this bulletin. “The purpose of this report is to determine the extent to which assessment instruments used with at-risk and justice-involved youth are equally appropriate and effective in assessing girls and boys” (p. 2). This report is comprised of sections about: background and methods; examining two categories of instruments—risk assessment and treatment-focused... Read More
12 p.
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Static-99 Clearinghouse
Static-99 Clearinghouse (N.P.).
A wealth of information regarding this sex offender risk assessment instrument for adult males is available at this website. Points of entry are Static-99 documents, training, Static-2002 documents, research, norms, legal issues, and related links.... Read More
2 p.
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Assessment, Intervention and Prevention of Self-Injurious Behavior in Correctional Environments
By Usher, Amelia; Power, Janine; Wilton, Geoff. Correctional Service of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario).
Potential strategies for dealing with self-injurious behavior (SIB) are examined. Agencies looking for evidence-based practices for addressing SIB will find this report very good. Sections in addition to an executive summary include: profile of offenders and factors associated with SIB; evidence-based interventions for SIB—risk assessment, comprehensive therapies, common features of effective interventions, interventions for aboriginal offenders, and administrative responses; helping staff deal ... Read More
58 pages
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Developments in Risk Assessment: Violence Risk and Sexual Violence Risk
By Heilbrun, Kirk.
A detailed outline with notes for a training session about advances in risk assessment for violent offenders and sex offenders is provided. This presentation discusses: the uses of risk assessment; nature of risk assessment; legal contours; ethical contours; forensic contours; general considerations when conducting a risk assessment; conducting risk assessment with different populations; basic rates and risk factors for violent behavior; various risk assessment tools; implications for interventi... Read More
96 pages
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Screening, Assessment, Treatment, Timing, Application
By Christensen, Gary E.; Warwick, Kevin. Urban Institute (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This flowchart shows who is assessed, when to assess, who does the assessment, what the assessment tells us, and what resources will be needed. Various screening tools and evidence-based programming are also described.... Read More
17 pages
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Pretrial Risk Assessment in the Federal Court for the Purpose of Expanding the Use of Alternatives to Detention
By VanNostrand, Marie; Keebler, Gena. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (Washington, DC). Luminosity, Inc. (St. Petersburg, FL).
The identification of “federal criminal defendants who are most suited for pretrial release without jeopardizing the integrity of the judicial process or the safety of the community, in particular release predicated on participation in an alternatives to detention program” is investigated. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; population description; research objective one -- pretrial risk classification; research objective two -- risk levels, release and detention rates... Read More
53 p.
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Review of the Latest Research on Use and Validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R)
Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections (Oklahoma City, OK).
The utilization and effectiveness of the increasingly popular Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) and its revised versions are assessed. Sections following an abstract include: the LSI-R and the LSI-R: SV; LSI-R use and applicability; LSI-R and offense types; LSI-R and race/ethnicity; LSI-R and gender; LSI-R and mental health populations; LSI-R and non-US or Canadian populations; LSI-R management; and conclusion. This White Paper finds, with some qualifiers and provisos, that "properly a... Read More
11 p.
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Quality Assurance Workgroup Report, 2008-2009
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN).
Staff scoring proficiency and inter-rater reliability in using the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) and the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) by the Minnesota Department of Corrections are assessed. Sections of this report include: introduction; current policy; Quality Assurance Workgroup; baseline testing; LSI-R results; YLS/CMI results; conclusion and recommendations. With the assessment tools playing an increasing role in the delivery of services, the Workg... Read More
37 p.
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Validation of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Risk Assessment Instrument
By Eisenberg, Mike; Bryl, Jason; Fabelo, Tony. Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections (Madison, WI). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
Results are presented from a validity study of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections DOC 502 Risk Scale. Seven sections follow an executive summary: introduction; review of relevant risk assessment issues; scope of work; methodology; results for distribution of populations by risk factors, percent new offense by risk factors, distribution of risk groups, outcomes of risk group -- new offense within 3 years and new assaultive offense within 3 years, and correlation of risk factors to committin... Read More
45 p.
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Predictive Validity of the Recidivism Risk Assessment Scales (RISc)
By Knaap, L.M., van der; Alberda, D.L.. Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) (The Hague, Netherlands); Nederlands Ministry of Justice. Research and Documentation Centre (The Hague, Netherlands).
