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Data Products ›› Fire Regimes

Historical fire regimes, intervals, and vegetation conditions are mapped using the Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool (VDDT). These data support fire and landscape management planning goals in the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy, the Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy, and the Healthy Forests Restoration Act.

Products » Fire Regime Data Product Alerts
Historical Fire Frequency and SeverityVegetation Departure
Fire Regime Groups - characterize the presumed historical fire regimes within landscapes
Mean Fire Return Interval - average period between fires under the presumed historical fire regime
Percent Low-severity Fire - low-severity fires relative to mixed- and replacement-severity fires under the presumed historical fire regime
Percent Mixed-severity Fire -mixed-severity fires relative to low- and replacement-severity fires under the presumed historical fire regime
Percent Replacement-severity Fire - replacement-severity fires relative to low- and mixed-severity fires under the presumed historical fire regime
Vegetation Condition Class - a discrete metric that quantifies the amount that current vegetation has departed from the simulated historical vegetation reference conditions
Vegetation Departure - range from 0 - 100 depicting the amount that current vegetation has departed from simulated historical vegetation reference conditions
Succession Classes - current vegetation conditions with respect to vegetation species composition, cover, and height ranges of successional states occurring within each biophysical setting


Fire regime products are used:
bulletfor landscape assessments bulletin comparisons of historical to current conditions
bulletto identify landscape management priorities

Follow the links below to learn more about how these data are used for these and other uses: PDF


BLM - Bodie Hills Conservation Action Planning


Vegetation Dynamics Models & VCC to Support Ecological Assessments
Project Summary: Supporting Fire and Land Management Across the Nation

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