More Information About CEW

Welcome to the Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (CEW). Our mission is to support contingency operations around the world with highly qualified, motivated individuals who are invested in directly supporting the Warfighter. We meet our mission by connecting the Combatant Commands(COCOMs) that need civilian expertise to accomplish their goals with qualified candidates who are eager to spend a year working side-by-side with their Military colleagues. Because we are focused on contingency operations, the requirements we meet for our COCOM customers are always evolving. Our most successful candidates recognize the fluid nature of Contingency support and remain flexible throughout the application and deployment process.

CEW is one component of a process that involves the COCOMs, our applicants, and those who are selected for contingency operations positions. Each of these entities has distinct roles and responsibilities.

  • COCOMs define the requirements and make the final selection on all candidates.
  • CEW posts all open positions, reviews all resumes, and forwards all qualified candidates to the COCOMs for selection. CEW also shepherds selected candidates through the pre-deployment process to ensure that they are trained and equipped for their deployment, and provides as-required support to deployers throughout the course of their deployment.
  • Applicants assess their qualifications against the requirements and ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements for deployment.
  • Deployers spend a year working alongside their Military counterparts, and provide critical expertise to meet operational needs.

Whatever part you play in getting the contingency operations job done, CEW recognizes that we can't be successful without you. We go together.

About the Program

A Message from Secretary of Defenese Panetta

What's New in CEW?

About CEW

More Information about the MoDA Program

MoDA Trifold
MoDA Flyer
List of MODA Articles, Videos, and Press Releases
For additional information, contact the MoDA Program Office via email at or by telephone at 571-372-4825.


CEW Policies

Privacy Act Statement

Supervisor Training

Supervisor Training