The RISc (Recidivism Risk Assessment Scales) predictive validity is evaluated. Sections of this report are: background; objectives and research questions; methods; recidivism—total research group and specific target groups; RISc total score of recidivists and non-recidivists; predictive validity of RISc total score; the separate contribution of the RISc scales to the prediction of recidivism; improving the predictive validity of the RISc; risk categories and recidivism; a new classification in r... Read More
7 p.
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“What Works” for Female Probationers? An Evaluation of the Moving On Program
By Gehring, Krista S.; Van Voorhis, Patricia; Bell, Valerie R.. University of Cincinnati. Division of Criminal Justice (Cincinnati, OH).
The effectiveness of the Moving On program is evaluated. Moving On is a gender-responsive, cognitive behavioral program for women probationers. Sections of this report include: program description; data and study design; sample; outcome measures; results for rearrests, convictions, incarcerations, and technical violations; effects of program completion on rearrests, convictions, incarcerations, and technical violations; and implications of the findings. “The findings from this study indicate th... Read More
16 pages
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A Question of Evidence: A Critique of Risk Assessment Models Used in the Justice System
By Baird, Christopher. National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
Problems existing with the risk assessment of juveniles are examined. Topics covered include: model validity; measures of validity; reliability; measuring impact; terminology; and summary. "NCCD [National Council on Crime and Delinquency] supports standard case assessment and management models for both juvenile and adult offenders (JAIS and CAIS)" (p. 11).... Read More
12 p.
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Pretrial Failure Among New York City Defendants
By Siddiqi, Qudsia. New York City Criminal Justice Agency, Inc. (New York, NY).
The development of a risk assessment instrument that predicts both failure to appear and pretrial re-arrest is explained. This brief covers: plan of analysis; selected characteristics of defendants in the sample; predicting pretrial failure; developing a failure risk classification system; comparing the failure risk classification system with the ROR (release-on-recognizance) recommendation system; summary and conclusion; and implications. The failure risk classification system shows a direct r... Read More
8 p.
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New Risk Instrument for Offenders Improves Classification Decisions
By Drake, E.K.; Barnoski, R.. Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Olympia, WA).
Results are provided from an evaluation of Washington State's Offender Accountability Act's (OAA) static risk assessment instrument. Sections of this report are: summary; background; risk classification; study population; defining recidivism; and findings. The present RLC (Risk Level Classification) system is better at predictive accuracy for recidivism (re-convictions) than the past RMI (Risk Management Identification) system.... Read More
4 p.
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Use of a Structured Risk Assessment Instrument in the Dutch Procedure for Prisoner Leave: An (Inter)National Comparison of Instruments and Procedures: Summary
By Plaisier, J.; Ditzhuijzen, J. van. Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek -- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) (The Hague, Netherlands); Impact R&D (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
The utilization by the Dutch Prison System of a structured risk assessment instrument is investigated. Sections of this document are: introduction and method; results; analysis of risk assessment tools; analysis of procedural guidelines; and conclusion. Based upon the use of risk assessment instruments by other Dutch agencies and countries, the Dutch Prison System needs to use a risk assessment tool during the decision making process for granting prisoner leave.... Read More
5 p.
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Catch and Release: Using Risk-Needs Assessment to Manage Local Custodial Populations
By Ball, David; Dansky, Kara; Weisberg, Robert. Stanford Criminal Justice Center (Stanford, CA).
The use of Risk/Needs Assessments (RNAs) at the local level with the goals of "controlling jail populations, improving custodial classification and programming, and ensuring better case management and continuity of care in the community" is discussed (p. 8). These sections follow an executive summary: introduction; potential local uses of RNAs; potential pitfalls of this use; instructive themes in the local use of RNAs; and conclusion -- challenges moving forward.... Read More
30 p.
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California Static Risk Assessment (CSRA)
By Turner, Susan; Jannetta, Jesse. University of California, Irvine. Center for Evidence-Based Corrections (Irvine, CA).
The development and validation of an actuarial risk prediction instrument are explained. Topics in the overheads of a presentation include: benefits and drawbacks to actuarial risk prediction; each recidivism outcome offers something different (i.e., arrest, conviction, return to custody); a number of outcomes can be predicted in corrections; CSRA based on Washington State's static factor only instrument; CSRA uses multiple data sources, has 22 items to predict recidivism, and scores offenders ... Read More
22 p.
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Offender Classification and Population Management: Assessment Manual
Connecticut Dept. of Correction (Wethersfield, CT).
