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Help stop the spread of invasive species in Oregon
Think you've found an invader?
Have you seen something suspicious in your backyard or neighborhood? Are you having trouble identifying something you've found? Report potential invasive species you've found to the Online Hotline. Your submission will provide vital early detection information to the experts working to stop the next invasion before it starts.
Report an invader
If you spot a potential invasive species in Oregon, please call the Invasive Species Hotline number, 1-866-INVADER (1-866-468-2337). This number is toll-free. You may also call this number if you have a question regarding a specific invasive pest.
There is a new online reporting system for invasive species, submit an online request at http://oregoninvasiveshotline.org/


Join OISC list serve
If you would like to join the Oregon Invasive Species Council list serve, you can receive email updates on invasive species issues in Oregon. This network list serve is used by the Oregon Invasive Species Council to send out invasive species updates, and meeting and upcoming event dates.
To be added to the list serve contact invasive-network@oda.state.or.us

Page updated: April 29, 2008