U.S. Department of Justice

Quality Assurance Workgroup Report, 2008-2009

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Aug. 18, 2009

Library ID

  • 023887

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  • 2009
  • 37 pages.

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ANNOTATION: Staff scoring proficiency and inter-rater reliability in using the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) and the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) by the Minnesota Department of Corrections are assessed. Sections of this report include: introduction; current policy; Quality Assurance Workgroup; baseline testing; LSI-R results; YLS/CMI results; conclusion and recommendations. With the assessment tools playing an increasing role in the delivery of services, the Workgroup recommends greater emphasis on training and quality assurance in the administration of these tools.

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