"This manual is a reference tool developed to assist staff [at the MacDougall-Walker Correctional Facility] in performing and understanding the assessment process" (p. 1). Sections include: purpose; the Assessment Unit's mission and goals; introduction; assessment process -- admission and processing, health services, classification services, record services, mental health, educational services, and addiction services; and conclusion.... Read More
15 p.
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Achieving Accurate Pictures of Risk and Identifying Gender Responsive Needs: Two New Assessments for Women Offenders
By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Salisbury, Emily; Wright, Emily; Bauman, Ashley. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The development of new risk/needs assessments specifically designed for female offenders is discussed. This report is comprised of these sections:
  • The case for women's needs;
  • Development of new assessments;
  • Construction validation research;
  • Full instruments;
  • Implementation considerations;
  • Obtaining the gender-responsive assessments;
  • And conclusion.
... Read More
26 p.
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Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2008: Applying Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Articles in this issue include:
  • “Foreword” by Ken Rose
  • “A Framework for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services” by John Clark
  • “Advancing Evidence-Based Practices in the Pretrial Field” by Katie Green, Pat Smith, and Kristina Bryant
  • “Improving Pretrial Assessment and Supervision in Colorado” by Michael R. Jones and Sue Ferrere
  • “Pretrial Defendants: Are They Getting Too Much of a Good Thing?” by Barbara M. Hankey
  • “Charge Specialty and Revicti... Read More
40 p.
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Improving Pretrial Assessment and Supervision in Colorado
By Jones, Michael R.; Ferrere, Sue. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
The Colorado Improving Supervised Pretrial Release (CISPR) Project, an innovative pretrial initiative, is described. This article contains these sections; introduction; aims of the CISPR Project; and CISPR phases -- develop statistically validated pretrial release risk assessment instrument, match risks and interventions, educate system stakeholders, prepare documentation, assist with local implementation, and solidify progress. Phase I should last through 2008 with following phases continuing ... Read More
5 p.
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Validation Study of the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI): All Assessments Completed Between August 2003 and July 2007
By Hisashima, John. Hawaii. Interagency Council on Intermediate Sanctions (Honolulu, HI); Hawaii Dept. of the Attorney General. Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division (Honolulu, HI).
Results from an assessment of the effectiveness of the Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI) are presented and organized according to demographic profile, descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, and DVSI normalization. "The DVSI analyses indicate that the instrument is accurately classifying offenders based on risk" (p. 1).... Read More
10 p.
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Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) Validation Study, State of Hawaii, 2004-2007
By Wong, Timothy. Hawaii. Interagency Council on Intermediate Sanctions (Honolulu, HI); Hawaii Dept. of the Attorney General. Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division (Honolulu, HI).
The effectiveness of the Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) is analyzed. Sections of this report are: summary; methodology; demographic profile; frequency distribution; normalizing the SARA scores by risk; and conclusion. While SARA appears to possess some predictive value for domestic violence, more studies are needed to show validity in Hawaii.... Read More
12 p.
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Impact and Need Analysis for a Gender Responsive Risk Assessment in Hawaii
By Wong, Timothy. Hawaii. Interagency Council on Intermediate Sanctions (Honolulu, HI).
The need to implement the Gender Responsive Risk Assessment is examined. The "lack of predictive validity in the current risk classification system [LSI-R] for female offenders may necessitate an alternative classification system that is more accurately predictive of female recidivism" (p. 2).... Read More
2 p.
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Mental Health Screening with Youth in the Justice System
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections (St. Paul, MN).
Eligibility, data collection, definitions, and post-screening coordination are described for M.S. 260B.007, subd. 6, the enabling legislation addressing the mental health screening of youth ages 10-18 under custody of the Minnesota Department of Corrections.... Read More
2 p.
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Juvenile Justice
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (Princeton, NJ); Brookings Institute (Washington, DC).
Issues related to juvenile justice are addressed. Articles include: “Introducing the Issue” by Laurence Steinberg; “Adolescent Development and the Regulation of Youth Crime” by Elizabeth S. Scott and Steinberg; “Improving Professional Judgments of Risk and Amenability in Juvenile Justice” by Edward P. Mulvey and Anne-Marie R. Iselin; “Disproportionate Minority Contact” by Alex R. Piquero; “Juvenile Crime and Criminal Justice: Resolving Border Disputes” by Jeffrey Fagan; “Understanding the Female... Read More
210 p.
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Overview of Domestic Violence (DV) Risk Assessment Instruments (Frequently Asked Questions)
By Bechtel, Kristin; Woodward, Bill. National Institute of Corrections ((Washington, DC).
