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Welcome to the Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC)
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The purpose of the Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) shall be to conduct a coordinated and comprehensive effort to keep invasive species out of Oregon and to eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the impacts of invasive species already established in Oregon.

OISC next meeting will be February 21, and 22, 2012 in Salem, Oregon. The annual OISC Awards dinner will be February 21 more information TBA.

Featured topics
Oregon Invasive Species Report Card
The Oregon Invasive Species Council maintains an overall grade of B+ for 2011 for their battle against invasive species
OISC Stop the Invasion Calendar
OISC calendar
Web-based invasive species calendar that lists important council events and dates. Each month will focus on a new invasive species from the Oregon 100 Worst list, and will include new teacher activities, and a pest risk assessment.
Oregon Invasive Species Control Account
New rule to guide OISC in determining eligibility for release of funds from the Oregon Invasive Species Control Account for the purposes of eradicating or controlling new infestations or infections of invasive species in Oregon.
Statewide Management Assessment of Invasive Species
A Statewide Management Assessment of Invasive Species in Oregon was conducted in 2009
Need to report an Invasive Species?
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Report invasive species call our toll free number 866-INVADER or online
Buy It Where You Burn It
Are you planning a camping trip? The states of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon want you to think about protecting natural resources by not moving firewood. The Buy it Where You Burn It campaign launched July 15
GardenSmart Oregon: A Guide to Non-invasive Plants
Replace invasive plants in your yard and garden with smart alternatives.
This 56 page booklet identifies invasive plants that can escape gardens and threaten natural areas. It is illustrated photos and offers tips to help gardeners select non-invasive replacement plants appropriate to different regions of Oregon. Alternatives include both native and ornamental plants commonly available in the nursery trade.
Don't Move a Mussel Video Available
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission is now providing a free video to viewers with background information on quagga and zebra mussels
Statesman Journal's series on invasive species
10-month series on Invasive Species of Oregon, view stories, photo galleries, videos and the database of invasive species