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What to do about domestic violence
What to do about domestic violence
With the terrible tragedies of domestic violence and murder-suicides that have been in the news in Oregon recently, many people have been asking how they can help. If you are a victim of any kind of domestic violence, there is help available. Also, the Oregon Alliance to End Violence Against Women has put together some information on how everyone in the community can get involved.
Are you a domestic violence victim/survivor?
Do you know a domestic violence survivor?
Learn how to help
Let him or her know it's not their fault.
Let him or her know you are concerned for their safety.
Help him or her develop a safety plan.
Have you hurt someone you love?
There is help - Please contact a provider in the Batterer Intervention Program (BIP).
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month! Ask before you proceed.
"It is estimated that one out of six adult women in Oregon have been the victim of forcible rape sometime in her life time" - Governor's Proclamation for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
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