Frequently asked questions about domestic violence (DV) risk assessment instruments are answered. Topics covered are: why risk assessment instruments are needed for DV offenders; instruments that can be used to assess DV offenders; what can be done if caseloads are too high to provide a full general/violent assessment of all DV offenders; why one should use a general third generation risk assessment tool before using a specific DV assessment instrument; how to know there are “low” risk DV offen... Read More
5 p.
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Our System of Corrections: Do Jails Play a Role in Improving Offender Outcomes?
By Christensen, Gary E.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
"This document will review the role of jails and incarceration within United States' correctional systems and propose opportunities for jail officials to interact and collaborate with local criminal justice entities with the shared purpose of enhancing long-term public safety" (p. ix). Sections following an abstract include: practice within corrections -- does it work as a system; corrections within the U.S. -- the current context; evidence-based practice -- the effectiveness of criminal sancti... Read More
43 p.
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The LSI-R and the COMPAS: Validation Data on Two Risk-Needs Tools
By Fass, Tracy L.; Heilbrun, Kirk; Dematteo, David; Fretz, Ralph.
The predictive validities of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) and the Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) actuarial risk-needs assessment tools are examined. Results are shown for: offense history, parole history, and risk-needs tool scores by race; participant rearrest within 12 months of release; racial difference in rearrest within 12 months of release; LSI-R predicted recidivism and actual rearrest; COMPAS predicted recidivism and actua... Read More
14 pages
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Gender Responsive Classification Instruments for Women Offenders: What Do They Look Like and How Will They Improve Practice? [Lesson Plan]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
This two-hour training session is for correctional managers wanting to implement risk and needs assessments for adult female offenders. Participants will: become familiar with gender-responsive assessments and approaches; and receive information regarding the adoption of the Women’s Risk and Needs Assessment instrument. Topics discussed include: evidence-based practice; risk/needs assessment; gender-neutral risk assessment; women offenders; gender-responsive concepts; risk assessment validation;... Read More

12 p.
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Reentry Readiness Manual
Rutgers University. Center for Behavioral Health Services and Criminal Justice Research (New Brunswick, NJ).
This assessment of ten questions, is an effective way to see whether the offender feels s/he is ready to successfully reenter the community.... Read More
16 pages
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Gender-Responsive Program Assessment
By Covington, Stephanie S.; Bloom, Barbara E.. Center for Gender and Justice (La Jolla, CA).
“The Gender-Responsive Program Assessment tool is an instrument by which program administrators, program evaluators, agency monitors and staff can evaluate the gender responsiveness of programs for women and girls and obtain feedback that can be used to improve the quality of a program’s services” (p. 1). This tool allows one to evaluate these program elements: theoretical foundation and mission statement; site and facility; administration and staffing; program environment and culture; treatment... Read More
19 pages
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Gender-Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment, Final Report
By Wright, Emily; Van Voorhis, Patricia; Bauman, Ashley; Salisbury, Emily. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
Results are provided from an evaluation of the gender-responsive risk/needs assessment used by Minnesota, the LSI-R (Level of Service Inventory-Revised), and a supplement called the "trailer". Sections comprising this report include: project history; women offenders and risk assessment; study methodology; results; construction of the final trailer instrument; treatment and policy implications; implementation considerations; and conclusion.... Read More
117 p.
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A Gender Responsive Risk Assessment for Women Offenders: Results for the Missouri Department of Corrections Probation, Prison, and Pre-Release Samples
By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Salisbury, Emily; Wright, Emily; Bauman, Ashley; Holsinger, Kristi. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
Results are reported for an evaluation of a stand alone risk/needs assessment instrument for female offenders developed for the Missouri Department of Corrections. Sections of this document include: gender responsive needs; Missouri Project history; methodology; analyses of findings; implementation issues; and conclusion.... Read More
100 p.
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Gender Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment, Final Report
By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Salisbury, Emily; Bauman, Ashley; Wright, Emily . National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH).
Results from the Gender-Responsive Risk/Needs Assessment Project for Maui CARE are provided. Maui CARE is an "interagency collaboration with the communities of Maui, Molokai, and Lanai to improve criminal justice responses and outcomes for women and their families" (p. 9). This report contains sections about: project history; supporting research; study methodology; results; construction of the final trailer; summary of implementation considerations; and summary of policy implications.... Read More
75 p.

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