Pre-Deployment Processing and Training

Getting Started

Step 1. If you are selected, your Component Point of Contact (POC) will be in immediate contact with you. Your POC will provide you with important forms to start the process. The timeline for your departure is aggressive. We need your help in ensuring your timely arrival.

Step 2. Start completing the pre-deployment checklist. Make an appointment with either your local Military Medical Facility or private physician for a physical examination. You will be reimbursed for this examination if you select your private physician. The medical requirements will be contained in the processing package provided by your POC.

Step 3. You will be able to travel on a tourist or official passport. If you do not have either a Tourist or Official Passport, you will receive expedited processing. Your POC will provide the necessary forms.

Step 4. Put your legal and personal affairs in order. Once you have your official travel orders, you will be entitled to assistance from your local Staff Judge Advocates Office. Your POC will provide you with the details to access this service.

Step 5. Take the online training specific to the geographical area that you will be located (see directions on the first slide).

Step 6. Take advantage of the resources in place to help you. Do not hesitate to contact your POC. No question is too small or insignificant. Your questions will help us understand how to serve you and those who follow you better.

Key Deployment Information

Before leaving to travel from "parent" command to CRC and then to Theater, individuals should know the following:

  • Who your POC at parent command will be, who will handle your pay/personnel actions (e.g., who will process your SF 1190s for Danger Pay and Post Differential)?
  • Who will coordinate and input timekeeping info and troubleshoot any timekeeping issues? What format or process does your parent command require?
  • If under NSPS, what expectation does your permanent supervisor have of individual and MNSTC-I management regarding performance appraisals (setting objectives, providing eval input, etc.)?


Online Instructions:

Login to JKO, go to and select "Click here to enter JKO"

If you don't already have an account, you will need to register for an AKO/DKO account and will be directed to the AKO login when you select "Click here to enter JKO". Select "Create sponsored account" and complete the form to obtain an account. Enter "" as your ARMY sponsor. Be sure to provide your external email address and SSN to expedite account approval. You will receive an email notification of account approval and instructions for login through AKO/DKO.

From the JKO home page, click on the button (right side of page) "JTF HQ Training"

From this page click on any one of the Area communities such as Iraq, Afghanistan or Horn of Africa

From this page, click on the "Start Survey" button under the "Registration Survey" heading

After finishing the survey, click on the blue link "LMS" under the heading "Part 1: Academic Training" You will be directed to the JKO LMS.

On the LMS site, if this is your first time to use this system, you will need to update your student profile.

Click on the Enrollment tab at the top and "Browse Courses". Courses can be easily identified by the Prefix (Ex. J1OP-MN067). The courses required are found on the following pages for your future location (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc).

Residential Training Requirement

The CEW has implemented a mandatory training program from CEW civilians deploying overseas and domestically to prepare them for their joint assignments. This residential training occurs at Camp Atterbury, Indiana and is 10 days in duration. The first pilot session commenced in January, 2010 and includes pre-deployment processing, preparation for serving with the military, weapons familiarization, safety courses, and additional topics. To ensure that all CEW civilians are well prepared and to maintain an enterprise-wide knowledge base, the training cannot be waived if the civilian has served on previous deployments. During your pre-deployment processing, the CEW will provide you with the training agenda, packing list, logistics information, and other important information regarding your attendance at this training.